
Chudiwala Marathi Lesson Question Answer

Juni 13, 2022

Chudiwala Marathi Lesson Question Answer

Make 1 question about the lesson and the answer ​

Daftar Isi

1. Make 1 question about the lesson and the answer ​


What the meaning of territory

Answer: territory is a border where living beings with different leaders in it, to realize a more peaceful life


Jawaban :

Question : How does rain form?

Answer : Evaporation is the process of evaporation of water. The heat of the earth's temperature of the sun will make the water in the river, the lake, and the sea will evaporate into granules or steam water.The higher the air temperature, the more water will evaporate into the air. So it causes the possibility of the rainier growth.


Sorry if I was wrong

2. Read the dialogue to answer the questionA. English lessonB. JoeC. SpeaksD. Words​


A . ( Pelajaran bahasa inggris )

the answer is:

A.English Lesson

i hope this helps :)

sorry if wrong :v

3. Yes, he-goes home after lessonWhich one is the suitable question for the answer above?Does he go home after lesson?Does he goes home after lesson?Do you go home after lesson?​


does he go home after lesson?


maaf kalau salah

4. Actually this is a math lesson but I found no math subjectPlease help me answer this question!​

the answer is

3 and 6

factor of 12 = 2,3,4,6

factor of 18 = 2,3,6,9

5. write you answer based on the question. a.what is your favorite lesson?why?. b.if you have money.where do you want to go firstbantu dong soal nya lagi ulangan​

menulis jawaban Anda berdasarkan pertanyaan. a.apa pelajaran favoritmu?mengapa?. b.jika kamu punya uang.kemana kamu ingin pergi dulu


a.what is your favorite lesson?MyfavoritelessonisMath

why? Because it is easy to do solve the problem. I like using numbers, fractions, decimals and so much more. Math is also used in the real world like telling time, adding, dividing, percentage and even in a future career like engineering, architect, math teacher and lot more.

Numbers help us understand the world, and Math helps us understand numbers.

b.if you have money.where do you want to go first


6. Answer the following question.1.orientation Who the characters? When? Where?2.Complication?3.Resolution?4.Moral lesson?Tolong bantu jawab dengan baik kak, Terimakasih..​


The characters in the story are an ant and a dove. The story takes place in a forest, near a large water spring.The complication in the story is that the ant falls into the water and is struggling to get out, while the dove is aware of the danger and wants to help the ant.The resolution in the story is that the dove uses a leaf to help the ant get out of the water and reach safety. Additionally, the ant also helps the dove by biting the hunter and causing him to drop his gun, allowing the dove to fly away safely.The moral lesson of the story could be that even small and seemingly insignificant creatures can make a big difference, and that helping others can lead to positive outcomes for all parties involved. Additionally, it also showing the power of unity and solidarity.

7. Mrs. Luna teaches ….mathematic lesson every Wednesday. ANSWER We Ours Us Our


Mrs. Luna teaches us mathematic lesson every Wednesday.


Yang dibutuhkan di sana adalah kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai objek kalimat (object pronoun). Subjek kalimatnya adalah Mrs. Luna

Nah diantara pilihan jawaban, us adalah object pronoun.

Kalau We adalah subject pronoun (kata ganti yang berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat)

Ours dan Our adalah possessive pronoun dan possessive adjective (kata ganti dan kata sifat yang menunjukkan kepemilikan)

Semoga bermanfaat.

Mrs. Luna teaches usmathematic lesson every Wednesday.

8. 1. Mathematics - is - My - lesson - favourite​


1) my favourite lesson is mathematics

2) the number before eight is seven

3) the number after fourteen is fifteen

4) six multiplied by six is thirty six

5) ten divided by two is five


1. My favourite lesson is mathematics

2. The number before eight is seven

3. The number after fourteen is fifteen

4. Six multiplied by six is thirty six

5. Ten divided by two is five

sorry kalau salah

9. Choose the suitable answer.Question: The classroom is dirty. What shouldwe do?YouQuestion : One of our friends has slipped andfallen.What should we do?YouQuestion : The bell is ringing. Time for the lessonWhat should we do?You​


1. You: Let's clean the classroom together

2. You: Helped him to stand up

3. You: Listening to lessons


hoped it help you :)


1. You: We have to clean up the classroom

2. You: We have to help him up

3. You: We have to go to classroom

10. please answer lesson mathematics number 26 to 28


11. Answer each question based on the previous dialogue! 1. What does Ratna want to make? 2. 3. 4. Answer: ...... What does the underlined phrase imply? Answer: ...... Why cannot Ratih help Ratna? Answer: ...... Who offers help? Answer . Does Ratna accept Rangga's help? Answer:. Lesson 2 Reading and Writing 5.​

crazy love mu yang mau blue bird group kost yang slysdu samamy jtyrmmmm

12. 3.4.Where is the cooking lesson?Answer: .....Who are the teachers in the cooking lesson?Answer:Who will tell to the other friends?Answer: ...5.​


3. Dimana pelajaran


Jawaban: .....

