
Conversation Between Doctor And Patient In Hindi

Juli 12, 2022

Conversation Between Doctor And Patient In Hindi

please make conversation about activities in hospital between doctor and patients.​

Daftar Isi

1. please make conversation about activities in hospital between doctor and patients.​


Patient: Good evening doctor.

Doctor: Good evening. You look pale and your voice is out of tune.

Patient: Yes doctor. I’m running a temperature and have a sore throat.

Doctor: Lemme see.

(He touches the forehead to feel the temperature.)

Doctor: You’ve moderate fever.

(He then whips out a thermometer.)

Patient: This thermometer is very different from the one you used the last time. (Unlike the earlier one which was placed below the tongue, this one snapped around one of the fingers.)

Doctor: Yes, this is a new introduction by medical equipment companies. It’s much more convenient, as it doesn’t require cleaning after every use.

Patient: That’s awesome.

Doctor: Yes it is.

(He removes the thermometer and looks at the reading.)

Doctor: Not too high – 99.8.

(He then proceeds with measuring blood pressure.)

Doctor: Your blood pressure is fine.

(He then checks the throat.)

Doctor: It looks bit scruffy. Not good.

Patient: Yes, it has been quite bad.

Doctor: Do you get sweating and shivering?

Patient: Not sweating, but I feel somewhat cold when I sit under a fan.

Doctor: OK. You’ve few symptoms of malaria. I would suggest you undergo blood test. Nothing to worry about. In most cases, the test come out to be negative. It’s just precautionary, as there have been spurt in malaria cases in the last month or so.

(He then proceeds to write the prescription.)

Doctor: I’m prescribing three medicines and a syrup. The number of dots in front of each tells you how many times in the day you’ve to take them. For example, the two dots here mean you’ve to take the medicine twice in the day, once in the morning and once after dinner.

Doctor: Do you’ve any other questions?

Patient: No, doctor. Thank you.


Sorry if i Wrong:)

2. what is the possible relation between the woman and the man? A. student and teacher B. Doctor and patient C. Nurse and Doctor D. Colleagues​

C. Nurse and doctor.

Hope this will help u, good luck<3




Kata Kuncinya Project Together

3. conversation as pharmacy and patient​


Pharmacist: Good morning. How can I help you?

Customer: Good morning, I have this prescription.

Pharmacist: Let me see. Okay, I think we have it. Let me get that for you...

Pharmacist: Here you go.

Customer: Oh, Thank God. You are the fifth pharmacist that I have asked for it today.

Pharmacist: I am glad that we can help you.

Customer: Thank you, and can you tell me how I should use it?

Pharmacist: Certainly! You need to take these pills once a day before you go to sleep.

Customer: Okay, how long do I need to take them for?

Pharmacist: Ten days for this one. It's important that you finish all the package, if you forget to take it at night, you need to take two in the morning.

Customer: Okay, is it safe to take with aspiring?

Pharmacist: No, you can not take aspirin while you are on this, no painkillers allowed.

Customer: I see, are there any side effects?

Pharmacist: Rare but possible drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, upset stomach, nausea, nervousness, constipation... It is recommended that you avoid physically demanding activities after taking this; also no driving.

Customer: Oh, now I see why I should take it before I go to sleep.

Pharmacist: Exactly!

Customer: Well, okay then. Can I pay with my card?

Pharmacist: Sure! that will be $15. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Customer: No, that would be all, thank you.

Pharmacist: You are welcome, here is your receipt.

Customer: Thank you for your help, have a good day.

Pharmacist: Thank you, you too.

4. (+) the patient consults to the doctor in the hospital every thrusday(-)(?)​


(-) The patient does not consults to the doctor in the hospital every thrusday

(?) Does the patient consults to the doctor in the hospital every thrusday?


(+) The patient consults to the doctor in the hospital every Thursday.

(-) The patient does not consult to the doctor in the hospital every Thursday.

(?) Does the patient consult to the doctor in the hospital every Thursday?


Soal merupakan kalimat verba simple present.


Verbal sentence (kalimat verba) adalah kalimat di mana predikatnya merupakan verb (kata kerja).

Eat, sleep, walk, stand, blink, dll.

