
Write The Output Of The Following Program

Agustus 18, 2022

Write The Output Of The Following Program

What is the output of the following code ? int a =3; int b =2; b=a++; cout<<++b;

Daftar Isi

1. What is the output of the following code ? int a =3; int b =2; b=a++; cout<<++b;

output dari int a =3;
int b =2;


2. kinerja dengan ungkapan "The most criticalperformance criteria vary from job to job, butthe employee performance measures common tomost jobs include the following":1. Quantity of output2. Quality of output3. Timeliness of output4. Presence at work5. Ability to Teamwor​


kinerja dengan anggapan "Yang paling kritis

kriteria kinerja bervariasi dari satu pekerjaan ke pekerjaan, tetapi

ukuran kinerja karyawan yang umum

sebagian besar pekerjaan termasuk yang berikut ":

1. Jumlah output

2. Kualitas hasil

3. Ketepatan waktu output

4. Kehadiran di tempat kerja

5. Kemampuan untuk Teamwor

3. The output of 0.35:7 is Please respond the same way.​


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

0.35 : 7 = 0.05


4. which of the following statement pertains to macroeconomics? A. The price of beef declined by 5 percent last month B. astra international profits increased 7 percent last year C. The real domestic output increased by 3 percent last year D. The price of personal computers declined last year E. The productivity of steelworkers increased by 1 percent last year please also explain your answer, tysm!


B. Astra internasional profits increased 7 percent last year


Macroeconomics is talking about a branch of economics that focuses on large scale.

5. The output power of an engine is 600 kW. if the efficiency of the engine is 75%. Determine the power input .... kW

efisiensi = (keluaran÷masukan) x 100%
75 % = (600 ÷ masukan) x 100%
0,75 = 600 ÷ masukan
masukan = 600 ÷ 0,75 = 800 kW

6. Program latihan1; Var nama: string; Begin nama:='tyas'; Write(nama); End. Output dari program diatas adalah...?




karena variavel nama di isi dengan tyas

7. If two firms A and B use the same labor input, L, their output in the short-term is given by QA = 108L and QB = 4L2, respectively. Find the non-zero value of L which produces the same level of output for these two firms.


8. Problem Statement It is known that the area of a regular dodecagon inscribed in a circle of radius a is 3 a 2 . Given an integer r , find the area of a regular dodecagon inscribed in a circle of radius r . Constraints 1 ≤ r ≤ 100 r is an integer. Input Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: r Output Print an integer representing the area of the regular dodecagon. Sample Input 1 4 Sample Output 1 48 The area of the regular dodecagon is 3 × 4 2 = 48 . Sample Input 2 15 Sample Output 2 675 Sample Input 3 80 Sample Output 3 19200 bantu lagi kuy C++



using namespace std;

int r;

int main() {

cin >> r ;

cout << 3*r*r << endl;


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

nih coba aja di run



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah

semoga benar

9. 1. Perhatikan potongan kode program nilai of38..48:write('E');49..59:write('D');60..70:write('C');71..81.write('B');else write('A')end;saat kita menginputkan nilai 100 outputnya adalah ...​




karena nilai selain dari E,D.C,B,

10. Discuss the view that economies will always return to the full employment level of output in the long run

In the long run, wages and other input costs adjust so the economy always returns to the full-employment level of output. This means that the long-run aggregate supply (LRAS) curve is vertical at the full-employment output level (which is also called potential output).

11. Observe the following pseudocode: a := 2; b := 5;tmp := 2*b; b := 2*a; a := tmp; writeln(b, " ", a); what is the output of the code above? 4 10 10 4 2 5 5 2 4 4


Jawabannya yaitu 4 4


Perintah writeln (b, “ “, a)

Sedangkan b = 2* a

Nilai a adalah 2 sehingga totalnya 4 (2x2)

Kemudian kode “ “ menghasilkan spasi

Selanjutnya parameter a dihasilkan dari rumus a:= tmp

Tmp didapatkan dari perkalian 2*b

Nilai b = 2

Maka 2 x 2 = 4

12. what happen to the width of the output if the timing resistor is decreased

It is also decreased.


