
Out Of 100 Students 15 Passed In English

Juli 30, 2022

Out Of 100 Students 15 Passed In English

Out of a group of 35 students, it is found that 18 students like Math, 22 students like English, and 7 students like neither Math or English. The number of students like both Math and English is ....​

Daftar Isi

1. Out of a group of 35 students, it is found that 18 students like Math, 22 students like English, and 7 students like neither Math or English. The number of students like both Math and English is ....​





7 orang tidak menyukai kedua pelajaran tersebut


10 orang menyukai bhs inggris


6 orang menyukai mtk

sisanya menyukai kedua pelajaran

yang menyukai kedua pelajaran:12

yang menyukai mtk:6

yang menyukai bhs inggris:10

yang tidak menyukai kedua pelajaran:7

12+6+10+7:35 goodddd

2. (+)the students of X science are studying English in the class(-). . . . . . . . . . (?)(Q¹) (in the class)(Q²) (English) (Q³)(studying English) (Q⁴) (The students of X science)​


(-) the students of X science are not studying english in the class

(?) are the students of X science studying english in the class?


(-) s+be not +v ing

(?) be + s+ v ing

3. Kalimat passive voice : she teaches English in front of students​


She teaches English.

Passive: English is taught by her


karena kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat passive voice dalam bahasa Inggris

4. students is studyng english in the class​


siswa siswa sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di kelas.

5. Into passive voice students speak english in the english day

Jawaban: ke dalam suara pasif siswa berbicara bahasa Inggris di hari bahasa inggris

6. 1.Anthon uses English in class. ? what Anthon uses English in English class 2. Joni and Jeck wash cic their hands in the top 2 3.All students of eight grade Study English on monday 2 All Students of eight grade study English on monday ?​


10:57 b:Inggris ltis Dirty past ten

7. The students ___ English in the classroom.


are studying

semoga membantu^_^

8. Menyusun : week-the-students-of-in-the class-smp-english-twice-study

the smp students study english in the class twice in a weekThe smp student study english in the class twice a week

Semoga membantu

9. The - always - happily - out-of-study - class - students - the - sidea. The sudents study always happily out side of the classb. Outside of the class the students always study happilyc. The students always out side of the class study happilyd. The students always study happily out side of the class.​


d. The students always study happily out side of the class.


d. The students always study happily out side of the class.

10. The students …. .. English in the classroom yesterday​



karena sudah lampau, past, jadi study dirubah menjadi verb 2

yaitu = studied/telah belajar

The students studiedEnglish in the classroom yesterday


pake past tense karna ada keterangan waktu yesterday, verb 2 dari study adalah studied

11. the students...english in the classroom yesterday​


the students studied english in the classroom yesterday.


karena studied merupakan bentuk past dari study.


The students study English in the classroom yesterday

12. there are 30 students in a class,16 of them like mathematic, 15 like English,and 9 like both. how many students like none of those two subjects?​

(16 - 9) + (15 - 9) + 9 + x = 30
7 + 6 + 9 + x = 30
22 + x = 30
x = 8 students

13. This test . . . by a lot of students. * a. are usually passed b. was usually passed c. were usually passed d. is usually passed


a. are usually passed

semoga membantu

maaf kalau salah☺️

14. students is studyng english in the class

Siswa belajar bahasa inggris di kelasArtinya murid sedang belajar bahasa inggris di ruang kelas.

15. Out of 102 students in a class, 30 prefer football, 36 prefer baseball and remaining like tennis. Find the ratio of number of students who prefer football to the number of students who prefer tennis?

Total number of students

= 102 Students.

Students who prefer football = 30 students

Students who prefer baseball = 36 students

Students who prefer tennis = ?

= Total students - (Students who prefer football + Students who prefer baseball)

= 102 - (30+36)

= 102 - 66

= 36 students.

ratio of number of students who prefer football to the number of students who prefer tennis

= number of students who prefer football : number of students who prefer tennis

= 30 : 36

= 5 : 6

The ratio is 5 : 6.


16. There were 27 people in Class A and 10 people passed the english test. There were 33 people in Class B and 13 people passed the english test. Which class had a higher percentage of people who passed the english test? ​


Class B


Cause, percentage of class A is


And, percentage of class B is


39,3 is more than 37,0

17. Students of grade five.... (Studies/study) english​




karena students itu jamak, jadi kata kerja yang digunakan tanpa s/es

18. One morning in a flag raising ceremony 25 students out of 300 students in a school didn’t wear cap.What is the percentage of students who didn’t wear their cap in the flag raising ceremony that day



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


19. Make a question out of this sentence. • There are twenty-seven students in my class. ……………….?


Are there twenty-seven students in my class?


20. James is teaching english in front of students rubalah ke kalimat passive


English is being taught by James in front of students.


Kalimat soal adalah dalam tense present continuous tense.

Rumus kalimat passive dengan tense tersebut adalah:

- subjek + is/am/are + being + verb 3 + by (objek) + keterangan

subjek di kalimat passive adalah yang tadinya objek di kalimat aktif. Dalam soal ini adalah: English (Bahasa Inggris)

Aktif: James mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris....

Pasif: Bahasa Inggris diajarkan oleh James (by James)

- is/am/are . Di sini kita pakai is karena subjeknya English (uncountable noun, bisa diganti dengan pronoun It)

- being

being ditambahkan di dalam kalimat passive untuk membantu menyatakan kondisi continuous (masing berlangsung)

be => being

- verb 3 . Harus diingat dalam tense manapun, kalimat passive selalu harus menggunakan verb-3. Di sini teach/teaching => verb 3 nya adalah taught

Semoga bermanfaat

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