
A Lesson For Nakul Question And Answers

Agustus 13, 2022

A Lesson For Nakul Question And Answers

answers for this question

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1. answers for this question





11.B. Badly






Maap Kalau Salah Boss

2. write down a question for the following answers​


a. how many employ are worked here?

b. are this company is sharing profits with another company?

c. How long have you been on this site?

d. Do you like to work here?

e. Where is the biggest market in this region?

f. Who is your biggest competitors between all the company?

g. Can you tell me, the way to go to rhw factory?

3. Help me for answers the question pleasee​

Jawaban: C dan D


9. C. Was given

was mengacu pada this bracelet (it)

10. D. Were invited

Were mengacu pada we

4. Ask your partner about the following questions. Ask a question for each other number. Number one has been done for you. Write your questions and partners answers.


Maaf gak tau bahasnya


tapi aku translate jadi gitu

5. Help me for answers the question pleasee​

1. The plants are watered every morning

2. Fabrics are used to make clothes

3. Angklung is made of bamboo

4. Chickens are kept as farm animals

5. lemper is wrapped in a banana leaf

6. kerupuk is Made of tapioca starch

1. Tanaman disiram setiap pagi

2. Kain digunakan untuk membuat pakaian

3. Angklung terbuat dari bambu

4. Ayam dipelihara sebagai hewan ternak

5. lemper dibungkus dengan daun pisang

6. kerupuk terbuat dari tepung tapioka


The plants are watered every morning Arti : Tanaman disiram setiap pagiFabrics are used to make clothes Arti : Kain digunakan untuk membuat pakaianAngklung is made of bamboo Arti : Angklung dibuat dari bambuChickens are kept as farm animals Arti : Ayam dipelihara sebagai hewan ternakLemper is wrapped in a banana leaf Arti : Lemper dibungkus dengan daun pisang Kerupuk is made of tapioca starch Arti : Kerupuk dibuat dari tepung tapioka

6. the present perfect with for, since, ever and neverask someone question with ever or how long. get answers with never, for and since.​


have you ever gone to indonesia?

no I have never gone there before

how long have you lived in Medan?

I have lived in Medan for 5years

how long have you played the game?

I have played the game since i was kid

7. Help me for answers the question pleasee​


5. B. Lusi will be invited to Fathir's graduation celebration

6. B. are being repaired


5. Fathir akan mengundang Lusi ke acara wisuda nya. Maka Lusi akan diundang oleh Fathir.

6. Dialog tersebut membahas akan present progressive tense, yang dimana digunakan untuk menjelaskan hal yang sedang terjadi.

Subjek "glasses" adalah kata jamak maka verba "are" cocok untuk digunakan. Verba "being" menandakan bahwa kejadian perbaikan tersebut sedang berlangsung.

8. Help me for answers the question pleasee​

Jawaban &Penjelasannya

1. C. The president is chosen by people.

Penjelasan: Passive Voice dari kalimat tersebut adalah The president is chosen by people, karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan subjek orang (people) sehingga menggunakan to be dalam bentuk Past Simple (is chosen)

Rumus: Verb to be (is chosen) + Past Participle (chosen)

2. B. When was the motorcycle kept in the garage?

Penjelasan: Passive Voice dari kalimat tersebut adalah When was the motorcycle kept in the garage?, karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan waktu (when) sehingga menggunakan to be dalam bentuk Past Simple (was kept).

Rumus: Verb to be (was kept) + Past Participle (kept)

3. D. The viral video is being watched by millions of people.

Penjelasan: Passive Voice dari kalimat tersebut adalah The viral video is being watched by millions of people, karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan orang banyak (millions of people) sehingga menggunakan to be dalam bentuk Present Continuous (is being watched).

Rumus: Verb to be (is being watched) + Present Participle (watching)

4. B. The tutorial videos are made in the last semester.

Penjelasan: Passive Voice dari kalimat tersebut adalah The tutorial videos are made in the last semester, karena kalimat tersebut menggunakan waktu (last semester) sehingga menggunakan to be dalam bentuk Past Simple (are made).

Rumus: Verb to be (are made) + Past Participle (made)

[tex]\boxed{ \colorbox{red}{ \bf{ \color{yellow}{Answer : Gudytha }}}} \\ \boxed{ \colorbox{red}{ \bf{ \color{yellow}{semoga \: membantu \: }}}}[/tex]


9. 10 Questions and Answers for the Flood Disaster ?

