
An Electron Falls From Rest

Juni 19, 2022

An Electron Falls From Rest

the acceleration of an electron in electric field of a positively charged sphere is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the electron and the centre of the sphere. let an electron fall from rest at infinitely to the sphere. what is the electron velocity when it reaches the surface of the sphere

Daftar Isi

1. the acceleration of an electron in electric field of a positively charged sphere is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the electron and the centre of the sphere. let an electron fall from rest at infinitely to the sphere. what is the electron velocity when it reaches the surface of the sphere


percepatan elektron dalam medan listrik bola bermuatan positif berbanding terbalik dengan kuadrat jarak antara elektron dan pusat bola. biarkan sebuah elektron jatuh dari keadaan diam tak terhingga ke bola. berapa kecepatan elektron saat mencapai permukaan bola.



2. teks Chinese rocker falls from space? ​


Since humans first went up in space in 1961, we've done a poor job of keeping it clean. NASA currently estimates that there are some 21,000 pieces of space junk larger than a softball orbiting the Earth and 500,000 pieces of debris the size of a marble or larger. Since the debris travels at speeds of up to 17,500 mph, they could damage a satellite or spacecraft.

Just last week an 18-ton Chinese rocket passed over Los Angeles and New York City's Central Park before falling into the Atlantic Ocean.

The estimated 8,800 tons of objects that humans have left in space are becoming a danger. Near misses are common these days. Last September there was one between Elon Musk's SpaceX satellite and one from the European Space Agency.

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But so far, there has been just one major collision: In 2009 American satellite Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251, a Russian satellite, crashed, destroying both over northern Siberia.

In January a satellite run by AT&T's DirecTV was found to be in danger of exploding and needed to be moved or else it could harm other satellites. Since that time, no action has been taken. Meanwhile, in late April the FCC voted to require more disclosures from satellite operators seeking licenses but declined to introduce any new laws governing the removal of orbital debris.

Companies rush to address the problem

According to experts, the problem is projected to get worse. By 2025 as many as 1,100 satellites could be launching each year. The number of satellites orbiting Earth is projected to quintuple over the next decade.

Astroscale, one of the few companies whose mission is to clean up such space debris, is leading the charge to clean up our space pathways and avoid collisions among the objects that humans recently have left in space. The Japanese company is currently working with Japan's Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) to carry out the agency's Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration (CRD2) project.


Semoga membantu dan jadikan jawaban tercerdas

3. The water falls from the sky is called …​

The water that falls from the sky is called Rain




4. i need some rest from drawing things hhhhhh-

that is a zombird in zombie tsunamiWhat picture is that. whether a type of zombie ?. High imagination once

5. Rain.....from the cloud.a)falls c)fallenb)fall d)falling​




"Rain falling from the cloud" artinya hujan turun dari awan

~maap klo salah♤~

6. quiz1.list the regions of the electromagnetik spectrum form short to long wavelengths2.what happens as an electron falls form a higher level to a lower level in an atom no asal asalan okkk​


1.list the regions of the electromagnetic spectrum from short to long wavelengths 2.what happens as an electron falls form a higher level to a lower level in an atom

Atau telusuri 1.list the regions of the electromagnetik


maaf kalo salah

7. 2. Rain ....... from the clouda falling b. fallc. fallsd. is fall​

Jawaban: b. fall

Rain fall from the cloud.

( Hujan turun dari awan ).


Semoga membantu :)

8. in the electrolytic process of NaOH solution, in the cathode there will be... a. electron catch from Na+ b. electron catch from OH- c. bubble formation from H2 d. electron release into the solution e. negative ion catch from the solution

a) electron catch from Na⁺

9. Hendra falls from his bike .h cant 't walk .he has


can't ride a bike well


di suruh 20 kata

10. Aji falls from his bike ... a cat. a. sob. andc. becaused. because of​


d. because of

maaf klo salah

11. Mention the there waterfalls that from the niagara falls


the three waterfalls that from the Niagara falls are the horseshoe falls,the American falls and the bridal veil falls

12. mention the three waterfalls that from the niagara falls ?

Niagara is the name of a group of three waterfalls. The third waterfall is a waterfall Horseshoe (sometimes referred to as a waterfall Canada), American waterfalls, and the smaller Bridal Veil waterfalls which are separated by an island called Luna Island from the main waterfall.

13. the water falls from the sky tolong artikan

Air jatuh dari langit.

The water falls from the sky.
The water ( artinya air yang sudah diketahui, air apa gitu )
Falls ( kenapa ada s? Karena 'water' ini adalah tunggal dan uncountable noun )
From ( dari )
The sky ( sudah diketahui / terdefinisikan, langit apa yang dimaksud.)

Sip..Air jatuh dari langit

semoga membantu

14. Arti dari mention the three waterfalls that from the niagara falls ?

sebutkan 3 air terjun dari kota niagara falls

semoga membantu

15. A stone is dropped from the roof of a tall building of height 40m .what is the distance the stone fell through 1 second before it hits the ground ?Assume that the stone falls from rest and air resistance is neglected​


Distance the stone fell through 1 second before it hits the ground is 19,25 m.


Known =

h = high = 40 m

Assumed acceleration due to gravity (g) = 10 m/s²

Asked :

S = distance the stone fell through 1 second before it hits the ground = ....

Answer :

time  for the stones fall to the ground


[tex]t=\sqrt{\frac{2\times40}{10} }[/tex]



t = 2,83 s

distance the stone fell through 1 second before it hits the ground :

t = 2,83 - 1

t = 1,83




S = 19,25 m

Learn more the materi in :

Materi Tentang Gerak vertikal sebuah batu yang dijatuhkan dari ketinggian h :


16. From largest to smallest the three waterfalls are the horseshoe falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. Coba di terjemahkan dlm bahasa indonesia


Dari terbesar paling kecil tiga air terjun sepatu kuda jatuh. America jatuh Dan upacara pernikahan kerudung jatuh

3 air terjun dari yang terbesar sampai terkecil adalah air terjun horseshoe, American dan bridal veil

17. Which atom loses two electron from its outer shell to form an ion? A Calcium B Carbon C Chloride D Oxygen

A calcium

Because calcium need to give 2 electron to make the calcium stable

18. From largest to smallest the three waterfalls are the horseshoe falls, the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls. Coba di terjemahkan dlm bahasa indonesia


Dari yang terbesar hingga yang terkecil, tiga air terjun adalah air terjun tapal kuda, Air Terjun Amerika, dan Air Terjun Kerudung Pengantin.

Maaf bila salah


Dari yang terbesar hingga yang terkecil, tiga air terjun adalah air terjun tapal kuda, Air Terjun Amerika, dan Air Terjun Kerudung Pengantin.

19. an object at rest has...................... energy​


Has Potential energy


I hope this helps ^_^


Potential energy is the latent energy in an object at rest, and is one of two forms of energy. The other form, kinetic energy, is the energy expressed by an object in motion


semoga membantu

20. In an atom of electrons around the nucleus of the atom and it does not fall in, this is due.. The electron travels on course and distance from the nucleus of the atom. A barrier exists between the nucleus of an atom and an electron. The repel force between an electron and an atomic nucleus and an electron. Electron mass is relatively small compared to that of the atomic nucleus

Why an atom of electrons around the nucleus of the atom does not fall in?

That's because the electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom with a certain amount of energy and cannot move from this energy level without any energy differences.

So the best answer to that statement is:

A. The electron travels on course and distance from the nucleus of the atom

Hope it helps you :)

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