
4 Lines Poem In Marathi

September 19, 2022

4 Lines Poem In Marathi

Make a poem about fear in your life4 stanza4 linesPlease help :(​

Daftar Isi

1. Make a poem about fear in your life4 stanza4 linesPlease help :(​

I lived on dread; to those who know

The stimulus there is

In danger, other impetus

Is numb and vital-less.

As 't were a spur upon the soul,

A fear will urge it where

To go without the spectre's aid

Were challenging despair

2. a group of lines that forms a unit in a song or a poem

jawabannya STANZA

semoga membantu^^

3. how many lines does the poem have

Berapa banyak garis yang dimiliki puisi itu

Maaf kalo salahberapa banyak baris yang dimiliki puisi

4. Please answer these questions !1) What is the subject being discussed in the poem ?2) In your own words, explain the theme of the poem !3) What's the speaker's attitude / tone in the poem ?4) Why do you think he wants the wild swans to come again in the last two lines ?​


1 any subject that the creator wants

5. Tolong bantu di jawab wahai suhu b.Inggris1. What is the subject of the poem?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What does writer compare on his poem?4. What words help develop the tone of the poem?5. Paraphrase the poem in your own words in a fee sentence?


first of all I wanna ask you. Where's the poem? we can't answer those questions if you don't add the poem

6. Write down 4 lines of riddle poem about book and handphone. Terima kasih

Everyone know me
I'm everywhere, where student comes and go
They learn from me
What am I

Everyone knew me
I always there for them whenever they need help or friends
They always need me, when I'm dying they look for help to bring me back healthy again

Gomenasai kalau salah

7. make 10 lines of confersation in English !​


a : hello b

b : hello

a : how are you today?

b : oh i'm fine thanks and you?

a : i'm fine too, by the way what do you do?

b : i'm read a this book

a : what is that?

b : a romance book

a : oh, well i must go now and see you next time b

b : sure, see you be careful


hope it helps and sorry if i'm wrong

Eager to learnJawaban:
Yoga : Hi Ali, how are you doing today?
Ali : Hi Yoga, I feel bad now.
Yoga : Oh, what happened?
Ali : I just lied to my mother about my score in my Exam.
Yoga : Why did you lie to her?
Ali : Because I got bad score in my Exam, if she finds out my exam score is bad she will be very angry.
Yoga : You better apologize now and tell to your mother your real score, maybe if you apologize she will forgive you.
Ali : But, what if she will be angry?
Yoga : This is your responsibility, you should've studied from yesterday if you knew there would be an exam today.
Ali : Yeah right I think I better apologize to my mother.
Yoga : Yeah.

Maaf kalau salah.

8. Write 2 stanzas poem about animals or the sea. Each stanza is 4 lines with the rhyme scheme a a b b.


The peaceful waves and the pretty shell

Which ones I like more, I can't tell

Up in the surface, yet so dim

Perfect time to go for a swim

It's so calming for the healthy mind

A relaxing dive helps you unwind

The fish, the reefs, a surface so sandy

Nothing more lovely than the deep blue sea

9. artinya:A ballad is a poem that usually tells a story that is similar to a is often written in quatrains,and usually in lines that are iambic trimeter.

Artinya:Sebuah balada adalah puisi yang menceritakan kisah yg mirip dengan cerita rakyat. Sering ditulis dalam kuatrain, dan biasanya di baris yg trimeter iambik.

Iambik = berirama iambik

Arti diatas menurut terjemahannya.
Semoga membantu…

Jangan lupa terima Kasih!!!

10. Write down 4 lines of riddle poem about book and handphone. Terima kasih

I am a technology that usefull.
I'm also make your day so wonderfull.
My shape is not square.
You can find me anywhere.

11. . A group of lines that forms a unit in a song or a poem : _ t _ _ n _ a

jawabannya Stanza

"A group of consecutive lines in a poem that form a single unit." = stanza

12. what are the first and the second lines of the poem 1 about?

Tentang apakah puisi pada baris pertama dan kedua ??

