
Write A Short Autobiography Of A Brook

Juni 28, 2022

Write A Short Autobiography Of A Brook

1. What is recount? 2. What are generic structures of recount? 3. What is the purpose of recount? 4. Write your unfogetable experince in your life? 5. Write a short autobiography of your favorite people!

1. 1. What is recount? 2. What are generic structures of recount? 3. What is the purpose of recount? 4. Write your unfogetable experince in your life? 5. Write a short autobiography of your favorite people!

1. a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity.

2.- orientation: introducing the participants, place and time.
- events: describing series of event that happened in the past.
- reorientation : it is optional. stating personal comment of the writer to the story.

3. to entertain or informing the reader.

4. It was a dark and a little bit cold night. One of my friends suggested that we go outside for star seeing. We started from the cabana we lived in with a touch in each one’s hand. At first we just wanted to go around and appreciated the beautiful sky decorated by many stars. But then we decided to go further in. All we thought about was walking and talking. We ignored the most important thing which is the big forest was beyond the cabana. It was unfortunate that we went into the forest and got lost.

When we found we were lost, it was too late to find the original way back to the cabana. I grasped my friends hands firmly. The cold and strong wind blew against my face all the time. It whispers through the trees. What’s more, the fog became thick quickly. Terrible fear came to my mind and made me tremble out of my control. I was sacred to death. The only idea came into my brain was that it was the end of my life. It was impossible for me to get out of the forest. Even though my friends tried to convince me that nothing bad would happen to us and we were safe and sound. I still feared that we would come to a sticky end.
It was hard to find the way clear because of the dense fog. It made us lose the sense of direction totally. We didn’t know which step to follow next. Suddenly, it seemed that a man with a torch stood in front of us. At first, it frightened us stiff. We dared not to open oureyes until he came to pat on our shoulders and told us that if we got lost, he would help us to find the way. At this moment, I was relieved because I knew I wouldn’t stay in the forest all the time. This kind man led us to go out. It was him who ended up this terrible experience of getting lost.
It was really an unforgettable experience in my life. I will not forget such a special unforgettable experience.

5. Alan Turing is the greatest mathematician and a great person with an advantage of thoughts which were far more advanced regarding to his time period and he was a main reason Allies could break the Enigma Code of Germans with his machine named Christopher and he was supported by his friends in making it.

Also my favorite person from History is a ruthless Viking Warrior and King Ragnar Lothbrok. With a different and advanced thinking from his fellows and king who wanted to travel to east for raiding but he wanted to go west and explore more lands he was supported by his friends and family. The most appealing thing about him is his journey of being king from a mere farmer.

The similarities between Alan and Ragnar is there thinking which was advanced from their time and their friends who helped them to succeed in their dreams.
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2. Write a short description of song​


How Am I Supposed to Live Without You” (Doug James/Michael Bolton)


sorry if wrong

3. Write a short biography of a famous people ​


Donald Trump

Donald Trump was a president of United States. Donald Trump was born in June 14, 1946. Donald Trump parents was Fred Trump Mary Anne. Donald Trump has 5 childrens.

4. write a short dialog of thanking and the respond​

x: its apple from my mom. he want to give to you by herself but he still cooking in the kitchen

y: ok thanks for the apple *X* i will it this.

Aldo: “Hi, Justin. You look so worried.”

Justin: “I woke up late this morning. I am worried I will be late to get to the office.”

Aldo: “Let’s get in my car.”

Justin: “Thanks a lot for the ride.”

Aldo: “You’re welcome my friend.”


Aldo: “Hai, Justin. Kamu terlihat cemas.”

Justin: “Aku terlambat bangun pagi ini. Saya khawatir terlambat tiba di kantor.”

Aldo: “Ayo masuk mobilku.”

Justin: “Terima kasih banyak atas tumpangannya.”

Justin: “Sama-sama teman.”

