
11th English Cherry Tree Appreciation

Agustus 01, 2022

11th English Cherry Tree Appreciation

Translate george washington and the cherry tree

Daftar Isi

1. Translate george washington and the cherry tree

George Washington dan Pohon Ceri

Saat masih kecil, George Washington suka menjelajahi kebun ayahnya yang luas. Sambil berjalan-jalan di kebun, George suka sekali menyabit pohon dan semak yang merintangi jalannya. Satu kali George tidak sengaja menyabit pohon ceri kesayangan ayahnya. Dia tidak berani menceritakan kejadian itu pada orang lain.

George tutup mulut selama beberapa hari. Ketika ayahnya tahu pohon cerinya tersabit, ayahnya sangat marah. Dengan garang ayahnya meminta para pelayannya mengaku. Tentu saja tidak ada pelayan yang mengaku karena mereka memang tidak melakukannya. Ayah George pun bertambah marah.

Akhirnya, George memberanikan diri menemui ayahnya sambil membawa tongkat sabitnya. Dia bilang ke ayahnya bahwa dia tidak berani berbohong. George mengaku telah menyabit pohon ceri kesayangan ayahnya. Tanpa diduga, ayah George malah langsung memeluknya. Kata ayah George, kejujuran  George lebih berharga daripada pohon cerinya. Bahkan, kejujuran George jauh lebih berharga daripada pohon ceri berdaun emas sekalipun.


Kebenaran cerita ini masih diragukan. Namun kita dapat mengambil pelajaran dari cerita ini, dimana kita harus menghargai kejujuran seseorang dan kita harus tetap jujur meskipun ada resiko besar yang harus kita tanggung setelahnya.

2. apa makna yang terkandung dalam cerita George Washington and the Cherry tree????

you have to be honest even though you did something bad

3. Draw a tree, explain the part of the tree using English!​


You draw the tree yourself, I'll tell you the parts of the tree later

These parts generally consist of roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruit


I hope this helps

Sorry if the answer is wrong ^_^

4. apa itu cherry boy ?

Sebutan bagi genk laki2.
karena klo cherrybelle merupakan sebutan bagi genk perempuan.

5. english kelas 9 "the golden star-fruit tree" halaman 140-141​


1. When the father died, the brothers divided his father's wealth into two parts.

2. The big brother took almost everything. Because he was very greedy.

3. Because the raven needed the starfruit too, so the raven paid the younger brother with gold. He was brought to a place full of gold, filled the bag full with gold, and then flew back home on the raven's back.

4. Yes, he did. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer

5. Because on the way home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight down the to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older died because of his greediness.


The Golden Star-Fruit Tree

A long time ago, there was a rich old man living in Vietnam. He had two sons. They had very different attitudes. The older brother was very greedy, but the younger brother was very kind. When the old man died, the brothers divided his father's wealth into two parts. The big brother took almost everything. He gave his younger brother only a small piece of land, with a star-fruit tree in front of it. The younger brother did not mind. From then on he lived there and made his living only by selling star-fruits from the tree.  

Unfortunately, a very big raven often came and ate all the ripe fruits. At first, he was too afraid of the raven and did not know what to do. But one day he dared to approach the raven. He begged to it not eat the fruits. "If you eat the fruit, I will have nothing to sell to the market, and my family will starve."

Surprisingly the raven was not angry. He replied, "I need the fruits too. Can I have them and I'll pay you with gold. Bring a 1-meter long bag, and I'll bring to place full of gold and you can fill the bag full with gold." The younger brother then told his wife to make the 1-meter long bag. When the bag was done, he climbed on the raven's back and they flew to a place full of gold. He filled the bag full of gold and then flew back home on the raven's back. From then on, the younger brother and his family could live happily in luxury

On the commemoration of his father's death, he invited his older brother to come to his house. Thinking that his brother had a poor house, the big brother refused to come. But because his younger brother insisted, he and his wife finally decided to come. When they got to the younger brother's house, they were surprised to see that he was now very rich.  

He asked his younger brother how he had got all his wealth, and the younger brother was happy to tell him the truth. Then, the greedy brother and his wife offered the younger brother to trade all their fortune for the star-fruit tree. The younger brother gladly accepted the offer. Soon the older brother and his family moved to the house with the star-fruit tree. When the raven came for the star-fruits, the older brother made the same plea. As expected, the raven told him to bring a 1-meter long bag.  

Because he's was greedy, he asked his wife to make a much longer bag. When the bag was the bag done, he climbed on the raven's back, and then they flew to the place full of gold. He filled the big bag with gold. He also brought some gold in his pockets. On the way home, the load soon became too heavy for the raven. Unable to hang on, the raven swayed, and the greedy brother fell straight down the to the sea with his bag and pockets full of gold. He sank very fast down the sea. The older died because of his greediness.

6. 11th Quiz ☆Terlampir -,​


Terlampir -,

by rai1194

Terlampiir caranya


7. cherry mokotil apa dikotil ?

kayanya monokotil soalny batang ny kecilSetahu aku jawabannya Monokotil dong

8. does - Cherry - like - she - nota. not like she Cherry doesb. not like Cherry she does c. she does not like Cherryd. she does not Cherry like​


c. she does not like cherry


maaf yaa kalo salah

does - Cherry - like - she - not

c. she does not like Cherry

semoga bermanfaat ❤️



9. translate into english! they are climbing the tree

Mereka memanjat pohonmereka memanjat pohon

maaf kalo salah

jangan lupa follow

10. Lagu wjsn yang ada cherry out cherry outnya judulnya apa yaa?

lah ya cari sendiri toh mas


itu lagu bucin we ngapain nanya lagu

11. ability and disability1. i can speak english2.she can sing english song 3.they can climb the tree4.he can close the window5.doyou can water the flowerbuat kayak gini(+) they can climb the tree(-) they can't climb the tree(?) can they climb the tree​


1.(+) i can speak english

(-) i can't speak english

(?) can i speak english?