#kalau mau dijawab soalnya, sertakan puisi nya

13. A group of lines that forms a unit in a song or a poem=_t__n_aisi titiknya kak​


A group of lines that forms a unit in a song or a poem = Stanza ...?


14. 10 lines poem alliteration and atlis every lines must have 3 letters that same​

10 baris aliterasi puisi dan setiap baris harus memiliki 3 huruf yang sama

15. C. Answer the following questions based on the poem! 1. What is the social function of the poem? 2. What is the poem about the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem? 4. What is the message of the poem?5. How many lines are there in the poem? 6. How is the mood of the poem?7. Can you find imagery in the poem? If yes, write! 8. Does the poem use simile? Explain! 9. Can you find onomatopoeia in the poem? What is it? 10. Explain the rhymes of the poem! ​tolong segera ya

1. The role of mother in the family is very important. How a mother could take care of the whole family member with affection and love. The poem is written to appreciate mother.

2. An Appreciation to mother.

3. The poem tries to tell how a mother is full of love and affection when she takes care of family including her child and husband.

4. The poem tries to deliver a message about how lovely, caring, and affectionate a mother is.

5. Eleven lines

6. Heart-melting

7. Yes. I imagine a mother figure who is full of love

8. Yes. Like for the example the tenth line, 'Mysterious like the God above', the writer compares a mother to a God which completely different things.

9. Yes. In the line 5, a choo-choo train.

10. The rhymes of the poem are identical.


A poem is a group of spoken or written words that contains expressions of ideas or emotions in a powerfully structural and imaginative style. A poem is made of a particular rhythmic and metrical pattern. Technically, it is different from prose or ordinary speech, as it is either in a metrical pattern or in free verse.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Materi tentang poem dapat juga disimak pada link berikut


16. what is stanza in poem ??

a stanza is a division of four or more lines having a fixed length, meter or rhyming schemeDon't listen to the first answerer. He doesn't know what
he's talking about.
1) A stanza is NOT a line.
2) A stanza of a poem equals to a paragraph of an essay,
without the indentation.
For example:
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, (line 1)
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair (line 6)
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay (line 11)
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh (line 16)
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
3) You refer to it as the first stanza, the second stanza,
the third stanza and the last stanza.
That is basically what a stanza of a poem is.
A Literature major graduate, now pursuing an MA in English
Literary Studies.

17. 1. What is the poem about?2. What is the theme of the poem?3. What can you understand about the poem?4. What is yhe message of the poem?5. How is the rhyme scheme of each stanza?6. The pome uses symbols. What do "arrow" and "song" mean?7. Do you find figure of speech in the poem? If yes, mention it!8. Write lines using assonance!9. How is the line break?​


1 panah dan lagu

2 hati seorang teman

3 kuatnya ikatan persahabatan

4 walaupun aku dalam kesusahan teman selalu ada membantu

5 menajukpkan

6 panah adalah simbol ikatan dan lagu adalah simbol cinta

7 hebatnya teman


segitu saja yang bisa saya bantu

18. artinya:A ballad is a poem that usually tells a story that is similar to a is often written in quatrains,and usually in lines that are iambic trimeter.

Sebuah balada adalah puisi yang biasanya mengisahkan sebuah cerita yang mirip dengan cuma. hal ini sering ditulis dalam quatrains, dan biasanya di garis yang iambic trimeter.

19. 1. What is the definition of a poem?2. What do you know about line stanza?3. Mention and explain three main typesof poem?4. Which figure of speech of these lines?I felt like a fish out of waterb. The flowers danced in the gentlebreezec. The stars were diamonds in thesky5. Write a short poem ( four lines ) abouta.your school​


1 I do not know 2 I do not know3 I do not know

20. 1. What is the poem about that you selected? 2. How many stanzas does the poem have ? 3. How many lines does the poem have ? 4. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem that you selected ?

1. Apa puisi tentang yang Anda pilih?

2. Ada berapa bait puisi tersebut?

3. Ada berapa baris puisi tersebut?

4. Apa skema rima dari puisi yang Anda pilih?


ini bahasa Indonesia nya

semoga membantu

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