
A Mass M Is Supported By A Massless String

Juli 09, 2022

A Mass M Is Supported By A Massless String

1. consider a man 1,8m tall and a giant 5times as tall as the man. How tall is the giant?2. assume the giant is similar to the man. if the mass of the man is 80kg. What is the mass of the giant?3. the man's mass is supported by both of his leg bones. if cross sectional ares of each of the legs bones is 10cm^2. How much mass is supported by 1cm^2 of the man's leg bone?4. what is the cross sectional area of each giant's leg bones?5. how much mass is supported by 1 cm^2 of the leg bones?​

Daftar Isi

1. 1. consider a man 1,8m tall and a giant 5times as tall as the man. How tall is the giant?2. assume the giant is similar to the man. if the mass of the man is 80kg. What is the mass of the giant?3. the man's mass is supported by both of his leg bones. if cross sectional ares of each of the legs bones is 10cm^2. How much mass is supported by 1cm^2 of the man's leg bone?4. what is the cross sectional area of each giant's leg bones?5. how much mass is supported by 1 cm^2 of the leg bones?​


1. pertimbangkan seorang pria dengan tinggi 1,8 m dan raksasa 5 kali lebih tinggi dari pria itu. Berapa tinggi raksasa itu?

2. menganggap raksasa itu mirip dengan manusia. jika massa orang tersebut 80kg. Berapa massa raksasa itu?

3. massa pria ditopang oleh kedua tulang kakinya. jika luas penampang masing-masing tulang kaki adalah 10cm^2. Berapa massa yang ditopang oleh 1cm^2 tulang kaki pria tersebut?

4. berapa luas penampang tulang kaki masing-masing raksasa?

5. berapa massa yang ditopang oleh 1 cm^2 tulang kaki?

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2. Maya has a string 2.45 m long. It is 0.7 m longer than Shella’s string. What is the length of Shella’s string? *


1,75 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

2,45 m - 0,7 m = 1,75m

I hope my answer can help you!

3. What is globalization supported by


globalisasi adalah suatu proses sosial yang di dalamnya kendala geografi terhadap pengaturan sosial dan budaya menjadi surut dan manusia menjadi semakin sadar bahwa pengaturan tersebut menjadi semakin surut


Globalization isa social process in which the geographical barriers to social and cultural governance are diminishing more and more people realize that they are slipping away

4. ... by many scientists and researc hers throughout the world, robotics is employed in auto mobile manufacturing. (A) supporting (B) it supported (C) supported (D) have been supported

C. Supported
semoga membantu... by many scientists and researc hers throughout the world, robotics is employed in auto mobile manufacturing.

↪(A) supporting

[tex] Semoga [/tex] [tex] Membantu [/tex] ⛅

5. The mass of a dictionary is 1.28 kg. The mass of the dictionary is twice the mass of a storybook. The mass of an encyclopaedia is 1.4 kg more than storybook. What is the mass of the encyclopaedia?


2.04 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Jika berat sebuah kamus 2 kali berat buku cerita, maka berat buku cerita adalah setengah dari berat kamus. Sehingga berat ensiklopedia adalah

1.4 kg + (1.28 ÷ 2) kg

= 1.4 kg + 0.64kg

= 2.04 kg

6. A kitten and a basket has a mass of 3 kg. A hanster and a similar basket has a mass of 1.4 kg. The mass of the kitten is 5 times the mass of the hamster. (a) what is the mass of the hamster? (b) what is the mass of the kitten?

hamster = x
kitten =y

x + z = 1,4
y+ z = 3. (+)
x-y = -1,6
6x = 1,6. x =0,267
y = 5x=5×0,267=1,335

7. Which statement about mass and weight is correct? A. Mass and weight are both forcesB. Neither mass nor weight is a forceC. Only mass is a forceD. Only weight is a force​


c. only mass is a force

c. hanya massa adalah kekuatan

8. Tono's mass is 45 kg. Randy's mass is 37 kg. Randy is ligther than Tono by . . . . kg. * a. 12 kg b. 8 kg c. 82 kg Please di jawab √


B. 8 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

45-37=8semoga membantu ☺️☺️

9. a tin have density 1.850 kg/m³ and volume 8 m³. mass of a tin is ...

mass of a tin is

1.850 : 8=

10. Soal perbandingan (dalam english)The frequency of sound emitted by a string is inversely proportional to the length of the string. when the string is 50cm long, the frequency of the sound is 256Hz. find a) the frequency of sound when the string is 40cm long.b) the length of string when the frequency is 400Hz.​


b) the length of string when the frequency is 400Hz.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Karena 265 Hz maka 50 cm



