
A Drunkard Walking In A Narrow Lane

Juli 03, 2022

A Drunkard Walking In A Narrow Lane

The country lane was narrow, muddy,.......and muddy.A. cleanB. largeC. has a lot of stonesD. steep​

Daftar Isi

1. The country lane was narrow, muddy,.......and muddy.A. cleanB. largeC. has a lot of stonesD. steep​


C.has a lot of stones.

Semoga bermanfaat

2. While underway in narrow channel,a vessel should stay?

the ship must stay memorable:v

right? Already know how to do a small way through sono ngakak parah wkwk:v

3. 18. This road is the ... in the town.a. more narrowb. narrowestC. narrowerd. narrow​


This road is the narrowest in the town.

Narrow merupakan kata sifat yang memiliki dua suku kata. Perhatikan kata kunci 'the' yang menunjukkan superlative degree.


Perhatikan contoh berikut..

This road is narrower than that road. (jalan ini lebih sempit daripada jalan itu).

Kata 'narrower than' menunjukkan comparative degree.

Ciri dari superlative degree adalah ada kata 'the' sebelum kata sifat.

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi superlative degree pada


4. 21. The synonym of "footpath" is A. river bank B. Narrow passagewement C. In a parking lot D. In à mall​

Footpath bisa dikatakan sebagai trotoar, bisa juga narrow passageway

5. a The garden isWe conplant many trees in ItA) NarrowB) Smallc) largeD.) little​




karena disitu " taman sangat .... kita bisa menanam banyak pohon " jdi yng pling tpat large


large,soalnya "we can plant many trees in it

kalo "many"artinya banyak,jadi pasti kalo menanam tanaman yg bnyk pasti harus kebun yang besar,terimakasih semoga membantu

6. 15. What does the sign "N" mean in acompass?OA. NearB. NarrowC. NorthD. News​


c. north


pada kompas ada 4 tanda yg menunjukkan arah mata angin. maka yg benar c.north yg artinya utara.

semoga membantu


c North

>guna kompas adlaah menunjukkan arah

arah :

timurtenggaraselatanbarat dayabaratbarat laututaratimur laut

7. terjemaahkan ke dalam bahasa sunda walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light (helen keller)​


leumpang sareng réréncangan dina gelap langkung saé tibatan leumpang nyalira dina lampu (helen keller)


leumpang sareng réréncangan dina gelap langkung saé tibatan leumpang nyalira dina lampu (Helen Keler)


mohon maaf jika saya salah tolong di benarkan, karna manusia tak luput dari yang namanya kesalahan

8. “Tyni” in the text means….A. cuteB. hugeC. narrowD. smallE. giant​



a. cute


A. cute


maaf jika jawaban salah

9. This street is the this town (narrow)


This street is the narrow in this town

Narrow artinya sempit

Jadi, artinya : Jalan ini adalah sempit di kota ini

Penjelasan: Semoga membantu, maaf apabila ada kesalahan

10. A long narrow piece of cloth → ... *​



11. She showed off her sle....figure in a long narrow dress

She showed off her slender figure in a long narrow dress. Dress is a type of overalls consisting of a top and bottom (skirt) that are fused together. There are many types of dresses, namely Mini Dresses, Midi Dresses and Long Dresses. For Muslim clothing, what is often worn is the long dress. The length is below the ankles.


Dress clothes are overalls consisting of a top and bottom (skirt) that are fused. So, it's not a standalone consisting of one top and one bottom (skirt). And basically, dress clothes are clothes (tops) and skirts that form a single unit or do not stand alone.

In terms of length, dresses consist of mini dresses/short dresses, midi dresses and long dresses. For Muslim dresses (Muslim clothes) there is a tunic. This division is based on the short length of the bottom (skirt). In addition to the designations above, there are several other designations, for example Party dress, Party dress, Evening dress (according to the situation). A blouse is a shirt with a loose top and hanging bottom. And it is not uncommon to use a belt or belt. The length of a short blouse is only up to approximately the waist (or just the top).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

1. Materi tentang dress pada

2. Materi tentang clothes pada

3. Materi tentang shirts pada

Detail jawaban

Kelas: 5

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Clothes

Kode: -



12. apa itu walking in the air​


berjalan di udara


smoga mmbantu


dalam pemain bola basket merupakan gaya slam dunk khas yang dimiliki Michael Jordan ketika menjuarai

kompetisi Slam dunia NBA

jadikan jawabanku yang terbaik...

13. a small narrow river​





Jawabannya: Sungai sempit kecil

14. Percakapan 2 orang tenyg singkat tentang in a park walking your dog


ini saya kasih contoh nama, namanya kk tambahin y :D

A : Hey! what are you doing here?

B: oh, just walking my dog in the park.

A : aw, how cute he is.

B : i know right!

A : whats his name?

B : his name is (kasih nama)

A : Thats a beautiful name!

15. apa makna kalimat ""walking in the wind"" pada lagu Walking In The Wind -One direction


walking in the wind=Berjalan di atas angin

16. the room is too narrow, we need a... of air in here.

The room is too narrow,we need a lot of air in here.

jawabannya : pipe
maaf kalo salah

17. Are there any busway lane in Jakarta? *​


yes there are

sorry if i'm wrong

18. 2. This road is the .... in the town.a. more narrowb. narrowestc. narrowerd. narrow​


This road is the narrowest in the town


narrowest artinya paling sempit


This road is the more narrow in the town


more narrow artinya lebih sempit

19. 9.Cabang olahraga dari lompat jauh yangbenar adalaha. gaya jongkok, stradle, walking in the airb. gaya walking in the air, snapper,straddlec. gaya straddle, snapper, walking in the aird. gaya jongkok, walking in the air,snapper​


c gaya straddle,snapper, walking in the bucket


c. gaya straddle, snapper, walking in the air


Lompat jauh adalah cabang olahraga atletik dimana atlet mengkombinasikan kecepatan, kekuatan dan kelincahan untuk melemparkan dirinya sejauh mungkin dari titik mula. Sama seperti lompat jangkit, kedua olahraga ini disebut "lompat horisontal".

jangan lupa di follow;-)

20. a lane is........than a road pake er apa est


tips: kalau di soal ada kata 'than' pasti 'er' ;)The Lane Is bigger than a road. Jalur itu lebih besar dibanding jalan itu.

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