
Sadhu Shabd Roop In Sanskrit

Agustus 22, 2022

Sadhu Shabd Roop In Sanskrit

latihan jump roop untuk melatih

Daftar Isi

1. latihan jump roop untuk melatih

otot kaki, maaf kalau salah

2. sebutkan ciri ciri orang sadhu​


ditandai dengan polesan abu suci dan memancarkan keterputusan sekelilingnya

3. 38. Latihan jump roop untuk melatih .​


melatih otot



4. Namakan karya-karya yang terdapat di Asia Tenggara yang mengunakan bahasa Sanskrit.

Puing-puing istana *Apadana* yang berlokasi di kota Persepolis.
Dibangun oleh kaisar Darius Agung dan Xerxes I, sang penguasa Persia, pada abad ke-6 SM.

5. Read The Passage Carefully! Please identify the sentence number 21-24 whether “True” or “False” based on the Passage The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and central Sulawesi (Celebes) are known as Toraja, which has come to mean “Those who live upstream” or “Those who live in the mountains”. Their name is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskrit means “King”. The society is hierarchically structured (the noblemen are called rengnge, the ordinary people to makaka, and the slaves to kaunan) birth determines which rank a person will occupy. The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the “Buffalo horns”, the roof design and the rich decoration on the walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status, courage, strength, and fighting spirit. Designed as a representation of the universe, the tongkonan is constructed in three parts: the upper world (the roof), the world of humans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the space under the fl oor). The highly distinctive roofs constructed by the Toraja have given rise to various ingenious interpretations. Certainly the roof is something of deep signifi cance for the Toraja, and even today they build “Modern” (in other words houses built with cement) houses with such roofs. 21. The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of the Toraja are the “Buffalo horns”, the roof design and the poor decoration on the windows. 22. The extremely distinctive roofs constructed by the Toraja have given rise to various ingenious interpretations. 23. The society is hierarchically structured (the noblemen are called rengnge, the extra ordinary people to malaika, and the slaves to kaunan) birth determines which rank a person will occupy. 24. The name of “Toraja” is in fact derived from the word Baja, which in Sanskrit means “King”

21. TRUE

22. TRUE


24. TRUE

Maaf kalau salah: )

6. Answer:..6. What is the Sanskrit literature said about the first kingdom in indonesia?Answer:..7. When did the indonesia's history reach its peak?Answer...8. Where did the Sriwijaya territory span?Answer:9. What kingdom replaced Sriwijaya as the dominant power?Answer:...10. Where was Majapahit kingdom's capital?Answer:....​


king dom kapital hebat

7. kenapa bahasa melayu masih ada sangkut pautnya dengan bahasa sanskrit?

karena rerata bahasa melayu masih ada hubungannya dengan bahasa-bahasa yang ada di daerah asia tenggara

8. Seorang Bhikkhuyang mendapat gelar keagamaan "Sri Maha Sadhu" dari Raja Kambojabernama?​


Hasnah Siregar


itu yang benar ok thanks ayo semangat belajarnya maaf ya kalo ada yang salah

9. Dibawah ini yang bukan nama lain dari singapura adalah A kota singa B siam C pulau ujong D sanskrit

B.siam maaf kalau salah

10. Prasasti Tugu or Tugu inscription is an artefactfrom the Kingdom of Tarumanagara. It is believeda round-cone shape. The writing on the Tuguto be dated 5th century AD. The inscription isinscription is written in Pallawa and Sanskrit.The writer of The Origin of Tempo DoeloeDjakarta book, Zaenuddin H.M, explains thatthe name Kampung Tugu originated from thecreation of a water channel with a length of 11inscription. The Tugu inscription describes thekilometres in 21 days. The Tugu inscription is found Source: sacred stone, and the Batu Tumbuh area is regarded as a sacred an area called Batu Tumbuh. It is considered asThe original and authentic inscription is stored in the National Museumof Indonesia. There is also the replica of the inscription that can be seenin the Jakarta History Museum, in Taman Fatahillahtolong artikan ke Indonesia ya​


Prasasti Prasasti Tugu atau Prasasti Tugu adalah sebuah artefak

dari Kerajaan Tarumanagara. Itu dipercaya

bentuk kerucut bulat. Tulisan di Tugu

bertanggal abad ke-5 Masehi. Prasasti itu

prasasti ditulis dalam bahasa Pallawa dan Sansekerta.