5. write down a short dialogue about lack meaning of understanding ​


Nico : hey, can u take me an umbrella right now?

lisa : sorry, but what did u just say? i cannot hear your voice in here

6. Write a short dialog of phone handling

Tulis dialog singkat penangana telepon

7. Write a short paragraph of amphibious bike?

my past event

this story was about my experience or my event 1 month and my friends went to ocean park by bus. i thought i would use my new shoes. but what? My shoes was floated at swimming pool...i really sad that momment...very sad

honestly i didn't went to swam but i just waited for my shoes until dried

8. write a short dialogue by using expression of asking attention!​


Ma'am Sullivan: Attention please! Students, today we will be playing games. Pair up with your friends and let's start.

Emari: Hey, let's pair up Alexis!

Alexis: Alright Emari, let's do this!

Ma'am Sullivan: Listen up children, you will be provided with a story and you will answer the questions related to it.

Students: Yes Ma'am

Ma'am Sullivan: May I have your attention? Keep your ears open and be silent.

Students: Will do ma'am!

9. Write a short Dialogue used expression of Pain!​

Below is a short dialog using expression of pain:

Bella: OUCH!

Anna: What happened?

Bella: I think, I stepped on something.

Anna: Let me check. Oh yes, there’s a needle stuck on your foot. That looks horrible!

Bella: Really? Oh my God! What should I do now?

Anna: Stay here and keep calm, I’ll find the emergency kit. Hold on!

Bella: Okay, I’ll try.

*few moments later*

Anna: Okay, I got it now. Relax your legs, you’ll feel a bit of a pain, but it will gone soon I promise. Now I’m going to wipe with some alcohol over here. And…pop it out.

Bella: That hurts so bad!!!!!!

Anna: ..your done! I will cover the wound temporarily and we’re going to the clinic to get your foot checked, just in case.

Bella: Oh I still can feel the pain! But thanks a lot Ann, you are such a great friend!

Anna: No worries, Bell.


Expression of pain adalah suatu ungkapan verbal yang diucapkan ketika seseorang merasa kesakitan. Biasanya berupa kata-kata seperti, “ouch”, “ugh”, “it hurts” dan lain-lainnya. Setiap orang bisa berbeda-beda dalam mengekspresikan rasa sakit.

Nah, pada dialog di atas kakak mencantumkan contoh saat Bella merasa kesakitan karena ia menginjak paku sehingga muncul luka di kaki. Kata yang dicetak miring adalah contoh expression of pain dari Bella.

Pelajari lebih lanjut soal-soal yang berhubungan tentang expression of pain:

__________________________Detil Jawaban

Kelas : SMA kelas X

Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Kategori : Expression of pain

Kata kunci : Hurt, Dialog

10. write a short dialogue by using expressing of uncertainty

you : tomorrow is holiday, right? How about going to beach?
friend : i'm not agree. the weather is too hot to going to the beach. how about going to cinema?
you : it's too expensive in a holiday time. how about going to my house and playing ps?
friend : okay. you right!

11. Write a short dialogue using the expressions of complaint

#Complaint about laptop
Nesya : Good morning Ms . Can I help you ?
Nevi : Good morning. I would like to complaint about my laptop. Because there appears to be something wrong with my laptop that I bought here a few days ago in here.
Nesya : Can I know what ’s wrong with your laptop miss?
Nevi : I don't know why but my laptop can’ t be connected to the internet .
Nesya : How do you connect your laptop to the internet ?
Nevi : I just switch on and just open the browser and then input site address.
Nesya : You need an internet service provider miss . by using modem to connect your laptop to the internet .
Nevi : So there is nothing wrong with my laptop ?
Nesya: No, Miss .
Nesya: OK , thank you !
Nesya: Urwelcome !
#smoga membantu

12. write down a short dialogue of compliment and congratulating​


anita: hi widy, are you wearing the newest style of dress?

widy: yes i am. what do you think?

anita: widy, you look so beautiful with that red dress! it looks perfect on your body!

widy: what a sweet compliment, thank you so much anita!


jamal: hey mate, congratulations on your gold medal on mathematic olympic yesterday! i’m so happy for you

ahmed: thanks jamal! i have a lot to learn yet

jamal: i’m so proud of you! umm, can you teach me about the mathematic lesson?

ahmed: yes, for sure!

jamal: what a kind friend, thank you ahmed.