Pola Kalimat Verba  

(+) S + V1 (-s/-es) (-) S + do/does + not + V1 (?) Do/does + S + V1 + ...?


They go to the library every Saturday He eats many fruits in a day. I don't like the way you talk She doesn't care about me Do we play basketball? Does he know how to drive?


Gunakan does pada kalimat negatif/interogatif subjek he/she/itGunakan do pada kalimat negatif/interogatif subjek I/you/we/they

3rd Person Singular Verbs

Perubahan bentuk kata kerja subjek orang ketiga singular (he/she/it)

Kata kerja pada umumnya cukup ditambahkan akhiran -s  

Runs, walks, writes, types, likes, loves, dll.

Kata kerja berakhiran -ch, -sh, -s, -x, -z ditambahkan akhiran -es  

Watches, pushes, passes, faxes, buzzes, dll.

Kata kerja berakhiran konsonan+y ditambahkan akhiran -ies  

Flies, cries, fries, tries, dll.


Pada kalimat negatif/interogatif, kata kerja subjek orang ketiga tidak perlu lagi imbuhan (-s/-es)

5. Terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia!5. The doctor examines the patient in thehospital.​


Dokter memeriksa pasien di rumah sakit.


maaf ya kalau salah


Dokter memeriksa pasien di rumah sakit

Semoga membantu

6. 36. (?) Did the doctor write a prescription for his patient?(+)...A. The doctor writes a prescription for his patient.B. The doctor write a prescription for his patient.C. The doctor wrote a prescription for his patient.D. The doctor writing a prescription for his patient.​


36. (?) Did the doctor write a prescription for his patient?

(+) The doctor wrote a prescription for his patient

Answer : C. The doctor wrote a prescription for his patient


maaf kalo salah..semoga membantu..


The doctor wrote a prescription for his patiens

kenapa pakai wrote karena kalimat diatas menggunakan kalimat Yang bersifat lampau sehingga harus menggunakan verb 2

semoga membantu

7. 1. The patient can't walk so she issitting on the....2. The doctor injects the patientwith....3. We buy medicine in the....4. The...helps doctor to cure thepatient in the hospital,5. The...takes patient to the hospital.12.09​


1. wheel chair

2. injection

3. drugstore/pharmacy

4. nurse

5. doctor

8. 1. Assistant : May I help you? Patient : (1) Assistant : Please have a seat. The doctor will be a minute. Patient : (2) 2. Doctor : What can I do for you? Patient : (3) Doctor : What's the matter? Patient :(4) 3.Doctor: Well, it looks you've got the flue. You should stay in bed for a few days and rest. Patient : (5) Doctor: You can take some aspirin. Patient : (6) 4. Doctor: How do you feel? Patient (7) Doctor : Well, he probably has the flue, too Patient (8)Doctor: It should help his aches and pains.​



1. Hello. When will the doctor come?

2. Okay, thankyou

3. I want to ask you about my illness

4. I have a headache and some respiratory problems

5. What medicine should I take?

6. Okay, thankyou doc

7. He has the same symptoms as me

9. write conversation between sales promotion and customers

Conversation between salesman and customer?

Salesman :- Good evening Sir.

Customer :- Good evening.

Salesman :-How can i help you?

Customer :- Can u Show me Some Formal Shirts?

Salesman :- Please Come with me.

Customer :-Yes why not?

Salesman :-Please come to counter no.2.

Salesman :-What is the occasion sir?

Customer :-It's my interview.

Salesman :-That means u need to wear a light color shirts with lining.

Customer :- Yes show me something in slim fitting

Salesman :-Do you have any color preference?

Customer :- Yes show me something in white with blue lining.

Salesman :-I think sir u will like this shirt.

Customer :- Yes,not bad but can u show me somthing in cotten fabric.

Salesman :-Would you like to see this one.

Customer :- Yes,this is awesome.

Customer :- Can u open the whole thing.

Salesman :-Yes,definitely.

Customer :- Is there any different lining in this one.

Salesman :- Yes,there are 2 or 3 different linings in this one.

Customer :- Please show me those.

Salesman :OK,but i think this linings looks very impressive.