Penulis The Origin of Tempo Doeloe

Buku Djakarta Zaenuddin H.M menjelaskan hal itu

Nama Kampung Tugu berasal dari

pembuatan saluran air dengan panjang 11

prasasti. Prasasti Tugu menggambarkan

kilometer dalam 21 hari. Prasasti Tugu ditemukan Sumber:

sebuah batu suci, dan kawasan Batu Tumbuh dianggap sebagai situs keramat.

di sebuah daerah bernama Batu Tumbuh. Itu dianggap sebagai

Prasasti asli dan otentik disimpan di Museum Nasional

Indonesia. Ada juga replika prasasti yang bisa dilihat

di Museum Sejarah Jakarta, di Taman Fatahillah


maaf banget kalau salah:D

11. Buatlah kosa kata pinjaman (sanskrit) dari bahasa arab yang di indonesia kan, contoh : ajal, adat, alam.​


نموت في أجل مسمّى، التهليل هو عادة المسلمين في إندونيسيا، الله رب العالمين

12. 8. Apakah tulisan dari India yang digunakan sebagai medium tulisan bahasa tempatan dan Sanskrit? A. Tulisan Jawi B. Tulisan Rumi C. Tulisan Pegon D. Tulisan Palava


D. Tulisan palava


Semoga membantu:)


d:tulisan Palava


semoga membantu > _< jangan lupa follow aku yaa kalau benar jadikan jawaban terbaik

13. Prasasti Tugu Prasasti tugu or Tugu inscription is an artefact from the Kingdom of Tarumanegara. It is believed to be dated 5th century AD. The inscription is a round-cone shape. The writing on the Tugu inscription is written in Pallawa and Sanskrit. The writer of the Origin of Tempo Doeloe Djakarta book, Zaenuddin H.M, explains that the name Kampung Tugu Originated from the inscription. The Tugu inscription describes the creation of a water channel with a lenght of 11 kilometers in 21 days. The Tugu inscription is found in an area called Batu Tumbuh. It is considered as a sacred stone, and the Batu Tumbuh area is regarded as a sacred site. The original and authentic inscription is stored in the National Museum of Indonesia. There is also the replica of the replica of the inscription that can be seen in the Jakarta History Museum, in Taman Fatahillah. 6. What is the text about? * A. Kampung tugu B. Prasasti Tugu C. Tugu church 7. What is the meaning of ‘inscription’ in indonesian languague? * A. Prasasti B. Batu C. Kampung 8. What is the shape of the Tugu inscription? * A. Square B. Round cone C. diamond 9. What are the languagues written on the inscription? * A. Indonesian B. English C. Sanskrit 10. Where is the Tugu inscription stored? * A. In the National Museum B. In the Jakarta History Museum C. In the Transportion Museum [tex]jawab \: ya \\ plis \: mau \: dikerjain \: [/tex]​

Pembahasan soal :

6. B. Prasasti Tugu7. A. Prasasti8. B. Round Cone 9. C. Sanskrit 10. A. In The National Museum

Penjelasan :

If I All 100 Just Read The Tesk If Wrong

( Jika Aku Semua 100 Kalo Salah Baca Aja Teksnya )


Maaf Kalo Salah

Jadikan Jawaban Tercedas Love Bintang


14. pertanyaan1.what is the mira's favorite subject? 2.what is history?3.who is historian? 4.who is considered asal the father of history? 5.what is the history of Indonesia fistly referenced from? 6.what is the sanskrit literature said about the first kingdom in Indonesia?7.when did the Indonesia's history reach its peak? 8.where did the sriwijaya territory span?9.what was a great kingdom in java? 10.where was Majapahit kingdom's capital? ​



