
A Ship Anchored In A Port Has A Ladder

September 09, 2022

A Ship Anchored In A Port Has A Ladder

the quartermaster keeps a lookout for the vessels and steers the ship in and out of port

Daftar Isi

1. the quartermaster keeps a lookout for the vessels and steers the ship in and out of port


quartermaster mengawasi kapal dan mengarahkan kapal masuk dan keluar dari pelabuhan

semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban yang terbaik

2. harbor./a/docks/ship/in/a​


a ship in a docks harbor



sebuah kapal di dermaga pelabuhan

maaf kalau salah semoga membantu ^.^

3. ...8. I am (menyesal) I cannot come to yourbirthday partya. hungryc. beautifulb. thirstyd. sorry9. My friends are ... (yakin) they will win the con-test.c. funnyb. sadd. sleepya. sure10. Zaki is ... (terkejut) because Tyas got the bestscore in the class.a. worriedc. horrifiedb. surprisedd. afraid...11. has - He - toy ship - a.The correct order isa. Toy ship has a he. c. He has a toy ship.b. He has toy ship a. d. Toy ship he a has.​


8. D. Sorry

9. A. Sure

10. B. Surprised

11. C. He has a toy ship

•Sorry if i'm wrong :(

8) D. sorry
9) A. sure
10) B. surprised
11) C. He has a toy ship.

4. a person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a...tolongg jawabb ya​

docker, tapi ini kemungkinan ya kak...

5. 1.(+)The ship moored in the harbour (-) (?)2.(+)The engineer stood away from the flames (-) (?)3.(+)The ship anchored away from other ship (-) (?)4.(+)The suez canal took ten years to build5.(+)Ferdinand de lesseps was a french engineer (-) (?)Tolong Cariin kalimat Negatif sama Kalimat tanya nyah​


1. (Regular)

(-) The ship did not moore in the harbour

(?) Did the Ship Moore in the harbour?

2. (Irregular)

(-) The engineer did not stand away from the flames

(?) Did the engineer stand away from the flames?

3. (Regular )

(-) The ship did not anchor away from other ship

(?) Did the ship anchor away from other ship?

4. (Irregular)

(-) The Suez canal did not take ten years to build

(?) Did he Suez canal take ten years to build?

5. (Continues)

(-) Ferdinand de Lesseps was not a French engineer

(?) Was Ferdinand de Lesseps a French engineer?



(+) S + verb 2 + O/K

(-) S + did not + verb 1 + O/K

(?) Did + S + verb 1 + O/K?

Regular : Play : PlayedOpen : opened

Irregular :take : tookgo : went


(+) S + Was/ Were + O/K

(+) S + Was/Were not + O/K

(?) Was/Were + S + O/K?


6. a person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a...​

Stevedore - Sometimes the word "stevedore" is used to mean "man who loads and unloads a ship" as the British "docker".

Hope this helps?

7. we can take a ship in the ... help me plsss

The most common answer is probably harbor (pelabuhan), because that's where most of ships dock.


"We can take ships in the [...]", dalam Bahasa Indonesia berarti "Kita dapat mengambil (atau naik) kapal di [...]".

8. My uncle is a sailor, every early morning he waits for the ship in .. but he loves his jobs.... A. A railway stationB. An air portC. A bus stop D. A harbourMASIH ADA SOALNYA LAGITAPI DI CHET AJA DI KOMENTAR​

My uncle is a sailor, every early morning he waits for the ship in D. A harbour but he loves his jobs.


Dalam bahasa inggris dikenal suatu istilah yaitu public places. Public places jika diartikan dalam bahasa indonesia berarti tempat-tempat umum. Public places adalah tempat-tempat yang biasa digunakan oleh banyak orang untuk melakukan suatu aktivitas sehingga public places sendiri memang diperuntukkan atau difungsikan kepada masyarakat umum yang banyak.

Macam-macam public places dan fungsinya

Public places dalam bahasa inggris memiliki banyak sekali macamnya, Macam-macam public place dalam bahasa inggris diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

Airport (bandara) : place the plane flight, place to wait for the plane.Bakery (toko roti) : place to buy cakes.Bank (bank) : place to keep money in order to be safe.Bridge (jembatan) : to cross the road.Bus stop (pemberhentian bus) : place the bus stop, place to wait for the bus.Butcher shop (toko daging) : place to buy meat.Market (pasar) : place to buy and sell something.Car wash (tempat cuci mobil) : place to wash the car.Church (geraja) : place to pray for christian communities.Mosque (masjid) : place to pray for muslim communities.Cinema (bioskop) : place to watch movie.Hospital (rumah sakit) : place to care sick people.Drugstore (toko obat) : place to buy medicine.Restaurant (restoran) : place to eat food, breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc.Hotel (hotel) : place to stay for a while.School (sekolah) : place to study.Post office (kantor pos) : place to send and receive letter.Library (perpustakaan) : place to read the books.Museum (museum) : place to see the historical objects.Pet store (toko hewan peliharaan) : place to buy pets.Swimming pool (kolam renang) : place to swim.Zoo (kebun binatang) : place to see the animals.