13. write a short dialogue with expression of sadness and pleasure

Titi: “Hey Lia! I didn’t see you in class yesterday. Where did you go?”
Lia: “Hello, Titi. Oh, I went to the hospital because my cousin was sick.”
Titi: “I’m so sorry to hear that, Lia.”
Lia: “No problem Titi, she’s in recovery now. By the way, I heard you won the speech competition, is it true?”
Titi: “Yeah it is.”
Lia: “Wow that’s great! I’m very delighted to hear that.”
Titi: “Thanks Lia! Anyway I have to go to the library because Miss Anna called me. I hope your cousin will get well soon. See you!”
Lia: “Thank you. See you too!”A: Hei Tom.
B: Hi, Jack.
A: What's wrong with your face? It looks gloomy.
B: Well, I am terribly sad cause I just lost my cat yesterday. A car accidentally hit him when he was crossing the street in front of my house.
A: Oh, sorry to hear that.
B: Thanks, Tom.
A: Hey, how about if you buy another cat?
B: My brother told me so, but I guess I have to wait. I still got the trauma.
A: Ok then, how about if I treat a big ice cream to cheer you up?
B: Are you serious? That's a very kind of you, Tom.
A: I am serious. Well, you can count on me, bro.
B: Thanks a lot, Tom.
A: Most welcome my friend.

14. Write a short dialog of phone handling

menulis dialog singkat penanganan ponsel

15. Write a short paragraph of route indicator watch

When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek with friends. We used to play in the yard behind my house. The yard was a perfect place because it was surrounded by dense banana trees.

We usually played until late at night. One day, when I was trying to find a place to hide among the banana trees, I slipped and fell into the river. I used to take a bath at the river, but never at night! In the dark, everything looked different. I couldn’t think clearly. I felt something tickling my feet. I was struggling to go out, but my feet trapped in the mud.

Thank God, a friend finally

16. Write a short dialogue using the expression of suggesting.


Daniel : hello zahrah, what are you doing?

zahrah : hey dan, im just eating some candies, it taste so sweet!

daniel : zahrah, i think you shoulnt eat a lot of candies.

zahrah : why? its so sweet, i've been eating it for 5 days.

daniel : but did you brush your teeth?

zahrah : nope, i dont like brushing my teeth.

daniel : zahrah, you need to brush your teeth, or you would end up having a toothache. do you want to have a toothache?

zahrah : fine, i guess your right. i will eat less candy then.

daniel : and dont forget to brush your teeth.

zahrah : okay, thanks for reminding me to brush my teeth.

daniel : your welcome.

17. write a short dialogue using the expressions of admiration!

1. You are so beautiful. I really love you
2. It is awesome. You really need to see this
3. That is amazing. I have never seen like that before
4. I love this very much. Where did you get it?
5. I really adore her. She is different.

18. Write a short dialogue using the expressions of complaint!

#Complaint about laptop
Nesya : Good morning Ms . Can I help you ?
Nevi : Good morning. I would like to complaint about my laptop. Because there appears to be something wrong with my laptop that I bought here a few days ago in here.
Nesya : Can I know what ’s wrong with your laptop miss?
Nevi : I don't know why but my laptop can’ t be connected to the internet .
Nesya : How do you connect your laptop to the internet ?
Nevi : I just switch on and just open the browser and then input site address.
Nesya : You need an internet service provider miss . by using modem to connect your laptop to the internet .
Nevi : So there is nothing wrong with my laptop ?
Nesya: No, Miss .
Nesya: OK , thank you !
Nesya: Urwelcome !
#smoga membantu

19. tolong bantuannya kk14.write down Parts Of a short messenger! 15.write short messenger! ​


gatau. giajdhsodbdjskbfdjs

20. Write a short paragraph of amphibious bike?


Amphibious bikes are bicycles that can run on water and on land

or two realms

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