Flood disaster artinya Banjir

10. help answers this question pleasenumber 7 and 8

7 ] Luas

= π × r × r

= 22/7 × 3,5 m × 3,5 m

= 38,5 m2

8 ] Keliling roda

= π × d

= 22/7 × 182 cm

= 572 cm

= 0,00572 km

Banyak roda berputar

= 8,58 km : 0,00572 km

= 1.500 kali

11. Buat 10 pertanyaan offering help. 5 answers for accpeting help(menerima bantuan) and 5 answers for refusing help (menolak bantuan).​


Offering help ;

1. May I help you to buy an ice cream?

2. Can I help you to do your assignment?

3.Excuse me, May I help you for something sir?

4.May I help u to bring that half of twenty-six books?

5. Do u want to use my usb stick to save ur document?

6.Gd evening Sir, Can I get you some water

7.Would u like to get in my house? i'll get some snacks for you

12. Help me for answers the question pleasee​



1. The plants are watered every morning : Tanaman-tanaman itu disiram setiap pagi

2. Fabrics are used to make clothes : Kain digunakan untuk membuat pakaian

3. Angklung is made of Bamboo : Angkung terbuat dari bambu

4. Chikens are kept as animals farm : Ayam dipelihara sebagai hewan ternak

5. Lemper is a banana wrapped in leaf : Lemper adalah pisang yang dibungkus dengan daun

6. Kerupuk is made of tapioka starch : Kerupuk terbuat dari tepung tapioka

13. Choose and croos (x) the correct answers! The following the is for question 1 to 5


1. b. to join a cooking competition

2. a. preparing for the competition

3. a. she left the rice

4. d. upset

5. c. to describe past events that happened to rina


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C

Sorry kalau salah

14. Choose and croos (x) the corretc answers! The following text is for question 6 to 11 Lanjutan tugas yang tadi yaa



adalah jawabannya


1. B

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. C

15. Ask your partner about the following questions. Ask a question for each other number. Number one has been done for you. Write your questions and partners answers.​

2. You: Have you ever been very good friends with someone a long time?

Your partner: Yeah, but sadly our friendship didn't last utill ten(10) years..

You: What happened?

Your partner: She died three(3) years ago..

3. You: Have you said "I adore you" to someone lately?

Your partner: Yes.

You: To who?

Your partner: My mother. I want to be just like her when I'm grown up.

4. You: Have you ever spoken English to your friends outside the class?

Your partner: Yes.

You: When?

Your partner: Right now. We're in the cafeteria. And we use English.

16. Help me for answers the question pleasee​


7. A. is being washed

8. B. was viewed


7. Kata "backpack" adalah kata tunggal dimana penggunaan verba "is" sesuai. Kalimat tersebut berada dalam present progressive form yg mendeskripsikan bahwa hal tersebut sedang terjadi. Verba "being" sesuai untuk form kalimat tersebut.

8. Kalimat tersebut menyatakan tentang hal yang sudah terjadi. Maka past participle dari "was viewed" sesuai untuk kalimat tersebut.

17. Help me for answers the question pleasee​


The computers are used by the employees.The National Assessment is conducted annually.The shoes are made of leather.The customers are served by the waiters.The book is written by the author.The smartphone is designed by the engineers.

18. 10 quwstions and answers for introducing self

1. Q. What is your name?

A. My name is Wendy

2. Q. How old are you?

A. I am 15 yearsold

3. Q. Where do you live?

A. I live at jl. Mawar merah number 10

4. Q. What is your hobby?

A. My hobby is singing

Kayak gini kah?

19. Ahmad using book and ...... for writing a lesson​


See the book (melihat buku)


Karena dalam arti bhs lnd adalah

Ahmad menggunakan buku dan melihatbukuuntuk menulis pelajaran.

Semoga membantu Tuhan Yesus memberkati :D

20. ask suitabe question for the underlined parts of the given answers​

1.when dan brother watch documenteries?

2.who will rido help?

When my parents take a fly to New York?

When does Mr harper weeds his garden?

What dress does susan never wears?

How often he hugs his wife?

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