Pembahasan setiap opsi :

Question :

My uncle is a sailor, every early morning he waits for the ship in ..- but he loves his jobs berarti

Meaning of question :

Paman saya adalah seorang pelaut, setiap pagi dia menunggu kapal di ... tetapi dia mencintai pekerjaannya.

Opsi A tidak tepat karena railway station berarti stasiun kereta. Seorang sailor atau pelaut tidak akan menunggu kapal laut di stasiun kereta. Railway station adalah tempat untuk menunggu kereta atau train.Opsi B tidak tepat karena airport berarti bandara. Seorang sailor atau pelaut tidak akan menunggu kapal laut di bandara. Airport adalah tempat untuk menunggu pesawat atau plane.Opsi C tidak tepat karena bus stop berarti pemberhentian bus. Seorang sailor atau pelaut tidak akan menunggu kapal laut di pemberhentian bus. Bus stop adalah tempat untuk menunggu bus.Opsi D tepat karena harbour berarti pelabuhan. Seorang sailor akan menunggu kapal laut di pelabuhan. Kapal laut akan berhenti di sana.

Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah pada opsi D. Harbour.

Pelajari lebih lanjut Sebutkan yang termasuk public places dan fungsinya dalam bahasa inggris I

Detail jawaban

Kelas : 2

Mapel : Bahasa inggris

Materi : Bab 9 - Public places

Kode kategorisasi : 2.5.9

Kata kunci : Public places and function of public places.

9. A : What do you see, Nizom ? B : a ship A : Wow , ...... a.what a big ship it is b.what a big ship

jawabannya adalah b. what a big ship

10. 1. A man who works in a crew ship is a ....​




Sorry if wrong,

Peace ✌️


a sailor

maaf jika kurang tepat

11. mr brother and i (work) as a cook in a passenger ship (+)

My brother and I are working as cook in a commercial ship.

Semoga cucok ya...

12. A : What do you see, Nizom ? B : a ship A : Wow , ...... a.what a big ship it is b.what a big ship


A:what do you see,Nizom?=apa yg kmu lihat?

B:a ship=sebuah kapal


a.what a big ship it is=betapa besar kapal itu

b.what a big ship=kapal yg besar


pilihlah yang menurutmu sangat benar:))

13. ada yang bisa bantuplace a, an, or the blanks if an article is neede1. there is.....big ship in the port2. every ship has.....stem...bow...and ....bridege3. in...engine room there are two big rurbines4. i went to....bridge where the....mates are working5. the... .engines of...ship can turn a head and astern6. every ship must have lifebuot's to save the...crew when she is in distress7. stearn engine is an......oldest type of engine​


1. There is a big ship in the port

2. every ship has a stem, a bow and a bridge

3. in the engine room there are two big rurbines

4. I went to the bridge where the mates are working

5. The engines of a ship can turn a head and astern

6. every ship must have lifeboats to save the crew when she is in distress

7. Stearn engine in the oldest type of engine

Kita menggunakan "a" jika kata berikutnya berawal dengan huruf consonant. Kita menggunakan "an" jika kata berikutnya berawal dengan huruf vowel/vokal.


Maaf jika salah. Semoga membantu! Semangat belajar ya!

14. 2. Describe these things in three sentences!a. a flashlightb. a ladderc. an umbrella​


A. it shines. we use it when the electricity was dead.

B.we use it to climb up to higher places(not so high)

C. we use it when its raining or sunny

15. a. In a model of a ship, the mast is 9 cm high, while the mast of the actual ship is 12 m high. If the length of the ship is 28 m, how long is the model ship?

A. Dalam model kapal, tiang itu setinggi 9 cm, sedangkan tiang kapal yang sebenarnya tingginya 12 m. Jika panjang kapal 28 m, berapa panjang kapal modelnya?
tinggi tiang model = 9cm /100 = 0.09 m
tinggi tiang =12m
panjang kapal= 28 m
panjang model kapal (pm)?
tinggi tiang/ tiang model = panjang kapal / panjang model
12 pm=28*0.09
12pm= 2.52
pm= 2.52/ 12
pm =0.21 m
0.21*100= 21cm

16. a person who loads and unloads ships in a port is a...​






maaf kalo slah trims

17. There ... a galley in the ship.a. are b. is c. am​


There is a galley in the ship

Answer : is


maaf kalo salah..semoga membantu!


there are a galley in the ship




18. Porthole is .... *A. a small usually round window in the side of a ship.B. a smaller boat kept on a ship for people to leave in if the ship is not safe or might sink.C. a small room where you sleep in a ship.D. a device that measures air pressure and shows when the weather is likely to change.​


Penjelasan:semoga membantu

19. susun kata vahasa inggris harbor a docks ship in a

A ship docks in a harborA Ship docks in the harbour

20. susunlah kata berikut menjadi benar . has-He-toy ship-a​


he has a toy ship


sorry kalau salah


he has a toy ahip


maaf kalau salah itu aku ngasal

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