
A Car Is Negotiating A Curved Road Of Radius R

Juli 14, 2022

A Car Is Negotiating A Curved Road Of Radius R

A hemisphere has a curved surface area of 200 cm2 . Find its radius.

Daftar Isi

1. A hemisphere has a curved surface area of 200 cm2 . Find its radius.

Surface Area=4.Π.r²

200 cm²=4.3,14.r²

200 cm²=12,56.r²

200 cm²/12,56=r²




4 cm=r

So,the radius is 4 cm.


2. Height of cone=20cm Radius of cone=14cm What is the CURVED surface area of the cone? 30 POINT!!!

꒷꒦˖˚˳⊹︶︶꒷꒦ ✧ ⊹ ₊⁀➷

┊ ┊ ┊┊┊. ➶ ˚ Jawaban dibawah

┊ ┊ ┊ ˚✧

┊ ˚➶ 。˚ ☁︎


Radius=jari jari



surface area=luas permukaan










[tex] = \frac{22}{7} \times 14 \times (14 + 2 \sqrt{149} ) \\ = 44 \times (14 + 2 \sqrt{149}) \\ = (616 + 88 \sqrt{149}) {cm}^{2} [/tex]

┈➤ . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ⌦ ⓜⓞⓖⓐⓟⓐⓗⓐⓜ ..♡ˎˊ˗ ꒰✈꒱   



┊✿꒷꒦ Makasi


★ . ꜝꜞ ᳝ ࣪ Semoga membantu!  ʬʬ

[tex] \boxed{\tt{ \green{answered \: by \: duone}}}[/tex]

3. The safe radius, v m/s, at which a train can round a curve of radius r is directly proportional to the square root of r. It is given that the safe speed at which a train can round a curve of radius 256 m is 80 m/s. find the safe speed if the curve has a radius of 225 m.

since safe velocity (v) is directly proportional to the square root of radius (r), so we can conclude that




whereas [tex]c[/tex] is particular constant related to the equation.

Now, by substituing [tex]v=80[/tex] and [tex]r=256[/tex] we will find out the constant [tex]c[/tex]






\therefore c&=5



Now, for [tex]r=225[/tex] m, we have







So, the safe velocity for radius 225 m is 75 m/s


4. The gravitational force of a satellite on the surface of the Earth of radius R is F. What is the gravitational force on the satellite when its height is R above the Earth?​




h = distance from earth core to satellite

h = R+R = 2R

Fb = gravitational force on the satellite when its height is R above the Earth

F = G m / R^2

Fb = GM m / (2R)2

Fb = GM m / 4R2

Fb = (GM m / R2) / 4

Fb = F/4

5. the perimeter of a semicircle with radius 20cm is​


keliling setengah lingkaran dengan jari-jari 20 cma adalah...

10 cm, maaf jika salah

asal2 jawab:v

6. There is a ... on the road.a. cartb. pedicapC. card. motorcycle​


Pertama, kita cari dulu artinyaThere is a..... on the road yang artinya adalah Disana Ada ...... di jalan Jadi kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik titik di atas adalah PEDICAP yg dalam bahasa Indonesia nya adalah BECAKMungkin bisa juga diisi denganMotorcycle yang artinya motor

Kesimpulan :There is a..... on the roadPEDICAP

7. there are a lot of car on the road they may not ..... the road now? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE ANSWER​


gonna pass


karena kata sebelumnya mengatakan bahwa banyak mobil dijalan sekarang jadi menurut saya itulah jawaban yang pasti

8. The area of a sphere with a radius of 3.5 cm is ... cm2

luas = π x r x r
= 22/7 x 3,5 x 3,5
= 22 x 0,5 x 3,5
= 38,5 cm2

9. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

10. A car takes 15 minutes to travel along a road that is 20km long. What is the average speed of the car? a) 0,75km/h b) 5.0km/h c) 80km/h d) 300km/h

Jadikan Jawaban TERBAIK ! :)

Diketahui :

Jarak = 20 Km

Waktu = 15 Menit = 15/60 = 0,25 Jam

Ditanya :

Kecepatan rata-rata?

Jawab :

[tex]v = \frac{s}{t} [/tex]

V = 20/0,25

V = 80 Km/h

Jawaban = C.

Kalau di artikan ke Bahasa Indonesia bunyi soalnya seperti ini

Sebuah mobil membutuhkan 15 menit untuk menempuh jalanan yang panjangnya 25 Km, maka kecepatan rata-rata mobil?

11. The following traffic sign means......a. the road is winding.b. the road is slippery.c. the car may not enter this street.d. there are a lot of winding turns.​





C. the car may not enter this street


Karena traffic tsb menunjukkan adanya penutupan jalan.

Semoga membantu

12. A road is in the shape of a regular hexagon (six-sided figure) with each side of length 6 km. Suppose a car starts at a corner and more along the road for a distance 20 km. Let the distance of the car from its starting point be x km, find the value of x²

(AA')² = AD²+(DA)²-2·AD·DA'cos60°
   (x)² = (12)²+(2)²-2·12·2·1/2
         = 148-24
         = 124

13. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

14. A toy car is kind of......​


Mobil mainan adalah sejenisnya

maap kalo salah

15. A car moves with uniform acceleration along a straight road. oil leaks from the car at the rate of one drop every two seconds. the diagram shows the distances between three successive oil drops on the road. what is the acceleration of the car?

214 km

Don't be angry if you're wrong

16. 28. A car with a mass of 1500 kg moves at a speed of 36 km/h on a flat and straightroad. The car is accelerated until the speed becomes 72 km/hour. The effort needed to improve the car ...​


80..,.................maaf kalau salah

17. apa arti the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is

area bola dengan radius 3,5 cm adalaharea bola dengan radius 3,5 cm adalah

18. A sphere of conductor with radius R has a spherical hole of radius D measuredfrom the center of the sphere, with D> R/2. At the center of the conductor sphereis placed a point charge + Q. If k = 1 and co is the electric permittivity of air, thenthe magnitude of the electric field at a point of R/2 from the center of theconductor sphere is....a. 4kQ/R^2b. kQ/(R+a)^2c. kQ/R^2d. 0e. 8kQ/R^2​

Sebuah bola konduktor berjari-jari R memiliki lubang berbentuk bola berjari-jari D yang diukur

dari pusat bola, dengan D> R / 2. Di tengah bidang konduktor pusat bidang konduktor

ditempatkan muatan titik + Q. Jika k = 1 dan co adalah permitivitas listrik udara, maka

besarnya medan listrik pada titik R / 2dari tengah

lingkungan konduktor adalah ....


a. 4kQ / R ^ 2

b. kQ / (R + a) ^ 2

c. kQ / R ^ 2

d. 0

e. 8kQ / R ^ 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu terjemahan Nya semoga bermanfaat

19. .... a car on the road

there's a car on the road.

sorry kalo salah bro

there a car on the road
maaf jika salah

20. the area of a circle of radius 49 cm is​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

dik: r = 49 cm

dit: luas lingkaran

luas lingkaran = π × r × r

= 22/7 × 49 × 49

= 7.546 cm2

semoga membantu :)

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