4. Siapa guru di pelajaran



5.Siapa yang akan

memberi tahu teman-

teman lainnya?

Jawaban: ...


itu artinya...

13. 1. What days do they have Fine Art?Answer:2. How many lessons do they have on Monday? Mention!Answer:3. How many times do they learn about art and culture in a week?Answer: .......On what period do they have Fashion class on Saturday?Answer:Do they have Indonesian lesson on Tuesday?Answer:6. What do they learn before learning English on Friday?Answer:7.What class is this schedule for?Answer: .......8. How many lesson hours do the students have English in a week?Answer:9. When do they have Sport lesson?Answer:10. What lesson do they have after having Maths on Thursday?Answer: ......​

itukan tabel sama soal soalnya?

14. Now he......question to see the students have understood the lesson​


Sekarang dia ...... pertanyaan untuk melihat siswa telah memahami pelajaran

15. III. Answer the following question correctly!1. What is your favourite lesson?2. What lesson do you have on Tuesday?(I have3. Do you like English?4. What lesson do you have on Friday​


1. english

2. i have math

3. yes

4. english


1. My favourite lesson is English

2. I have English, Math, and Biology

3. Yes i do

4. I have Indonesian, Math, and Sociology

16. 2. What lesson do you study at the last period on Thursday?Answer:​

arti dari soal teks

. Pelajaran apa yang Anda pelajari pada periode terakhir pada hari Kamis?


17. question tag : the students understood the lesson well

tanya jawab: siswa mengerti pelajaran dengan baik
maaf kalo salah

18. Question:What are the lesson you have learnt from holy book of hindu "Ramayana".________________________Note: • Don't spam..• Answer only if you know! :)​


What are the lesson you have learnt from holy book of hindu "Ramayana".


Apa pelajaran yang telah Anda pelajari dari kitab suci hindu "Ramayana".


penerapan ajaran Bhakti sejati dalam agama Hindu berdasarkan sloka-sloka yang terdapat dalam kitab Ramayana adalah kebhaktian yang dilakukan oleh para pahlawan terdahulu kita dimana mereka berjuang dengan ikhlas untuk membebaskan seluruh rakyat ini dari penjajahan.

semoga bermanfaat:)#jadikan jawaban yang terbaik#semangat belajar dirumah#belajar bersama brainly like dan follow saya ya:)



Here are some lesson learnt from holy book of hindu "Ramayana".

Truth triumphs.Unity can overcome any difficulty in life.Be deeply committed to your duty.Choose the path of righteousness.Remain humble no matter how powerful you become.Treat everyone equallyAlways keep good companyForgiveness is greater than revenge.


Hope it will be Helpful :)

I Sarang you! ❤️

19. help answer me this is SKI lesson brother, please help​


Masyarakat yang mendiami Yatsrib terdiri atas kaum Yatsrib yang disebut sebagai masyarakat pertama yang tinggal di kawasan tersebut, kemudian kaum Amalek serta dua kabilah besar, yakni kabilah Arab dan Yahudibercocok tanamisi perjanjian amanah ke 1 dan 2Menyatakan kesetiaan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW.Menyatakan rela mengorbankan harta dan jiwa.Menyatakan kesediaan untuk menyebarkan agama Islam yang dianut.Menyatakan tidak akan menyekutukan Allah SWT.Menyatakan tidak akan membunuh.Menyatakan tidak akan melakukan perbuatan curang dan dusta.4.Pesan itu adalah berupa permintaan masyarakat Yatsrib agar Nabi Muhammad Saw bersedia datang ke kota mereka, memberikan penerangan tentang ajaran Islam dan sebagainya. ... Karenanya, perjanjian ini di dalam sejarah Islam dikenal dengan sebutan Perjanjian Aqabah II


maaf kalau salah..

20. she (run) because she's late for her lessonanswer:​

she's say sorry because late


maaf ya kalau salah

She is running because she’s late for her lesson
Maaf kalau salah

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