Customer :- So,whats the price?

Salesman :It is Rs.1500/-

Customer :-Oh,the price seems to be quite it fixed?

Salesman :-Since you are our regular customer some discount will be offered to you.

Salesman :-Sir,the quality of the shirt is also very good.

Customer :-Yes,i know that.still i feel that the price is high.

Customer :-So how much exactly should i pay you?

Salesman :Sir,You say what are you willing to give?

Customer :-Not more than 1100.

Salesman :-Oh!sir that will be too less.

Customer :-I have an idea,how much it actually cost?

Salesman :-Sir,you give at least Rs.1300/-

Customer :-OK,then ill give you Rs.1200/-

Salesman :-Alright sir.

Customer :-Can i make the payment through a credit card?

Salesman :Yes,sir.

Salesman :-Thank you for coming sir.

Customer :-Yes,but next time i come here for shopping you have to offer more discounts.

Salesman :-We will surely try to satisfy you.Keep coming

Customer :-OK,thank you.

10. Write a conversation between you and a prospective roommate in which you describe yourself and ask him or her to do the same. Dialog conversation*

Me: Hello, my name is Sarah and I am your new roommate. What’s your name?

Toby: My name is toby.

Me: What a nice name! How are you today?

Toby: I have been great! How about you?

Me: I have been great as well. I was just about to unpack all of my stuff and organize them. I really like organizing.

Toby: Oh really? That’s interesting.

Me: Yes! What are your interests Toby?

Toby: I like to go fishing, I think it’s fun. I also like to express myself by drawing.

Me: I like to draw as well. But I’m not very good at it.

Toby: I have an idea. I can teach you how to draw!

Me: I would love that.

11. The doctor made the patient... In the bed(stay)​


The doctor made the patient (stay)in the bed


Causative verb is the verb used to explain the idea “x causes y “ to do something by requesting, persuading, paying and forcing the person. There are three main causative verbs, among others : make, get, and have.

1. Make

It reveals the idea “X forces Y" do something and “ X “ doesn’t have any choices at all.

Pattern :


Example :

The teacher made the students finish their homework

➡ It explains that the students don't have any choices  because they have a responsibility to finish their homework for the academic assessment.

2. Have

It reveals the idea “X asks/requests Y “ do something

Pattern :


Example :

I had my daughter buy a sack of sugar

➡ It gives the idea that I beg of my daughter to buy a sack of sugar.

3. Get

It reveals he idea “X persuades Y “ to do something

Pattern :


Example :

Naomi got her friend to lend her a good novel

➡ It gives the idea that Naomi finally tried to persuade her friend to lend her a good novel

Please remember, if we want to imply the causative verb construction, pay attention to the object.

Based on your question

The statement above uses the causative verb "made." It means that the doctor forces the patient for a good reason and she/he doesn't have any choices to refuse the doctor's command.

When we use causative verb "make/made", we must put/write the base verb/bareinfinitive after the object or someone who receives the command.

So, the correct verb is stay.


Learn more about :

Causative verbs


Grade : XI

Subject : English

Category : Sentence structure

Categorization : 11.5.6

Keywords : Causative verbs, the doctor, made

12. Contoh dialog asking and giving suggestion doctor and patient

Patient: can u help me? What should i do?
Doctor: u should take a rest for a week

13. conversation between alien and human

tumbuhan()tapi di inggrisin)
maaf y kalo kurang tepat
percakapan antara alien dan manusia

14. Write down a conversation between Customer and Cashier in a Dept Store, at least 10 conversations. terimakasih

1. what kind menu this restaurant
2. do you have wifi
3. can i get diskon with credit card
4. give special menu
5. how much the bill
6. emmm nice taste
7. i need more ice
8. this is best restaurant ever
9. nice place
10. thanks for coming
2.How much cash?
3.Groceries you very much!
4.I buy with credit card.
5.Sorry, customer. Prices less.
6.Can I buy this with debit card?
7.I buy with money Rp.80.000,00-
8.Sorry sir, price is expensive.
9.Total is Rp.90.500,00-, customer.
10. See you later, guys!

Semoga membantu..... dan maaf klo ada yang salah.....

