
A Wheel Is Making Revolutions About Its Axis

Juni 17, 2022

A Wheel Is Making Revolutions About Its Axis

The diameter of a wheel is 14 cm. Find the total distance covered by the wheel in two revolutions !

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1. The diameter of a wheel is 14 cm. Find the total distance covered by the wheel in two revolutions !

duameter = 14 cm

revolutions = 2

total distance = perimeter x revolutions

π x d x 2

22/7 x 14 cm x 2 = 88 cm

2. a wheel made 96 revolutions in 12 this rate,how many revolutions would the wheel make in 1 minute.

480 revolutions in 1 minute

3. The diameter of a wheel is 14 cm. Find the total distance covered by the wheel in two revolutions .....

Jawaban : Total Distance is 0,8 m

Penjelasan :

=> 2×π×r

=> 2×22/7×7

=> 44 cm

=> 44×2 revolutions

=> 88 cm

=> 0,8 m

*from cm to m down 2 stairs

4. Which statement about Earth's rotation and its revolution is correct? * It takes Earth longer to rotate on its axis than revolve around the Sun. It takes Earth longer revolve around the Sun than to rotate on its axis. It takes Earth longer to rotate around the Sun than revolve on its axis. It takes Earth longer revolve around the Sun than to revolve on its axis.


this is corect

-It takes Earth longer to rotate around the Sun than revolve on its axis.

Explenation / High School Earth Science

Earth's revolution around the Sun takes much longer than its rotation on its axis. One complete revolution takes 365.25 days, or one year. The Earth revolves around the Sun because gravity keeps it in a roughly circular orbit around the Sun. The Earth's orbital path is not a perfect circle, but rather an ellipse, which means that it is like a slight oval in shape (Figure 24.10).

5. My hobby is about making a clothes. My hobby is. ,.


my Hobby is tailor.


dari kalimat sudah jelas untuk hobby membuat sebuah baju idak lain dan tidak bukan adalah menjahit .

6. A wheel has a radius of 21 cm. If it made 40 revolutions, how far did it travel?


Radius = 21cm

Lingkar The Tire = 2πr

= 2x22 / 7x21

= 132 cm

Jarak yang harus ditempuh=924m=92400cm

Jadi jumlah putaran =92400/132


Jadi 700 putaran

7. The diameter of a wheel is 14 cm. Find the total distance it travelled after making 3 complete turns .....

Jawaban : Total Distance is 0,8 m

Penjelasan :

=> 2×π×r

=> 2×22/7×7

=> 44 cm

=> 44×2 revolutions

=> 88 cm

=> 0,8 m

*from cm to m down 2 stairs

8. A wheel has a radius of 56 cm. How many revolutions must it make to cover a distance of 1760 cm?​


How many revolutions must it make to cover a distance of 1760 cm ? 5

Langkah langkah

Circumference = 2 × π × r

Circumference = 2 × 22/7 × 56

Circumference = 2 × 22 × 8

Circumference = 352 cm

How many revolutions must it make to cover a distance of 1760 cm?

= 1.760 : 352

= 5

9. A wheel made 50 revolutions,  it covered a distance of 55 m. Find the radius of the wheel.  (Take  = 22/7) ​


radius is 0.175 m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

we know if wheel made 50 revolution and mileage is 55.

first we have to find around the wheel

[tex]55 \div 50 = 1.1m[/tex]

than we have to find diameter

[tex]\pi \times d = 1.1 \\ \frac{22}{7} \times d = 1.1 \\ 22d = 7.7 \\ d = \frac{7.7}{22} \\ d = 0.35[/tex]

[tex]d = 2r \\ 0.35 = 2r \\ r = 0.175[/tex]

10. A wheel with a radius of 20 cm makes 60 revolutions per minute. Find the distance traveled by the wheel in 5 minutes. (Take π = 3.14) *​


stop cheating for math ws

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

dont cheat



Itu bukan tentang ide,itu tentang membuat sebuah ide terjadi

lakukan sekarang, kadang kadang ,nanti menjadi tidak pernah

jangan pernah menyerah

arigato na~folow kuy

12. A wheel of diameter 49 cm makes 20 revolutions in 4 minutes. How fast does it turn in m/min?

A wheel of diameter 49 cm makes 20 revolutions in 4 minutes.

