
As You Wish Meaning In Bengali

Agustus 19, 2022

As You Wish Meaning In Bengali

wish you luck What word is similar in meaning to look?​

Daftar Isi

1. wish you luck What word is similar in meaning to look?​


look: see, view, notice, sigh, spot, observe, perceive, discern, behold, regard, sat eyes, spy,note,makeout,clapeye,


hanya itu yg saya tau, semoga Membantu JADIIN JAWABAN TERBAIK yah:)

2. the word "wish" in "Wish you a very happy birthday" is closest in meaning to …a. hope b. accompany c. wantd. expect

Wish you a very happy birthday
A. Hope

3. which word in the text is closest in meaning to "wish"?

text nya yang mana? gada text nya mana bisa tau

4. "We wish you all the best in pursuing your dream..."The word "pursuing" is closest in meaning to..... A.findingB. makingC. looking forD. pushing​


C.looking for


artinya mencari

semoga membantu

5. 4 poin"Wish you health and happy in"The word 'happy' has similarmeaning with .....BoringO O O OPleasedDisappointed​




kata "happy" sama dengan kata "pleased"

Jawaban: Pleased

Penjelasan: Karna Kaya Happy= kata Pleased

6. hope and wish meaning??

hope itu harapan yg bisa diwujudkan & sangat mungkin terjadi

Wish adalah harapan yg sulit diwujudkan bahkan bisa dibilang mustahilwish => keinginan, hasrat. ex : she has a wish to live alone (dia punya keinginan untuk hidup sendiri). sinonim kata wish : desire (nafsu, keinginan), want (kebutuhan, kekurangan), urge (keinginan, dorongan), intention (maksud, tujuan).
hope => harapan, kesempatan. ex : i have little hope, if any (saya masih berharap, tetapi tidak terlalu yakin). sinonim : believe (percaya, kepercayaan), confidence (rahasia, kepercayaan, percaya), expectation (harapan), dream (cita2, impian).
jadi, dapat di simpulkan wish harapan yang berupa keinginan krn nafsu/hasrat, sedangkan hope harapan yang di lakukan untuk suatu kepercayaan. maaf kalau salah

7. The meaning of the word solution as used in the fifth paragraph is closest in meaning to:

kata yang dibuat sebagai solusi di paragraf 5 , arti terdekat ke ..

8. Ok as you wish apa bhs indonesia apa​

as you wish = sesuai keinginan kamu


baik seperti yang anda inginkan

Cara pembacaan:

ok as you wish

= ok as yu wis

9. What is the meaning of wish in Indonesia language


wish...dalam bahasa indonesia berarti harapan/berharap


Apa arti dari keinginan dalam bahasa Indonesia

10. What is the meaning of idiom "when you in rome do as romans"?

When in Rome do as the Romans do
when you are visiting a foreign place, you should follow the customs and practice of the people in that place or behave in an appropriate manner according to how people around you behave.

11. 2. Herlina : Ratih, I'm happy for you. Congratulations.I hope you will win the first prize in the school's competition.Ratih : Thank you. Wish me luckRahmat : Of course. Good luck.Ratih : Thanks.The word commpetition has the same meaning as​

competition = kompetisi/pertandingan

same meaning as = contest, match, tournament

maaf kalau salah

12. Wish and Conditional If Sentences Rewrite the meaning 1. I wish you were here 2. She wishes her mother were not in the office 3. You wish you could swim ini the sea 4. They wish the teacher did not give the rest 5. I wish i could speak Japanese

1) aku berharap kamu disini
3)kamu berharap kamu bisa berenang di laut
4)mereka berharap gurunya tidak memberi pekerjaan rumah (pr)
5)aku berharap aku bisa berbicara bahasa jepang

13. asBI don't understand Enguish aser PectedA. I wishI livedinsemarangwish I carnedmore moneyBei Finishedwish undarstood it bettereorierwish I1​


apakah anda ingin itu di translate?




saya tidak mengerti bahasa inggris secara semourna

A. saya harap

saya tinggal



berharap saya *earned menghasilkan uang lebih

saya harap saya mengerti ini lebih baik

14. " I wish you will be able to ACHIEVE your ambition as...." what is the similar meaning of achieve?

accomplish, acquire,attain,fulfill,reach,settle

semoga membantu yaaACHIVE = Meraih = REACH

15. tolong jawab ini pertanyaannya:We wish you the best always." The word "wish" has the same meaning with ...​


'Wish'has same meaning with 'Hope'


Wish= Semoga/Harapan

Hope= Harapan


Jadi, kata 'wish' memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata 'Hope' . Atau bisa kita sebut juga sebagai SINONIM.

Semoga Dapat Bermanfaat Ya :)

Text sentence on image

Read This text then answer the questions below! CONGRATULATION!

Congratulation on your success in

winning the badminton competition this

year, Roni. It was a tough competition.

We are so proud of you. We knew you

would make it. We wish you the best



Baca teks ini lalu jawab pertanyaan di

bawah ini! SELAMAT!

Selamat atas keberhasilan Anda

menjuarai kompetisi bulu tangkis tahun

ini, Roni. Itu adalah persaingan yang

ketat. Kami sangat bangga padamu.

Kami tahu Anda akan berhasil.

Kami berharap yang terbaik selalu.


We wish you the best always." The word "wish" has the same meaning with ...


Kami berharap yang terbaik selalu.

"Kata "berharap" memiliki arti yang sama dengan ...


The word "wish" has the same meaning

as Hope, aspire, will, desire/begging.


Kata "berharap" memiliki arti yang sama

dengan bercita-cita, berkehendak,

berkeinginan, atau bisa juga meminta/


~Semoga membantu~

16. List as many grammatical form as you can realize the same meaning as the one given below. Then put the same meaning into a language other than English in as many forms as you can 1. The water jug


1. The water jug (English)

Kendi air (Bahasa)

水差し (Mizusashi) (Japanese)

17. "Arti i wish all the best in pursuing your ambition" The underlined word is closest in meaning to

Saya mendoakan yang terbaik bagi anda dalam meraih mimpi (apa yg di cita citakan)

18. . "squeeze out as much moisture as you can (step 2)The word "moisture" is clisest in meaning totolong terjemahkan dalam bhs Indonesia,,​


"peras sebanyak yang Anda bisa (langkah 2)

Kata "kelembaban" paling dekat artinya dengan

Maaf kalo salah ;-;

19. then wash the apple as many as you wish. cut them into pleces​

lalu cuci apel sebanyak yang Anda inginkan. potong menjadi pleces

20. if you die and get 7 wish what will you wish for ?answer in english ok​


i would wish for infinite wishes :v jk jk

1. My loved ones to go to heaven

2. I go to heaven

3. For people to respect each other

4. That Nabi Muhammad S.A.W go to heaven

5. My loved ones be happy with their life

6. To change history

7. Make math easier

its just random things, if you want this to happen remember to pray to God every day :


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