
Two Customers Shyam And Ekta

Juni 18, 2022

Two Customers Shyam And Ekta

waitresses and waiters serve customers

Daftar Isi

1. waitresses and waiters serve customers

pelayan perempuan dan laki2 melayani pelanggan pelangganya

2. Witress and waiters serve customers jadikan ke passive

Mapel : Bahasa INggris
Jenjang : SMP
Kata Kunci : Passive

Active : Waitress and waiters serve customers
Waitress and waiters (Plural) serve (v1) customers (plural)

Passive The Customers ( plural ) are being served (To be + v3) by waitress and waiters (plural)

maaf kalau keliru semoga membantuCustomers are served by waitress and waiters.

Maaf jika ada kesalahan. Semoga membantu :)

3. kalimat pasif dari waitresses and waiters serve customers

The customers served by waitresses and waiters

4. at the present time, our sales manager (travel) ...... in brazil and (talk) potential customers​


travelling and talking

semoga membantu!!!


traveling dan talking

semoga membantu ✌️

5. Apa itu value for customers


adalah total manfaat yang diterima oleh customer baik tangible maupun intangible dikurangi dengan pengorbanan yang dikeluarkan

semoga membantu

6. change the active to the passive 1.) waitresses and waitres server customers

customers are servered by waitresses and waitres
semoga bedmanfaat
maaf kalau misalnya salah

7. write conversation between sales promotion and customers

Conversation between salesman and customer?

Salesman :- Good evening Sir.

Customer :- Good evening.

Salesman :-How can i help you?

Customer :- Can u Show me Some Formal Shirts?

Salesman :- Please Come with me.

Customer :-Yes why not?

Salesman :-Please come to counter no.2.

Salesman :-What is the occasion sir?

Customer :-It's my interview.

Salesman :-That means u need to wear a light color shirts with lining.

Customer :- Yes show me something in slim fitting

Salesman :-Do you have any color preference?

Customer :- Yes show me something in white with blue lining.

Salesman :-I think sir u will like this shirt.

Customer :- Yes,not bad but can u show me somthing in cotten fabric.

Salesman :-Would you like to see this one.

Customer :- Yes,this is awesome.

Customer :- Can u open the whole thing.

Salesman :-Yes,definitely.

Customer :- Is there any different lining in this one.

Salesman :- Yes,there are 2 or 3 different linings in this one.

Customer :- Please show me those.

Salesman :OK,but i think this linings looks very impressive.

Customer :- So,whats the price?

Salesman :It is Rs.1500/-

Customer :-Oh,the price seems to be quite it fixed?

Salesman :-Since you are our regular customer some discount will be offered to you.

Salesman :-Sir,the quality of the shirt is also very good.

Customer :-Yes,i know that.still i feel that the price is high.

Customer :-So how much exactly should i pay you?

Salesman :Sir,You say what are you willing to give?

Customer :-Not more than 1100.

Salesman :-Oh!sir that will be too less.

Customer :-I have an idea,how much it actually cost?

Salesman :-Sir,you give at least Rs.1300/-

Customer :-OK,then ill give you Rs.1200/-

Salesman :-Alright sir.

Customer :-Can i make the payment through a credit card?

Salesman :Yes,sir.

Salesman :-Thank you for coming sir.

Customer :-Yes,but next time i come here for shopping you have to offer more discounts.

Salesman :-We will surely try to satisfy you.Keep coming

Customer :-OK,thank you.

8. arti customers retention

retensi pelanggan

semoga membantu :))Customers retention artinya retensi pelanggan .

#SmgaMmbntu :)

9. 1.mithila and mukilan... (go) to the park every evening 2.the tiger ..(be) the national animal of india 3.shyam always.. (brush) his teeth at bedtime


1. goes

2. is

3. brushes

maaf jika ada yang salah (ʘᴗʘ✿)

10. yesterday evening two gunmen........ (enter) the store while mr. jauhari...... (talk)to his customers

Entered talking ..........

11. Make a short dialogue of offering help between a waiter and a customers!

A: Hi,welcome. May I help you?
B: Sure, Can I please have the menu?
A: Yes, here you go.
B: Thanks. Can I order french fries and a cheeseburger please?
A: Okay, anything else?
B: And also a can of soda please.
A: Sure. Please wait a few minutes.
B: Thank you.
A: Here you go.
B: Thanks.

Maaf ya kalau Ada yg salah..

12. my customers .... from many customers​

pelangganku, dari beberapa pelanggan lain.

13. 16. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.17. Someone suggested a new idea18. Two horses pulls the farmer's wagon19. Shakespeare wrote the play20. Alex will prepare some reportstolong ubah ke pasive voice​


Change into passive voice!

= 16) The customers served by waitresses and waiters

17) A new idea suggested by someone

18) The farmer's wagon is pulled by two horses

19) The play is written by Shakespeare

20) The reports will be prepared by Alex


Detail Jawaban:

Mata Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggris

Kelas: VII (JHS)

Materi: Passive voice

Kode: 2.1.1

Tanggal: 5-11-2020

//Semoga membantu.

14. Waitresses and waiters serve customers. ubah menjadi kalimat pasif


Customers are served by waiters and waitresses.


Mempasifkan suatu kalimat dapat dilakukan dengan menukar subject dan object serta mengubah to be menjadi present/past participle.

15. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat tanya dan kalimat negativeCustomers are obliged to sign the customers obligated to sign the form ? Customers is not obligated to sign the formb.Are customers obligated to sign the form? Customers are not obligated to sign customers obligated to sign the form ? Customers do not obligated to sign theformd.does customers obligated to sign the form? Customers does not obligated to sign theform​


B. Are customers obligated to sign the form? Customers are not obligated to sign the form

16. What is the difference between customers and consumers?

customer = pelanggan
consumers = konsumen

17. 1. What are two kinds of bank mentioned in the text?2. What is commercial bank?3. What kind of bank provides loan to the customers?4. Do the central and commercial bank have different customers?5. Who are the customers of central bank?6. Which bank is important for us as individuals?7. Can the customers pay using checks? Why?8. Mention two kinds of accounts!9. What is the purpose of the general classification in a report text? 10. What is the purpose of the description in a report text?​


Commercial bank & Central bankCommercial bank is a bank that provides various services  to its customers. some of the services are accepting saving deposits from its customers, providing loans to then, and also serves as a place where its customers can pay some of their bills.Commercial bank & Central bankYes, central and commercial bank have different customers. The customers of Commercial bank are individuals while the customers of central bank are governments.The governmentsCommercial bank, because it directly provides us with services.Yes, they can. Because by pay using checks, we don't need to carry large amount of money and decrease risk of losing it.Saving account & Current accountTo state classification of general aspect of thing.To describe the thing which will be discussed in detail.

semoga membantu..

18. Change into good sentence He (manage) a kitchen in the restaurant and (cook) food for customers




topic:simple present Karena digunakan untuk Hal dilakukan setiap Hari/habit

structure simple present:s+v1+o

19. 8. change into negative and introgative sentence.(+) Doni serves customers friendly and polite.(-)(?) ...Plis tolong yang tau:)Jangan ngawur plissssssss:)​


8. change into negative and introgative sentence.

(+) Doni serves customers friendly and polite.

(-) Doni doesn't serve customers friendly and polite

(?) does Doni serve customers friendly and polite?




20. Farah and i work in a restaurant we serve customers who order menu we are...​


waiters maybe, servant jg bisa

Farah and i work in a restaurant we serve customers who order menu we are..

jawaban: waiter

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