
She Go To School Everyday

Juli 13, 2022

She Go To School Everyday

does she go to school everyday? or does she goes to school everyday?​

Daftar Isi

1. does she go to school everyday? or does she goes to school everyday?​


does she go to school everyday

karena sudah ada "-es" di depan (does)

Does she go to school everyday? Yang benar

Karena di English (Interrogative), Does yang akan digunakan, untuk menggantikan verb yang menggunakan (s) dan (es) untuk third person singular.

2. She ...... (Go/goes ) to school everyday

She GOES to school everyday

Jawabannya adalah Goes ✔️


SIMPLE PRESENT adalah Tenses yg digunakan utk menunjukkan suatu Kegiatan atau Peristiwa yg saat ini (Present) atau sebuah kebiasaan/rutinitas dan kebenaran umum atau FAKTA.

Waktu Present Tense

=> Everyday ✔️=> always=> usually=> Often

Rumus Present Tense

(+) S + VERB 1 (-s/es)

(-) S + DO/DOES + not + VERB 1

(?) DO/DOES + S + VERB 1 ?

Subject + Verb

pada kalimat Positive:

I, you, we, they + Verb-1He, She, it + Verb+s ✔️

Pelajari Lebih LanjutPresent Tense:

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Present TenseLevel: JHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

Kata kunci: Everyday

3. Simple Present Tense1. + We are students - We are not students ? .....2. + I go to school everyday - I do not go to school everyday ? .....3. + He goes to school everyday - he does not go to school everyday ? .....4. + they go to school everyday - they do not go to school everyday ? .....5. + she has breakfast everymorning - she does not have breakfast everymorning ? ......6. + we have breakfast every morning - we do not have breakfast everyday ? .....​


1. (?) Are we students?

2. (?) i go to school every day?

3. (?) Does he go to school every day?

4. (?) Do they go to school every day?

5. (?) Does she have breakfast every day?

6. (?) Do we have breakfast every day?

1. (?) Are we students?

2.(?) Am i go to school everyday?

3.(?) Is He goes to school everyday?

4.(?) Are they go to school everyday?

5.(?) Is she has breakfast everymorning?

6.(?) Are we have breakfast every morning?

Klosalah tolongkoreksi,masihbelajar

4. 2. She walks to school everyday-.?.​

- She doesnt walk to school everyday

? - Does she walk to school everyday

(Sorry if its incorrect)


- she doesn't walk to school everyday.

? is she walk to school every day?

5. 1. He (not, go) to school everyday.​


He (Did Not Go) To School Everyday.

Explenation (Thank You Sign):


6. everyday.....................always go to school​




if i see the sentences, you can see that after the word "always" it says go, so : go is only used for I, you, we, they subject, that means that the answer is i

Goes --> He She it

go --> I you we they

7. ........they/then go to school everyday


They go to school everyday


Kalau then beda arti nya :v

They go to school everyday.

They -> Subject Pronoun (yang melakukan (subjek))

Sedangkan Them -> Object pronoun (yang dikenai(objek))

ex: We(subject pronoun) go to school with them(object pronoun).

8. She ...... to school everyday​

She goes to school everyday

*Of course, everyday.... even on Sunday...*

9. He / go /to school / everyday(+)....(-)(?).....​

Simple Present Tense(+) He goes to school everyday(-) He does not go to school everyday (?) Does he go to school everyday?


SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE adalah Tenses yg digunakan utk menunjukkan suatu Kegiatan atau Peristiwa yg saat ini (Present) atau sebuah kebiasaan/rutinitas dan kebenaran umum atau FAKTA.

Ket.Waktu Present Tense

=> Everyday✔️

=> always

=> usually

=> Often

Rumus Present Tense

(+) S + VERB 1 (-s/es) +

(-) S + DO/DOES + not + VERB 1

(?) DO/DOES + S + VERB 1 ?

Subject + Auxiliary:I, you, we, they + DOHe, She, it + DOES ✔️

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Present Tense:

DETAIL JAWABANMapel: Bahasa InggrisMateri: Present TenseLevel: JHSKode Mapel: 5Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

Kata kunci: Everyday

10. She ... to school by bike everyday. ​


jawabannya goes


karena jika kalimatnya ada she, he, it itu m

menggunakan s/es

semoga membantu

jadikan jawaban tercerdas ya

11. --------------- he go to school everyday?


