
Two Large Thin Metal Plates

Juni 03, 2022

Two Large Thin Metal Plates

It's in the ... container.a. large blue metalb. blue large metalc. blue metal larged. metal large bluee. blue metal large​

Daftar Isi

1. It's in the ... container.a. large blue metalb. blue large metalc. blue metal larged. metal large bluee. blue metal large​


a. large blue metal


maaf kalo salah, hehe


a. large blue metal

semoga membantu dan maaf kalo salah


2. our new car is in the _________ Container A. large blue metal B. Blue large metal C. Blue metal Large D. Metal Blue Large


A.large blue metal

maaf klo salaj

3. It's in the ... container.a. large blue metalb. blue large metalc. blue metal larged. wooden big brown​

It's in the ... container


A. Large Blue Metal

It's in the large blue metal container

[Terjemahan :Ada di dalam logam biru besar]


Semoga membantu

4. apa kalimat negatif dari kalimat "there are two plates on the table"

There are not two plates on the table(+) There are two plates on the table.
(-) There are not two plates on the table.
Semoga membantu yah..

5. 1.Hadi has bought two goats. one of them is fat.a. is thin.b. is thin.c. is thin.tolong kak dijawab ya:)​


a. is thin.


Semoga membantu ya kak (:


berhubung kayaknya salah kasih pilihan jawabannya jadi aku jelasin dikit aja


thin = skinny

thick = fat

skinny itu kurus

fat itu gendut

6. Bantu sya,apa kah pesan moral dari cerita two thin goat?

We must work together with another peoplewe must work togather with other people

7. You ... very thin two years ago​




8. The correct sentence is ... a. There are two plates; b. There are two plate; c. There is a plate.; d. There is two plates.


A & C


Are = Benda lebih dari 1

Is = Benda sama dengan 1

Opsi B salah karenatwo plate seharusnya two plates (pakai s)

Opsi D salah karena menggunakan is dan bukan are

9. how many plates are there on the table? a. there are on plate b. there are five plate c. there are five plates d. there is two plates


C.there Are five plates


Karna plates lebih dari piring yang lebih dari satu

10. (+) the maid broke two of my dinner-plates(-)......(?)......​

- the maid did not break two of my dinner plates
? Did the maid break two of my dinner plates


(-) The maid did not break two of my dinner-plate

(? )Did the maid break two of my dinner-plate?


11. Apa bahasa indonesia nya two thin books

menurutku dua buku tipis
maaf kalau salahdua buku tipis
semoga membantu........

12. Ubah ke kalimat passive voice 1. You can join two pieces of metal 2. People must prepare the plates properly 3. They had to repair the bows 4. They used to built ships of wood

1. The two pieces of metal can be joined by you

2. The plates must be prepared properly by the people

3. the bows had to be repaired by them

4. the ships of wood used to be built by them

13. two metal wires in a bulb are connected to


dua kabel logam di bohlam terhubung ke


mohon jawaban tercerdas

14. passive form : you can join two pieces metal together by welding​

active form : welding join two pieces metal together

semoga membantu yaaa

15. 26. Which one is not attached at the base of alight bulbA simple structureTwo metal contactsC Two stiff wiresD. A metal filament​


Jawaban nya adalah Huruf C

16. passive form : you can join two pieces metal together by welding​


two pieces metal can be joint by you by welding


Dua buah logam dapat digabungkan oleh kamu dengan pengelasan

17. has-two-erni-legs-thin

erni has two thin legserni has two thin legs

#semoga membantu

18. Ubah ke kalimat passive voice 1. You can join two pieces of metal 2. People must prepare the plates properly 3. They had to repair the bows 4. They used to built ships of wood

1)two pieces of metal can be joinned by you

2)the plates must be prepared by the people properly

3)the bows had to be repaired by them

4)ships of wood used to be built by them

1. The two pieces of metal can be joined by you

2. The plates must be prepared properly by the people

3. The bows had to be repaired by them

4. The ships of wood used to be built by them

19. why do Aldo eat two Plates of fried noodle​

Jawaban: because he is hungry

Maaf kalo salah

20. Mrs.diana has a large two-story house

ibu diana mempunyai 2 cerita rumah besar

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