
My Attitude Depends On Your Behaviour

September 14, 2022

My Attitude Depends On Your Behaviour

components of attitude in organisational behaviour

Daftar Isi

1. components of attitude in organisational behaviour

Components of attitude in organizational behavious can be defined as ABC (Affective, Behavioural dan Cognitive)

1. Affective represent the feeling or emotions that we brought to the surface about something, example: hate, angry, afraid or worry

Example: Someone might love babies because they are lovely or someone might hate the smokers because they like to smoke during the work

2. Behavioural consists people have the tendency to behave in particular way toward an object or cicumstances and it will reflect the intention of the particular person. Example: We will leave when there is the smokers around

3. Cognitive refers to belief, thoughts and attributes that we would associate with the object. Example: The employee who do not stay in the employment for more than a year is not a good employee

2. How you communicate with your computer depends on the kind of. Being used

yes kind of lovely brother and sister

3. contoh teks dialog expressing attitude to ward tentang : your friend litters the classroom by trowing some papers on the floor. express your attitude to ward him.

don't throw rubbish anywhere. it's bad attitude. our teacher has taught us about that.

4. Pressure exerted water at the bottom of the container depends on the.....​

The hydrostatics pressure. Maaf kalau salah*

5. by singing this song eccording to your opinion how is the daughter's behaviour? she hasA.a good behaviourB.a bad behaviourC.a good and bad behaviour​


A. a good behaviour


by singing this song eccording to your opinion how is the daughter's behaviour? she has a good behaviour


A.a good behavour

maaf kalo salah

6. if you don't change your Bad Attitude everybody will hate...​

jika Anda tidak mengubah Sikap Buruk Anda, semua orang akan membenci...


If you don't change your Bad Attitude everybody will hate Me/Self.

Jika Anda tidak mengubah Sikap Buruk Anda, semua orang akan membenci saya/Diri Sendiri.


Jadikan jawaban tercerds dan follow ya..

7. The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act. What is the meaning behind the caption above?​


the word will return to verbal numbers, if there is the word "meaning eat the formula from the word you are copper with the words to" and be, just an additional word

8. Can we order geser that 100 fansa. It depends on the stock.b. No, we can't.c. It depends on buyer.d. Yes, we can.Berikan alasanya dari jawaban tersebut

d.yes we can
semoga membantu

9. The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act. Barbara Sher dari teks diatas, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa kemauan dan tindakan adalah​


Kemauan mendatangkan keberuntungan (?)

10. write a short message to one of your classmate. compliment him / her on his / her achievement behaviour,etc​


Hi clara, i congratullate you for being the first winner of spelling bee. I hope you could reach a higher and better possition on the next competition! Who knows if your gonna be a national winner of spelling be and be the pride of Indonesia.

-Your dear friend, Mehmed

11. The pitch of a sound depends on the amplitude while loudness of a sound depends on the frequency of sound waves.a.trueb.falsejwb yh mksh yg udh jwb​

Kayak nya b false maaf kalo salah baru juga aku di sini

12. If you don't change your bad attitude, everybody will hate.


jika kamu tidak merubah sifat burukmu,semuanya orang akan membenci mu

13. Beny is a…..boy. He never depends on other’s help​


good boy maap kalo syalah

14. the book ... three chapters. a. depends on b. consists of c. rely on d. succeed in

kalo gak salah jawabannya b. consists of, coba cek aja :)c jawabannya, the book rely on three chapters.

15. The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency while loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of sound waves.truefalse​


Pitch suara bergantung pada frekuensi, sedangkan kenyaringan suara bergantung pada amplitudo gelombang suara


maaf kalo salah


Jawabnnya adalah true(benar)

16. academic ... depends on being a responsible student​

Responsible students take ownership of their actions by exhibiting the following behaviors. They:

demonstrate academic integrity and honesty.

attend and participate in classes, labs, and seminars, prepared and on time.

complete the assigned work in a timely manner with attention to quality of work.

avoid making excuses for their behavior.

communicate in a careful and respectful manner with professors, peers, and other members of the college community.

are engaged learners who dedicate sufficient time outside of class to college work.

act in a civil manner that respects the college learning/social environment and complies with college policies outlined in the student constitution and college catalog.

utilize college resources and seek help when needed.

respect diverse ideas and opinions.

identify, develop, and implement a plan to achieve their educational goals.

17. Ubah menjadi nominal clause Does it too expensive? My choice will depends on that.


disisi yang tidak mudah untuk digunakannya untuk dilakukan dan apa saja untuk membuat kita menjadi orang sukses dan bahagia untuk digunakan


click to play or download the ringtone suara burung cucak jenggot yang paling banyak di cari di google dan bahagia yang tidak mudah untuk dilakukan dan diprioritaskan oleh dan bahagia untuk membuat kita tidak mudah bagi

18. Gravitational force depends on..............and........... between the object on the earth​


Mass and radius


Semoga bisa membantu anda

19. Give Your Opinion about the Covid 19 Pandemic This is fake, real, conspiracy, ITS depends on you making an Opinion​


I think Covid-19 is real. However, the existence of this virus is intended to reduce the number of people in the world.

Artinya : Saya rasa Covid-19 ini memang nyata. Namun, kemunculan virus ini memang disengaja untuk mengurangi jumlah penduduk yang ada di dunia.


semoga membantujgn lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas^^

20. apa arti that depends on you?​


itu tergantung padamu/anda


itu tergantung anda ............

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