
A Man Throws Balls With The Same Speed Vertically

Agustus 29, 2022

A Man Throws Balls With The Same Speed Vertically

two billiard balls approach each other with the same speed?

Daftar Isi

1. two billiard balls approach each other with the same speed?


dua bola biliar saling mendekati dengan kecepatan yang sama?

2. A ball is fired vertically upwards with a velocity v. It reaches a height h. The same ball is now fired with 2v, new h?




Air resistance can be ignored.

What is the new height reached by the ball?



3. A small bag 0.3 kg is thrown horizontally with a constant speed of 10m/s. the ball hits the wal and reflected with the same speed. what is the change in the mommentum of the ball?


nggak bisa bahasa Inggris


tanya Google sudah belum

4. 23. A motocycle moves with speed 108.000 m/hour. the speed of that motorcycleis same with...A. 30 m/sC. 50 m/sB.40 m/sD. 60 m/sjawabnya pakai bahasa Indonesia ya​


Sepeda motor melaju dengan kecepatan 108.000 m / jam. kecepatan sepeda motor itu sama dengan ...


jawaban diatas adalah artinya

semoga jawaban ini membantu

5. Benarkah kalimat The old man always does the same thing Benarkah kalimat The old man always does the same thing everyday


iya itu benar the old man always does the same thing everyday

6. a boy thrown up a ball vertically upward with the speed of 3 m/s. what is the maximum height can reached if acceleration of gravity is 9,8 m/s ?

[tex] v_{o} = 3m^{2} \\ g=9,8m/ s^{2} \\ \\ h_{maks} ....? \\ \\ h_{maks} = \frac{ v_{o} ^{2} }{2g} \\ \\ h_{maks} = \frac{(3)^{2} }{2x9,8} \\ \\ h_{maks} = \frac{9}{19,6} \\ \\ h_{maks} =0,45 m[/tex]

7. 22. If Ziva throws the ball 50 meters in 3 seconds, what is the average speed of the football?


22. Jika Ziva melempar bola sejauh 50 meter dalam waktu 3 detik, berapakah kelajuan rata-rata bola tersebut?

Ini kalo diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia

Dan ini kalo untuk jawabannya



50 meter ÷ 3 detik

= 16





50 meter ÷ 3 detik = 16,67 m/s

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Semoga Bermanfaat:)

8. Throwing and catching a number balls at the same time. What is that particular action actually called?

I believe the answer to this is "juggling"multiplexing or juggling

9. A ball of mass 0.5kg is thrown vertically upwards with a kinetic energy of 100J. Neglecting air resistance calculatea the initial speed of the ballb the potential energy of the ball at its highest pointc the maximum height to which the ball rises​



m = 0,5 kg

Ek = 100J


a the initial speed of the ball, Vo =?

b the potential energy of the ball at its

highest point, Ep max=?

c the maximum height to which

the ball rises, h max=?


a) Ek = ½.m.Vo²

100 = ½.(0.5).Vo²

100 = 0.25. Vo²

Vo² = 400

Vo = √400


b) Ep max = Ek max = 100J

c) Ep = m. g. h

100 = 0,5. (10). h

100 = 5 h

h = 100/5


10. A female with the same parents as you

seorang wanita dengan orang tua yang sama denganmu

#Maaf Jka salahA female with the same parents as you, would be your sister.

11. Ms Lina has 20 blue balls, 36 pink balls, and 56 yelow balls distributed equally among same students with none left over What is biggest possible number of students?​



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


12. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is:


12,5 km/hr

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

15 km/hr - 2,5 km/hr

12,5 km/hr

Maaf Kalau Salah

13. Is decision made before hand the same with intention and is intention the same with decision???

Decision = Pilihan
Intention = Maksud
Made before hand = Dibuat sebelumnya

Silahkan diartikan sendiri :)

14. a man travels at an average speed of 10km/h of his first journey. he travels a distance of 60km find the average speed of the man on his second journey


ok makasih


maaf kalo salah


15. Why have a ballroom with no balls?

Ballroom?ada 2 terjemahan(saya gak pake mesinyaa)

-kenapa ada ruangan balet tanpa ada ballerina

-kenapa ada ruangan bola tanpa ada bola

semoga membatntu

16. a stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed of 10m/s from a cliff 50m high. pakai RUMUS apa dan apa unit nya trus gimana!! makasih

menurut saya itu yang ditanya waktu yang dibutuhkan batu untuk jatuh dari ketinggian 50m.
diket: s = 50m
v = 10m/s
ditanya t =...?

[tex]v = \frac{s}{t} \\ maka \\ t = \frac{s}{v} = \frac{50m}{10 \frac{m}{s} } = 5 \: s[/tex]

17. A man's speed with the current is 15 km/hr and the speed of the current is 2.5 km/hr. The man's speed against the current is:


6 km over the current

18. An object is thrown vertically up with a speed of 20 m / s. When the object reaches its maximum height is ... s


t = Vo / g

t = 20 / 10

t = 2 second

19. Lucy stands on the edge of a vertical cliff and throws a stone vertically upwards. The stone leaves her hand with a speed of 15 m s–1 at the instant her hand is 80 m above the surface of the sea. Air resistance is negligible and the acceleration of free fall is 10 m s–2.

Batu vertikal diatas. Batu itu meninggalkan tangannya dengan kecepatan 15 m s-1 pada saat itu juga

20. A stone is thrown vertically upwards with an initial speed of 10m/s from a cliff that is 50m high. a. find the time when it reaches the bottom of the cliff b.find the speed just before hitting the ground c. determine the total distance travelled by the stone tolong dikerjakan pakai cara dan RUMUS makasih

a)  h=Vo.t - 1/2.g.t² -50=10t-5t² 5t²-10t-50=0 t²-2t-10t=0 t₁₂=[2±√(4+40)]/2 t₁₂=(2±6,63)/2 waktu yg memenuhi yang positip t = 8,63/2 = 4,315 s . b) Vt = Vo - gt Vt = 10 - 10.4,315 Vt = 10 - 43,15 Vt = -33,15 m/s Kecepatan ketika menumbuk tanah 33,15 m/s. Tanda negatip artinya arah kebawah karena arah positip keatas seperti Vo=+10 m/s. . c) Waktu untuk mencapai titik tertinggi ( Vt=0) Vt = Vo - gt 0 = 10 - 10.t 10.t = 10 t = 1 s . Tinggi max yg dicapai. h = Vo.t - 1/2.g.t² h = 10.1 - 1/2.10.1 h = 10 - 5  h = 5 m . Total jarak yg ditempuh. Y = 5+5+50 = 60 m

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