Its speed is 7.7 m/min.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The speed of that wheel can be obtained by:

[tex]\begin{aligned}v&=(\textsf{number of revolutions in 1 time unit})\times C_{\sf wheel}\\&=\frac{\textsf{number of revolutions}}{\sf duration}\times\pi d\\&=\frac{20}{4\ \sf min.}\times\frac{22}{7}\times(49\ {\sf cm})\\&=\left(5\times22\times7\right)\ \sf cm/min.\\&=\left(110\times7\right)\ \sf cm/min.\\&=770\ \sf cm/min.\\&=\left(770\times10^{-2}\right)\ \sf m/min.\\\therefore\ v&=\boxed{\,\bf7.7\ \sf m/min.\,}\\\end{aligned}[/tex]

13. An electron is shot into one end of a solenoid. As it enters the uniform magnetic field within the solenoid, its speed is 800m/s and its velocity vector makes an angle of 30° with the central axis of the solenoid. The solenoid carries 4A and has 8000 turns along its length. How many revolutions does the electron make along its helical path within the solenoid by the time it emerges from the solenoid's opposite end? (In a real solenoid, where the field is not uniform at the two ends, the number of revolutions would be slightly less than the answer here)

Jawaban Terlampir Yaaaa

14. Give Your Opinion about the Covid 19 Pandemic This is fake, real, conspiracy, ITS depends on you making an Opinion​


I think Covid-19 is real. However, the existence of this virus is intended to reduce the number of people in the world.

Artinya : Saya rasa Covid-19 ini memang nyata. Namun, kemunculan virus ini memang disengaja untuk mengurangi jumlah penduduk yang ada di dunia.


semoga membantujgn lupa jadikan jawaban tercerdas^^

15. what animal turns about 200 times around its axis after it dies? ​


A roast chicken.


Semoga membantu

16. a traditional saw is moved ... along its longitudinal axis

a traditional saw is moved from side to side alongits longitidinal axis

17. What is cuticle?Its about science

cuticle is one of a strong part in a leaf that can protect the leaf.the cuticle is the protective layer of the entire canopy system

18. my hobby is about making a clothes. my hobby is ​


Your hobby is fashion deshinger

maaf kalau salah :)

19. A cart wheel has a diameter of 1,4 m. If it made 40 revolutions, how far did it travel?

The cart wheel traveled 176 km. The circumference of the cart wheel is 4,4 meters. The cart wheel took 40 revolutions to travel 176 km.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah

Jarak tempuh roda yang melakukan rotasi atau putaran akan sama dengan perkalian jumlah putaran roda dengan keliling dari roda tersebut. Berikut perhitungan jarak yang dimaksud:

[tex]\boxed{\bf s =N \times K = N \times (\pi \times D)}[/tex]


s = jarak tempuh roda, m.D = diameter roda, m.N = jumlah putaran roda.K = keliling roda = keliling lingkaran, m.π = ²²/₇ .


40 Revolutions berarti roda itu melakukan revolusi atau berputar sebanyak 40 kali revolusi.
N = 40.A cart wheel has a diameter of 1.4 m.
Roda gerobak mempunyai diameter 1,4 meter.
D = 1,4 m.


How far did it travel?
Berapa jauh roda itu telah bergerak?

⇒ Menanyakan jarak tempuh setelah 40 kali revolusi.

⇒ s = ... ?


[tex]\begin{array}{ll} \sf s &\sf = N \times K\\\\&\sf = 40 \times (\pi \times D)\\\\&\sf = 40 \times \left(\dfrac{22}{7}\times 1,4\right)\\\\&\sf = 40\times 4,4\\\\&\sf = 176~m.\end{array}[/tex]

Pelajari lebih lanjutMateri tentang perhitungan jarak rumah ke sekolah: tentang skala dan jarak pada peta: tentang perhitungan kecepatan roda:


Detail jawaban

Kelas    : V
Mapel  :
Bab      :
2 - Pengukuran Waktu, Sudut, Jarak, dan Kecepatan
Kode    :


20. The Earth........around its axis.​



maaf klo salah

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