2.history is the discovery and collection of information about past events

3.historian is the person who learns history

4.herodutus,a Greek historian

5.sanskrit literature from 200 bc Java namely dvipantara

7.its peak during Sriwijaya and Majapahit era

8.from Sumatra ,Malay peninsula,Java and Borneo islands


10.its capital was in Trowulan

15. The ethnic groups in the mountain regions of southwest and centralSulawesi (Celebes) are known by the name of Toraja, which has come tomean "those who live upstream" or "those who live in the mountains".Their name is in fact derived from the word Raja, which in Sanskritmeans "king". The society is hierarchically structured: the noblemenjarecalled rengnge, the ordinary people to makaka, and the slaves to kaunan;birth determines which rank a person will occupy.The distinctive features of the traditional houses (tongkonan) of theToraja are the "buffalo homs", the roof design and the rich decoration onthe walls. The buffalo is a symbol of status, courage, strength andfighting spirit.Designed as a representation on the universe, the tongkonan isconstructed in three parts: the upper world (the roof), the world ofhumans (the middle of the building), and the underworld (the spaceunder the floor. The highly distinctiveroors constricted by the TorajaStart a searcho i​

Jawaban:Kelompok etnis di daerah pegunungan barat daya dan tengah

Sulawesi (Celebes) dikenal dengan nama Toraja, yang telah datang ke Indonesia

berarti "mereka yang tinggal di hulu" atau "mereka yang tinggal di pegunungan".

Nama mereka sebenarnya berasal dari kata Raja, yang dalam bahasa Sansekerta

berarti "raja". Masyarakat terstruktur secara hierarkis: kaum bangsawan

disebut rengnge, orang-orang biasa untuk makaka, dan para budak ke kaunan;

kelahiran menentukan peringkat yang akan ditempati seseorang.

Fitur khas dari rumah tradisional (tongkonan) dari

Toraja adalah "rumah kerbau", desain atap dan dekorasi yang kaya

dinding dinding. Kerbau adalah simbol status, keberanian, kekuatan dan

semangat bertarung.

Dirancang sebagai representasi di alam semesta, tongkonan adalah

dibangun di tiga bagian: dunia atas (atap), dunia

manusia (tengah bangunan), dan dunia bawah (ruang

dibawah lantai. Lantai yang sangat khas dikekang oleh Toraja

Mulai pencarian

o i


16. III. Join the two sentences and form non-defining relative clause 1 .My grandfather was Korean. He died before I was born. 2. Her name Kusum means flower. It comes from Sanskrit. 3. My is always called Beth at home. Her name is Elizabeth. ​


1. My grandfather was Korean, but he died before I was born.

2. Her name Kusum means flower, it comes from Sanskrit.

3. My...(?) is always called Beth at home, her name is Elizabeth.


17. Bahasa sanskrit dan bahasa sansekerta itu, apakah sama atau beda? jika sama sebutkan alasannya dan jika berbeda maka sebutkanlah perbedaannya!

Sepertinya sama.... maaf kalo salah.

18. para siswa wus padha nunggu,lelabuhan agung tumrap bangsamu,bebarengan mangun budi rahayu,mirid sesantining para sadhu.isi geguritan ing dhuwur yaiku...a.para siswa nunggu lelabuhane gurub.para siswa ngajak mbangun budi raharyuc.para sisiwa bujeng sesanti tumrap para labuh labet supaya rahayu​


b para siswa ngajak mbangun budi rahayu




Semoga Membantu....

19. Yang bukan nama lain dari Singapura adalah... a. Kota singa b. Siam c. Pulau ujong d. Sanskrit

b. siam maaf kalo salahB.siam
kalau salah saya minta maaf ya!

20. 1.the movement of the queen in playing chess is.....2.rina and lisa sits face to face. they clap their hands and sing a songthey are playing.....3.look at them! they move up and down.they are playing....4.when playing skipping roop we need....5.mention two kinds of game that are played using rope.answer:6.make sentences using the to move the knight in playing chess?answer:tolong yg jawab semoga selalu mendapat nilai 100 amin

1.piece sing a long

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