[tex]100 + 300 = 400 \: hz[/tex]

11. A ... is a piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs. a.table b. chair c.cupboard d. door ​


a. table


maaf jika salah


A. \ B.



12. a kitten and a basket has a mass of 3 kg . A hamster and a similar basket has a mass of 1.4kg . the mass of the kitten is 5 times the mass of the hamster .a. what is the mass of the hamster ? , b. what is the mass of the kitten ?

kitten = x ,hamster = y and baskest = z

x+z = 3 kg
y+z = 1,4 kg

z = x- y = 3 kg - 1,4 kg = 1,6 kg

x+y = 4,4 kg - 1,6 kg = 2, 8 kg

x = 5y 
5y +y = 2,8 kg
    6y  = 2,8 kg
      y = 2,8 kg /6
      y = 0,47 kg
x = 5y
   = 5 * 0,47 kg
   = 2,35 kg 

a. mass off  hamster = 0,47 kg
b. mas off kitten = 2,35 kg

bonus...mass of basket = 1,6 kg


13. 25 The total mass of Joko and Reza is 121 kg. Joko's mass is 52 kg. What is Reza's mass?H :Q :A :​


Reza's mass ia 59 kg

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

J + R = 121

If J = 52

52 + R = 121

52 + R - 52 = 121 -52

R = 59 kg

14. the mass of a watermelon is 7/1 kg. the mass of a apples is 2/5 kg less than the mass of the watermelona. what is the mass of the applesb.what is the total mass of the apples and watermelon​


Berat semangka = 7/1 kg

Berat apel = 2/5 kg kurang dari semangka


a. Berat apel = 7/1 - 2/5

                     = 35/5 - 2/5

                     = 33/5 = 6 3/5

b. Berat apel dan semangka = 7/1 + 6 3/5

                                                = 35/5 + 33/5

                                                = 68/5 = 13 3/5

Maaf klo salah

Semoga membantu

Jadikan jawaban terbaik ya...

15. the mass of pencil 115 grams the mass of a book is 385 grams what is the their total mass​


500 mass is the total mass

The total mass is
115 grams + 385 grams=500 grams
So,the total mass is 500 grams

16. Find A is 5kg heavier than object B is and the mass of object C is twice the mass of object A . If the total mass of three object is 255kg.Find the mass of Object C

A + B + C = 255 kgs
( B + 5 ) + B + 2 ( B + 5 ) = 55
4B + 15 = 255
4B = 255 - 15
4 B = 240
B = 60
C = 2( B + 5 )
C = 130

17. Math Andy and Bernard have a total mass of 83.27 kg. Andy's mass is 39.36 kg What is Bernard's mass?


43.91 kg

83.27-39.36 = 43.91

sorry if wrong

83.27 - 39.36
= 43.91 kg

18. What is the force constant of a spring which is stretcheda) 2 mm by a force of 4N,b) 4cm by a mass of 200g?.


Untuk menghitung konstanta gaya suatu pegas, kita perlu menggunakan rumus:

k = F / x

Di mana:

k = konstanta gaya (dalam newton/meter)

F = gaya yang diberikan pada pegas (dalam newton)

x = perpanjangan pegas (dalam meter)

a) Dalam hal ini, gaya F = 4 N, dan perpanjangan pegas x = 2 mm = 2 x 10^-3 m. Jadi, konstanta gaya k = F / x = (4 N) / (2 x 10^-3 m) = 2000 N/m.

b) Dalam hal ini, massa m = 200 g = 0.2 kg. Selain itu, kita juga tahu bahwa gaya gravitasi pada bumi adalah F = m x g, di mana g adalah percepatan gravitasi (9.8 m/s^2). Jadi, gaya F = 0.2 kg x 9.8 m/s^2 = 1.96 N. Perpanjangan pegas x = 4 cm = 4 x 10^-2 m. Jadi, konstanta gaya k = F / x = (1.96 N) / (4 x 10^-2 m) = 49 N/m.


19. 56 cm is cut off 1 m of string. how much string is left

String Left
=> (1m) - (56cm)
=> (100cm) - (56cm)
=> 44 cm

Semoga Bermanfaat

20. artinya land mass smaller than a continent that is surronded by water​


daratan lebih kecil dari benua yang dikelilingi oleh air

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