
What Could The Governor Have Done To Securely

Juli 03, 2022

What Could The Governor Have Done To Securely

what have you done to get the money for the needy

Daftar Isi

1. what have you done to get the money for the needy

i work hard.
i am a teacher, but it's not enough for my children's live.
i teach english private every afternoon.

2. What could the ants have done to hap the grasshopper survive through the winter? what should the grasshopper do the next summer? what should we do if know that our neighbouis are unable to eat because they have lost their jobs white have much food to eat? ​

1. feed the food gathered before winter

2. i.e. collect their own food ingredients before winter

3.asked the white one to give some of his food to the neighbor who lost his job

3. If someone could have saved The Paper Kite from being washed away in the tide, what would the paper kite done ?

the kite overpass do not drift is that the kites do not fall in a rough place.

4. make 5 sentences, if there was an earthquakes, what could you have done

Jadii ginii

If you are indoors
- Stay Inside
- Cover your head and torso to prevent being hit by falling objects.

If you are outdoors

- Stay outside.
-Go to an open area away from buildings. The most dangerous place is near exterior walls.
-If you are in a crowded public place, take cover where you won't be trampled.

5. It is not good to about what you have done


itu tidak baik untuk tentang apa yang telah kamu lakukan

6. “I’d like to finish entering the data today but I have to catch the twelve-o’clock train to Bandung.” (A) You have it done (B) Intan has done it (C) Have you done it? (D) It has to be done (E) Have Intan do it?

D. It has to be done
semoga membantu

7. If someone could have saved The Paper Kite from being washed away in the tide, what would the paper kite done ?

if the paper kite was saved it would be dry and you could play with the paper kite

8. what have the committee of Jyj done in preparing the concert?

apa yang telah dilakukan komite JYJ dalam mempersiapkan konser

9. 1. What has the girl done to the mud oven? The girl has………….. 2. What has the girl done to the well? The girl …………………... 3. What has the dog asked the girl to do? The dog ………………… 4. What have the fairies asked the girl to do? The fairies ………………….. 5. What has the girl received when she went back home? …………….​

1.The girl has done to the mud oven

2.The girl has done to the well

3.The dog has asked the girl to do

4.The fairies has asked the girl to do

5.the girl has received when she went back home


Rumus yang di gunakan yaitu rumus Present perfect tense (S+have/has+Past participle)

Has di gunakan jika subject nya (she he it)

have di gunakan jika subject nya(I you we they)

10. Arti dari guess what? I have done the experiment


Tau gak? Saya sudah berhasil menyelesaikan eksperimen.


11. Task 3: Think of yesterday. What have you done? What haven't you done?Things you have done yesterday Things you haven't done yesterdayI have gone to my uncle's house I haven't gone to my grandpa'shouse​


Things I've done:

I have answered many questions on brainly for three days.

I have helped many students finish their English task since I joined brainly.

I have won many awards.

Things I haven't done:

I haven't asked any questions on brainly since Friday.

I haven't ranked number one since 12 o'clock this afternoon.

I haven't turned off my laptop.


Itu semua bentuk yang diminta. Semoga membantu.

12. agoConversation 8DayuRiriwhat have you done to get the money for the needy ?"pertanya rini​


raise funds and sell used items that I no longer use

13. The governor looks very satisfied to visit the sub district. People have been discipline to separate trash. They have learned to make use the organic trash to be compos. They can do that because the mentor never gives up to come and encourage the villagers to try and do it together.Pertanyaannya: The text tells us about . . . . A. The people achievement in the sub district.B. Explanation why the governor satisfied.C. What the mentor have done.D. The encouraged mentor.​

jawabannya b

Gubernur terlihat sangat puas mengunjungi kecamatan tersebut. Orang sudah disiplin untuk memisahkan sampah. Mereka telah belajar memanfaatkan sampah organik untuk dijadikan kompos. Mereka bisa melakukan itu karena sang mentor tidak pernah menyerah untuk datang dan menyemangati warga desa untuk mencoba dan melakukannya bersama-sama. Pertanyaannya: Teks itu memberitahu kita tentang. . . . A. Prestasi masyarakat di kecamatan. B. Penjelasan mengapa gubernur puas. C. Apa yang telah dilakukan mentor. D. Mentor yang didorong.

B. Explanation why the governor is satisfied

Im so sorry if im wrong

14. What would you have done if you had failed to enter the school you're studying now?

Just wait for the next year, i would try again to enter my school i'm studying now and studied hard for next year.

15. What will you have done by the time you go to bed tonight.


apa yang akan Anda lakukan pada saat Anda pergi tidur ke malam hari?

16. What Have you done to stop fights in school?

By way of increasing a sense of solidarity among school students and also eliminate bigotry are against the school and the school students, making the school said.

17. do you think he could have done something else instead of going back to the fish agan and again

yes, i think so, he could be going somewhere else or take a lunch maybe

18. Where are you going son? i'm going to watch movie with my friends . Have you done the laundry ? not yet mom what is the best responds mrs smith could give


you should go to the laundry first and watch to the movie then.


There are 2 choices:

a) You should do the laundry first.

b) Please do the laundry once you're back.


It really depends, if the parent is considerate, she will ask her son whether or not he has time to do the laundry.

19. apa jawaban dari soal tersebut what have they done with the vaccine? ​

they did it because they wanted to get rid of the virus that could be covid19.

artinya dalam bahasa indonesia adalah mereka melakukan nya karena mereka ingin menyingkirkan virus seperti sekarang yaitu virus corona ( covid-19)

jadi karena itulah mereka membuat vaksin untuk menghilangkan atau menyingkirkan virus


20. what have you done to stop fight in schools?

Jawaban :

I stopped them than just seeing them fighting eachother, Me and my friends pulled the two away to stop them from hurting eachother, after that we called the teacher about them fighting eachother, I'm sure they'll learn their lessons.
say sorry, make friend, tell the teacher.


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