13. What is the output of the following code? void printsum(int a, int b = 4) { cout << a + b << endl; } int main() { printsum(13); }

What is the output of the following code?


14. 1. what happens whenThe width of the column to display the output is less.​



1. apa yang terjadi kapan

Lebar kolom untuk menampilkan output lebih kecil.

15. What is the output of the following code snippet? using System; namespace Solution { class Solution { enum color { red, green, blue } static void Main(string[] args) { var c =; Console.WriteLine(); } } }


i dont understent sorry tolong untuk berbahasa indonesia

16. Observe the following pseudocode:a := 2; b := 5;tmp := 2*b;b := 2*a;a := tmp;writeln(b, " ", a); what is the output of the code above?4 1010 42 55 24 4

a  <--  2

b  <--  5

tmp  <--  2 x b

tmp  <--  2 x 5

tmp  <--  10

b  <-- 2 x a

a  <--  tmp

output : nilai dari variabel b 'terbaru' <spasi> nilai dari variabel 'a' terbaru

Penjelasan :

Tinggal masukan aja untuk variabel 'b' dua kali variabel angka 'a' yaitu berapa hasilnya, dan untuk variabel 'a' dengan nilai dari tmp yaitu berapa.

Penjelasan Lanjutan :

b  <-- 2 x a

a  <--  tmp

Pada baris program ini variabel 'b' terupdate yang semulai bernilai 5 sekarang menjadi 2 x a, begitu pula dengan variabel 'a' yang semula ialah 2 menjadi sama dengan nilai dari variabel tmp yaitu 'berapa'.

Output Program :

Setelah tahu nilai a dan b (atau b dan a). Maka yang akan tertulis di layar atau yang dinamakan 'output' ialah harga atau nilai dari variabel b <spasi> nilai dari variabel a.

17. What is the benefit of output transducer in the closed-loop control structure? explain what will happen if we control the motor position without the output transducer?


1.The benefits of a closed loop current transducers are similar to those of a current source, which include higher noise immunity and higher accuracy. The purpose of the current transducer is to measure current


18. Time Limit: 2 sec / Memory Limit: 1024 MB Score : 100 points Problem Statement It is known that the area of a regular dodecagon inscribed in a circle of radius a is 3a 2 . Given an integer r, find the area of a regular dodecagon inscribed in a circle of radius r. Constraints 1≤r≤100 r is an integer. Input Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: r Output Print an integer representing the area of the regular dodecagon. Sample Input 1 Copy 4 Sample Output 1 Copy 48 The area of the regular dodecagon is 3×4 2 =48. Sample Input 2 Copy 15 Sample Output 2 Copy 675 Sample Input 3 Copy 80 Sample Output 3 Copy 19200



using namespace std;  

int r;  

int main() {

   cin >> r ;

   cout << 3*r*r << endl;



using name space std problem solving

19. Discuss the view that economies will always return to the full employment level of output in the long run




Diskusikan pandangan bahwa perekonomian akan selalu kembali ke tingkat output lapangan kerja penuh dalam jangka panjang

20. Jika output yang diharapkan adalah bilangan ganjil mulai 19 hingga 1, apakah yang menyebabkan error pada potongan program berikut ini? the following code should output the odd integers from 19 to 1: for ( x= 19; x >= 1; x += 2 ) count << x << endl ;





dalam perulangan for setidaknya kita membutuhkan 3 kondisi yaitu kondisi awal perulangan, kondisi saat perulangan dan kondisi yang harus dipenuhi agar perulangan berhenti. format pelunisanya seperti berikut :

for (start; condition; increment)  




untuk mendapatkan nilai dari 19-1 kita melakukan perulangan for dengan memakai decrement (x--)

setelah mendapatkan nilai dari 19 - 1 kita menyeleksi bilanganya dengan menginisiasi bilangan menggunakan if(x%2 != 0) agar mendapatkan bilangan ganjil.

beriku keseluruhan kode :

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main(){

int x;








semoga membantu.

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