15. Making conversation between two friends in a cinema ?​



The New Cinema In Broadway Road

Jenny:(nananananana) "i enjoy this day, ouchh"

Denny:"opps sorry, i don't look you in street.

Jenny:"it's okay, you can look with you eye. but, why you can't look me. are you blind".

denny:"yes i am, i don't bring my glasses".

Jenny:"hahaaha, where are you going? ".

denny:"i want to cinema, the cinema just opened yesterday".

Jenny:" can i follow you go to a new cinema please".

Denny:" you can follow me, let's go !".

Jenny:"horayyy !".

in the cinema,

Denny:"Jenny you sit at number 11 and i sit at number 12".

Jenny:"okay, where my popcorn ?".

Denny:"here you are".

Jenny:" thank you".

Denny:"we watch a film, the title it's Skip Trace".

Jenny: "it's my favourite's a comedy".

Denny:"yes it is, want to start, let's we enjoying".

Denny and Jenny:"let's go !".


16. 1. Assistant: May I help you? Patient Assistant : Please have a seat. The doctor will be a minute. (1) Patient : (2) 2. Doctor What can I do for you? Patient (3) Doctor : What's the matter? Patient (4) 3. Doctor: Well, it looks you've got the flue. You should stay in bed for a few days and rest. Patient (5) Doctor: You can take some aspirin. Patient (6) 4. Doctor: How do you feel? Patient: (7) Doctor: Well, he probably has the flue, too Patient : (8) Doctor: It should help his aches and pains.​


1. Bisa aku bantu? Silakan duduk. / baik. Dokter akan segera datang. (1) pasien: (2) 2. Dokter apa yang bisa saya lakukan untuk anda? Pasien (3) dokter: ada apa? Pasien (4) 3. Yah, sepertinya kau terkena flu. Anda harus tinggal di tempat tidur selama beberapa hari dan beristirahat. Pasien (5) dokter: anda dapat mengambil aspirin. Pasien (6) 4. Bagaimana perasaan anda? Pasien: (7) dokter: yah, dia mungkin memiliki flue, terlalu sabar: (8) dokter: itu akan membantu rasa sakit dan sakitnya.


maaf jika salah

17. Complete the dialogue clue with the words in the words in the box ! Doctor : ‘’ good morning , sir . what can I do for you ?’’ Patient: ‘’ I am not feeling …. (1) doctor.’’ Doctor : what’s the matter?’’ Patient: ‘’ I’ve got …… (2) in my chest and a headache .’’ Doctor : ‘’ plase lie. …… (3) . I’ll examine you . ‘’ Patient : ‘’ alright . ‘’ Doctor : ‘’ have you ever got an …. (4) ? ‘’ Patient : ‘’ yes , doctor , three months ago . I ….. (5) my left shoulder and was ….. (6)’’ doctor : '' was the ..... (7) serious ?'' patient: '' no, it's not serious , but the surgeon ..... (8) on my shoulder . '' doctor : '' I will give you .... (9) . take two .... (10) twice and one teaspoon of the syrup three times a day .'' patient : '' thank you, doctor . good bye .'' doctor : '' good bye .'' box : pains injury down well operated pills injured accident broke medicine

(1) well
(2) pains
(3) down
(4) accident
(5) broke
(6) injured
(7) injury
(8) operated
(9) medicine
(10) pills

1. well
2. pains
3. down
4. accident
5. broke
6. injured
7. injury
8. operated
9. medicine
10. pills

18. My father is a doctor. He is a good doctor. He is really patient and kind. Everyone likes him. He ... in ABCD hospital. *​






My father is a doctor. He is a good doctor. He is really patient and kind. Everyone likes him. He Works in ABCD hospital.



#Sorryifit's wrong

19. Write a conversation based on the suggestions and offers between a docter and patient. The patient is overweight,she wants to have ideal body shape​


Tulis percakapan berdasarkan saran dan penawaran antara dokter dan pasien. Pasien kelebihan berat badan, dia ingin memiliki bentuk tubuh yang ideal

maaf kalo salah

20. 13. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Best friends. B Doctor and patient. C Mother and daughter. D Teacher and student​

A. Best friends.

maaf kalau salah

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