2.(+) she can sing english song

(-) she can't sing english song

(?) can she sing english song?

3.(+) they can climb the tree

(-) they can't climb the tree

(?) can they climb the tree

4.(+) he can close the windows

(-) he can't close the windows

(?) can he close the windows?

5.(+) do you can water the flower

(-) do you can't water the flower

(?) can do you water the flower


maaf kalo salah

12. manfaaat cherry blosom​


Salah satu manfaat bunga sakura adalah dapat mencerahkan wajah.

1.Mencerahkan kulit. Salah satu manfaat bunga sakura yang paling banyak diketahui adalah keampuhannya untuk mencerahkan warna kulit. ...

2.Sebagai anti-aging. ...

3.Melembapkan kulit. ...

4.Mengatasi iritasi kulit.

13. 9. From the first paragraph, we know that.....A. Cherry parents are from Ireland and France.B. Cherry can speak French and English very wellc. Cherry doesn't like if someone calls her CharlotteD. Cherry wants to pursue her career as a graphic designerE Cheery is someone who like violin and trombone,​


a cherry parents are from ireland and france

14. berdasarkan tabel tersebut, urutan negara dengan pendapatan perkapita dan terkecil ke terbesar adalah ....a.Alpha ,bravo ,Cherry ,delta ,echo b.alpha ,delta ,echo ,Cherry ,brao c.alpha,Cherry ,bravo delta,echo d.alpha, echo,Cherry ,bravo ,delta e.alpha ,echo ,bravo ,Cherry ,delta

alpha, cherry, bravo, delta, echo

15. jaundice 11th and Rainbow​



16. write into English!a. 11th=....b.22nd=....c.14 +20=24(...d.15-8=7(...​

a. 11th = eleventh

b. 22nd = twenty second

c. 24 = twenty four

d. 7 = seven

semoga membantu


B.22ndTwenty second




~smoga membantu~

17. tempat tumbuhnya cherry?

di pohon dengan bantuan dari hasil fotosintesis

18. Berdasarkan tabel tersebut, urutan negara dengan pendapatan perkapita dan terkecil ke terbesar adalah .... A.Alpha ,bravo ,Cherry ,delta ,echo b.Alpha ,delta ,echo ,Cherry ,brao c.Alpha,Cherry ,bravo delta,echo d.Alpha, echo,Cherry ,bravo ,delta e.Alpha ,echo ,bravo ,Cherry ,delta


d.Alpha, echo,Cherry ,bravo ,delta


karna Alpha, echo,Cherry ,bravo ,delta suatu urutan dengan pendapatan perkapita dan terkecil ke terbesar

19. orientasi novel cherry ​

Nicholas Walker lahir pada tanggal 28 Februari 1985 ia merupakan seorang penulis Amerika dan veteran Angkatan Darat AS yang menjalani hukuman penjara karena kasus perampokan bank. Novel debut semi-otobiografinya "Cherry" diterbitkan oleh Alfred A. Knopf pada tanggal 14 Agustus 2018.

Walker dibesarkan di Atlanta, Las Vegas, dan Cleveland. Dia keluar dari perguruan tinggi dan mendaftar di Angkatan Darat ketika usia 19 tahun. Atas pengabdiannya di Irak, Walker menerima tujuh medali serta pujian-pujian dari atasanya.

Dari tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2006, Walker bertugas sebagai tenaga medis Angkatan Darat di Irak dan telah melakukan lebih dari 250 misi pertempuran. Setelah kembali ke kehidupan normalnya, dia menderita PTSD yang tidak terdiagnosis , depresi dan trauma, dan menjadi pecandu heroin.

Untuk mememenuhi kebiasaan buruknya itu dia merampok sepuluh bank di sekitar tempat tinggalnya di Cleveland dalam rentang waktu empat bulan, dimulai sejak bulan Desember 2010. Walker akhirnya ditangkap pada bulan April 2011 dan dinyatakan bersalah pada tahun 2012 dan dijatuhi hukuman sebelas tahun kurungan penjara.

Johnson mengirim buku kisah tentang Walker kepada Alfred dan memberi arahan kepada Walker untuk menulis tentang kisah hidupnya. Walker telah menghabiskan hampir empat tahun hanya untuk menulis dan menulis ulang kisahnya itu.

Novel yang diberi nama "Cherry" ini diterbitkan oleh Alfred A. Knopf dan mengisahkan tentang "kengerian tentang perang dan kecanduan obat-obatan terlarang. Setelah diterbitkan, buku tersebut menerima "pujian hampir dari seluruh pembacanya".

Buku Walker menempati nomor 14 dalam daftar buku terlaris The New York Times. Walker mengatakan bahwa dia menggunakan uang dari penjualan bukunya tersebut untuk membayar hutangya kembali ke beberapa bank yang telah dirampoknya kala itu.

Nicholas Walker dibebaskan dari penjara lebih awal pada bulan Oktober 2019 yang lalu. Pada bulan Agustus 2020, Interview Magazine melaporkan bahwa Walker telah menikah dengan seorang penyair Rachel Rabbit White.

20. bagaimana proses pematangan buah cherry?

melalui tahapan dan waktu. yang tadinya hijau, lama kelamaam menjadi warna keemasan (atau orange saya ga begitu paham) kemudian warna merah yang bisa di makan, proses tersebut melalu waktu beberapa saat

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