Does he go to school everyday?


Kalimat tersebut merupakan simple present tense yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan fakta dan kebiasaan.

Rumus untuk kalimat tanya (?)

Do /does + S + V1 + O + ?

Karena pada kalimat menggunakan subjekhe,maka harus menggunakandoes

Semoga membantu❤️

Jawaban :

Does he go to school everyday


Pembahasan :

Berikut rumus simple present tens nya :

Do/does + S + Verb 1 ( ? )

Berikut untuk kalimat positifnya :

S + Verb 1 + (-s/es)+

Berikut untuk kalimat negative nya :

S + Do / does  + not + VERB 1

Semoga membantu ^^

12. Heru always go to school on....... everyday​


Heru selalu bersekolah pada ....... setiap hari


pagi hari

"Heru always goes to school in the morning every day"


bhs indonya

Heru selalu berangkat sekolah pagi hari setiap hari


bhs inggrisnya

Heru always goes to school in the morning every day

13. Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini menggunakan kata kerja yg ada di dalam kurung I...(go) to school everyday She....(go) to office everyday He....(word) hard everyday They....(clean) the house everyday She ..(what ) a movie Plis kak jawab


▫I go to school everyday

▫She goes to office everyday

▫He works hard everyday

▫They clean the house everyday

▫She watches a movie


Menggunakan SimplePresentTense

Digunakan untuk menyatakan

▫Kegiatan atau kejadian yang terjadi


▫Kegiatan atau kejadian yang terjadi




S + Verb (s/es)


▫Untuk subyek She, He, It Verb ditambah


▫Untuk subyek I, They, We, You Verb tidak

ditambah (s/es)


I go to school everyday

➪ Verb (Go) tidak ditambah (s/es) karena

subyeknya I

She goes to office everyday

➪ Verb (Go) ditambah (s/es) karena

subyeknya She

✨☁️Semoga Membantu☁️✨

14. (+) i go to school everyday​


(+) I go to school everyday

(-) I don't go to school everyday

(?) when tau go to school everyday?


semoga membantu......

15. We go to school by grab car everyday. The interrogative sentence is… jawaban a. Are we go to school by grab car everyday? b.Does we go to school by grab car everyday? c.Do we go to school by grab car everyday? d.You go to school by grab car everyday?


A. Are we go to school by grab car everyday?

You, We, They to be nya are

I to be nya do

She, He, It to be nya does


c.Do we go to school by grab car everyday?


kalau kata kerja penggunaannya do,does
kalau kata sifat penggunaanya are,is

i,you,they,we kata kerja do.
you,they,we kata sifat are.
I kata sifat is.

she he it kata kerja does.
she he it kata sifat is.

maaf kalau salah

16. si go to school by bus everyday​


sebenernya kalimat yg betul itu she goes to school by bus everyday. artinya dia pergi ke sekolah dengan bis setiap hari

17. buatlah kalimat (+) (-) (?)(+) i go to school everyday(-) ....(?) ....

(-) I don't go to school everyday
(?) Do I go to school everyday?(-) i dont go to school everyday
(?) do i go to school everyday ?

18. (+) The students go to the school everyday ​

every Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

19. She ..... to school everyday on foot

she goes to school everyday on foot
She goes to school everyday on foot
it is a habit (keyword: everyday) therefore it uses simple present tense :)

20. he AND she ......(don't/ doesn't) go to school everyday pilih satu didalam kurung​



tergantung disuruhnya pake apa does atau do

Jawaban: don’t


He AND she DON’T go to school everyday

= Dia (lk) dan dia (pr) TIDAK pergi ke Sekolah setiap hari

Pilihan hanya ada antara DON’T dan DOESN’T.

Do not/Don’t = utk subject jamak

Does not/Doesn’t = utk subject tunggal

Dalam soal subject bentuk jamak yaitu ada dua orang HE (dia lk) dan SHE (dia pr) maka Auxiliary yg tepat adalah DON’T.

Pelajari lebih lanjut tentang PRESENT TENSE:



=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Level: JHS

Kode Mapel: 5

Materi: Present Tense

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

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