
10th Class English Study Material

Juli 19, 2022

10th Class English Study Material

ini the class-study-english-we

Daftar Isi

1. ini the class-study-english-we

We study english in the classWe study English in the class

2. the class will study English tomorrow​



kelas akan belajar bahsa inggis besok


maaf klo salah

3. Diana(study) .... english at the class now ​


Diana is studying English at the class now


Present Progressive


Is studying

karena kalimat nya menyatakan apa yang sedang berlangsung dan berlanjut sekarang. Diana akan belajar inggris hingga selesai(belum diketahui) maka tense yang digunakan adalah continuous tense.

Jadi tambahkan to be sebelum v-ing

Semoga bermanfaat

4. Apa bahasa indonesia nya 10th class

bahasa indonesianya 10 th class yaitu kelas 10

maaf kalo salah kak jadikan terbrainly ya

5. Ap arti dari terjemahan dari study english in our class room we


Study english in our classroom

= Belajar Inggris di kelas kami


"we" disini aku g trlalu ngerti mksdnya apa...

tapi kalau "we" itu artinya "kita"

6. 5.Aktif:we will Study English passive:6. Active: Ana and Ani Painted our class Passive:


aktif:we will study English

passive:We are study English

Active:Ana and Ani painted our class

passive: Ana and Ani will painted our class


kalau salah maaf ya:D

7. what did the students in Johns english class study today?

butuh pertanyaan yg lbh jelas, misal pilihan gandanya, atau mungkin sebelumnya ada text.
untuk sementara jawabanku : because it wasn't holiday, because it wasn't holiday,

8. Ubahlah dalam bentuk present continuous dan past continuous tense. - where do you go? I go to school - what do you do in the school? I study english. - Do you speak english the class? Yes. We speak english in the class - what day do you study english? We study english everi saturday


1. where are doing you go?

I am going to school

2.what are doing you do in the school?

Iam studying english.

3.Do are you speaking english the class?

Yes. We are speaking english in the class -

4.what day are doing you study english?

We are studying english every saturday

9. is it better to study english in class or online?………………​

Both are good. The important thing is You should learn English!I think,you better study English trough the internet,by listening music or others.Because the class only holds meetings several times a week,and it Will be difficult for us to be good at English quickly.

i hope this can help...
If any question,don't shy to ask ya....

10. Teacher : Hey, Dayu, stop doing that, please.Dayu : I'm sorry, ma'am.Teacher: Are you ready to study english in the class?Dayu : Yes, I am.Question:3. Is Dayu ready to study english in the class?​


Dalam percakapan tersebut dengan jelas disebutkan bahwa dia siap untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dengan jawaban yes, i'am.


11. 1. I - in - room - the - Study - English - Classsusunlah kata²nya dengan benar​





Kalau benar tlg jadikan jawaban tercerdas. Terima kasih


I Study English In The Class room

Maaf kalau saya Salah

12. susunlah kata kata yg tidak beraturan berikut class room-english-the-study-in-they​


they study in the english class room


they- study -in the-english-class room


semoga bermanfaat...

13. Simple present tense students study english in the class

Students studied english in the class

Sorry kalau salah...Students Are Studying English In The Class
(Positive Form)

Student Aren't Studying English In The Class
(Negative Form)

14. Menyusun : week-the-students-of-in-the class-smp-english-twice-study

the smp students study english in the class twice in a weekThe smp student study english in the class twice a week

Semoga membantu

15. Kalimat active: " I study english in the class" kalimat passifnya bagaimana dalam bahasa inggris..

english is studied by me in the class
sebenernya kalimat aktif itu kurang lazim buat dijadikan pasif tp jawaban sy sdh sesuai prosedursimple present tense :
active :  I study english in the class
passive : english is studied by me in the class

16. 3a class study english lesson is on

on the 3rd grade class

17. Class VIII.1 and class VIII.6. . . study English every day *does notDo notare notis not​


Class aVlll. 1 and class VIII. 6 are not study English every day

18. 1.Anthon uses English in class. ? what Anthon uses English in English class 2. Joni and Jeck wash cic their hands in the top 2 3.All students of eight grade Study English on monday 2 All Students of eight grade study English on monday ?​


10:57 b:Inggris ltis Dirty past ten

19. We study english in our class buatlah kalimat passive voice


in our class we are study english

20. past tense1.susi went to bali.... a. last week sunday b.last ago week d.last week ago e.last week2.A:did you talk to your boss?B:yes,I...a.did b.dont d.does e.didnt3.he...tarawih in the mosque last ramadhan.a.prayed b.prays c.was pray d.praying e.were prayed4.change this sentence into past tense"we study english in the class".a.we were study English in the class.b.we studied english in the classc.we studies english in the classd.we are study english in the classe.we are studying english in the classf.atau jawaban yg lain​


nomor 1 ). E

2). A

3). A

4). B









maaf kalo salah

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