
Rani Laxmibai Information In Marathi

Juli 12, 2022

Rani Laxmibai Information In Marathi

Is Rani in the library? Change into Past Tense!a. Isn't Rani in the library?b. Wasn't Rani in the library?c. Weren't Rani in the library?d. Was Rani in the library?​

Daftar Isi

1. Is Rani in the library? Change into Past Tense!a. Isn't Rani in the library?b. Wasn't Rani in the library?c. Weren't Rani in the library?d. Was Rani in the library?​


d.was rani in the library?

was/were digunakan untuk past tense, kalau was digunakan untuk i,he,she,it dan were digunakan untuk you,they,we

semoga membantu :D

2. 1. What is title in an information report...? 2.What is general statement in an information report...? 3. What are subheadings in an information report...? 4. What is topic sentence in an information report...? 5. What are captions in an information report...?​


1. Apa judul dalam laporan informasi ...?

2.Apa pernyataan umum dalam laporan informasi ...?

3. Apa itu subpos dalam laporan informasi...?

4. Apa kalimat topik dalam laporan informasi ...?

5. Apa itu keterangan dalam laporan informasi


teks ceritanya kemana tuh, gk ada

3. 1. What is title in an information report...? 2.What is general statement in an information report...? 3. What are subheadings in an information report...? 4. What is topic sentence in an information report...? 5. What are captions in an information report...?​


1. apa judulan dalam laporan informasi?

2. apa pernyataan umum dalam laporan informasi ?

3. apa subpos dalam laporan informasi

4. apa kalimat topik dalam laporan informasi

5. apa keterangan dalam laporan informasi

4. Mention what information are in a invitation..

Place , time , the birthday owner .

5. Look at the information given in each box. which form does the information belong in? write in the correct forms


Lihatlah informasi yang diberikan di setiap kotak. bentuk mana yang dimiliki informasi? tulis dalam bentuk yang benar

penjelasan: Sorry if it's wrong.

6. The winner of the story-telling competition in the class is Rani. ...................., Rani!


The winner of the story-telling competition in the class is Rani. CONGRATULATION Rani!

7. Nina and Rani cheff in the restaurant​


Nina dan Rani cheff di restoran


koki Nina dan koki Rani di restoran

maafin jika salah

mohon dijadikan jawaban terbaik

8. mention four expressions in asking for information

1. what is happen ?
2. where do you live ?
3. how old are you ?
4. when you go to school ?
1. Expression of repetition
Meminta untuk mengulangi penjelasan yang dikatakan karna kurang jelas
2. Expression of gratitude
Ekspresi mengucapkan terima kasih
3. Expression asking for help
Ekspresi minta tolong
4. Expression of suggest
Ekspresi memberi saran

9. It's time to identify the information stated in an id card.fill in the boxes with the right informationit's time to identify the information stated in an id card.fill in the boxes with the right information​


Via the Government's Official Website

You can visit the official government website through the page. Then select the "variety" segment followed by "population data". Look for the e-KTP menu and fill in the 16-digit NIK then click enter.



10. rani won the english speech conpetition in semarang.what will you say to rani?​


rani memenangkan lomba pidato bahasa inggris di semarang.

apa yang akan kamu katakan pada rani?


rani won the english speech conpetition in semarang.

what will you say to rani?​

Congratulations on winning the English speech competition in Semarang, Rani! I am so happy for you!


Selamat telah memenangkan kompetisi pidato bahasa Inggris di Semarang, Rani! Aku merasa sangat senang untukmu!

Ketika teman kita memenangkan sebuah kompetisi apapun, maka kita akan ikut merasa gembira untuknya dan mengucapkan selamat.

Semoga membantu ya.

11. . Rani meets Mom Suchi in the school Library, at 09.00 am. Rani greets....​


Good morning ma'am......


Good morning ma'am


jam 09.00 masih pagi jadi Good morning

12. read the information about rani friend's and state what she can do rani=yuli can make coto makassar and also pallubasa.she can make a cake and decorate it beautifullyaccording to rani......

yuli can make coto makassar and also pallubasa.she can make a cake and decorate it beautifullyaccording to rani, yuli is very skilled in cooking. whenever it comes to the culinary department basically. since, she can cook and bake many kinds of foods.

13. Complete the following short text based on the information information in the dialog in task 10 ​


B.Inggris: Complete the following short text based on the information information in the dialog in task 10

bila diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia, akan menjadi:

B.Indonesia: Lengkapi teks pendek berikut ini berdasarkan informasi informasi dalam dialog dalam tugas 10

14. fill in the table with the information in the letters​


wonder world T One Direction

15. How information in a news in time is structured​


Bagaimana informasi dalam sebuah berita pada waktunya disusun


16. Fill in the table with the information in the letters



17. Instruction: fill in the blanks! In a bookstore Dimas : Hi, Rani. Pleased to meet you here. Rani : Yeah, me too. Dimas : Let me introduce you to my friend. ………………………………………………….. Gani : Nice to meet you, Rani. Rani : …………………………………………………….

Rani : Hello,My Name is Rani, Nice To Meet You Gani

Gani : Nice To Meet You Rani

Rani : I Hope We Can Be Friend

18. look at the information given in each box. which form does the information belong in? write in the correct forms​


lihat informasi yang diberikan di setiap kotak. dalam bentuk apa informasi itu berasal? tulislah dalam bentuk yang benar.

aku translate aja ya kak

19. Mention nine information in label​


1. The production date and expired date, ingredients, barcode, amount per serving, nutrition description, price (optional), Brand of producer.

2. Brand of drug, name of drug, description, content/amount, use(s), directions to use and dosage, directions to store, warning.

3.The label meant to provide you with the information necessary to know exactly what you're eating. Understanding what's in the foods you eat helps you make healthier choices. They tell consumers about the composition and nature of products, so you can compare between one product with another product and choose the best choice.

4. The drug labels include information about active ingredients as well as inactive ingredients. This helps you identify anything you might be allergic to, or whether the medicine contains ingredients that are also in other medicines you are taking at the same time for different purposes.

5. You may get expired product or poor nutrition product when you're not pay attention to labels on the product.

6. Reading and understanding the drug label is the important way to prevent errors andoverdoses. You need to give the right drug, in the rightdose, to the right person, at the right time, in the right way, and for the right purpose. If not, It can be endanger someone life.

I hope it's help you


1.I heard that there was a painting competition and a group of two participants

2.In the afternoon, there are community service activities or mutual cooperation which will be held on Friday, 11 November 2018 in the yard around the residence.

3.Monday, 07-June 2019 a meeting will be held with parents of students who will graduate from elementary school regarding events that will be held on-site at 10.00-12.00 at the venue

4.Today there will be mass blood tests at each school

5.I was assigned to register the children for student council activities

6.I received news that there was an accident at the junction of the red light highway which killed the motorcyclist

7.Today I heard that there will be interviews with street vendors at nearby markets

8.Teachers have a day off today because today is Indonesia's 72nd Independence Day

9.My family and I received good news that we received a gift from BCA bank because we had been saving at BCA bank for a long time

Maaf jika kurang bagus



20. information questions in the present perfect​


2. where you travel to?

3. how many people she invite?

4. who to be china?

5. why the book you choose?

6. Larry how long live there?

7. what you for lunch prepare? much money you spend this?


semoga bermanfaat

sorry if something goes wrong

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