
A Station Director Starts From The Radio Station

Juni 18, 2022

A Station Director Starts From The Radio Station

The radio station....... fulof fans​

Daftar Isi

1. The radio station....... fulof fans​


The radio stations is full of fans

2. 4. read the jumbled sentences carefully! 1.they radio programmes go from the radio station to transmitter 2.what is the radio station? 3.then they go in the air to your house and your radio takes them from air. 4.a lot of people work in the radio station. 5. it,s the pleace that radio programmes come from 6 how do the radio programmes get to your house?​

Urutannya adalah 2-6-4-5-1-3.


Dalam soal ini, terdapat 2 pertanyaan di antaranya. Hal ini perlu diperhatikan mana yang responnya sesuai dengan pertanyaannya. Maka berikut urutannya dan artinya:

2. what is the radio station?

Apa itu stasiun radio?

6. It is a station that transmits radio programs.

Itu adalah stasiun yang mentransmisikan program radio.

4. a lot of people work in the radio station.

Banyak orang bekerja di stasiun radio.-----------------------------

5. how do the radio programmes get to your house?

bagaimana program radio sampai ke rumahmu?

1. the radio programmes go from the radio station to transmitter

program radio beralih dari stasiun radio ke pemancar

3. then they go in the air to your house and your radio takes them from air

Kemudian pemancar itu melalui di udara ke rumahmu dan radiomu akan menangkapnya dari udara.------------------------------

Jadi, urutannya seperti ada sesi tanya jawab. Di atas ada 2 pertanyaan dengan masing-masing 2 respon yang sesuai.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Rearrange these jumbled sentences into a good order!

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Level: JHS

Kode soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

3. 20. Read the jumbled sentences carefully! TOlong kakak bantuin waktu mepet#janganngasal 1. The radio programmes go from the radio station to transmitter. 2. What is the radio station? 3. Then they go in the air to your house and your radio takes them from air. 4. A lot of people work in the radio station. 5. How do the radio programmes get to your house? 6. It is a station that transmits radio programs. The best arrangement of the paragraph is

Urutannya adalah 2-6-4-5-1-3.


Dalam soal ini, terdapat 2 pertanyaan di antaranya. Hal ini perlu diperhatikan mana yang responnya sesuai dengan pertanyaannya. Maka berikut urutannya dan artinya:

2. what is the radio station?

Apa itu stasiun radio?

6. It is a station that transmits radio programs.

Itu adalah stasiun yang mentransmisikan program radio.

4. a lot of people work in the radio station.

Banyak orang bekerja di stasiun radio.-----------------------------

5. how do the radio programmes get to your house?

bagaimana program radio sampai ke rumahmu?

1. the radio programmes go from the radio station to transmitter

program radio beralih dari stasiun radio ke pemancar

3. then they go in the air to your house and your radio takes them from air

Kemudian pemancar itu melalui di udara ke rumahmu dan radiomu akan menangkapnya dari udara.------------------------------

Jadi, urutannya seperti ada sesi tanya jawab. Di atas ada 2 pertanyaan dengan masing-masing 2 respon yang sesuai.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Rearrange these jumbled sentences into a good order!

Detail Jawaban

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Reading

Level: JHS

Kode soal: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 7.5

4. an mrt train took 32min to travel from sengkang station to HarbourFront station. it left sengkang station at 11 53 what time did the train arrive at Harbour Front station

Butuh waktu 32 menit untuk perjalanan dari stasiun sengkang ke stasiun harbourFront.
Meninggalkan stasiun sengkang jam 11.53.
Berarti akan sampai ke stasiun harbour Front pukul 11.53 + 00.32 = 12.25

5. Is the bus station across from the mall?Answer:​


yes, the station is opposite the mall


Semoga menjadi yang terbaik...please.... ♥☺♥

6. 11.A. At the railway station B. At a bus station C. At a station wagon D. At a petrol station​



in emergency push switch to shutdown laser

the text above means that we... turn off the laser in emergency

A. Are not allowed to

B. Are forbidden to

C. Have to

D. May

Jawabannya C.


where do you usually find the sign above?

A. At the railway station

B. At a bus station

C. At a station wagon

D. At a petrol station

jawabannya D.


10. Notice in emergency push switch to shutdown laser.the text above means that we C.Have to turn off the laser in emergency

11. caution switch off the engine while filling up a gas tank.where do you usually find the sign above?A. At the railway station


10.Teks diatas menganjurkan have to yang berarti harus mematikan laser dalam keadaan darurat

11.Teks tersebut menanyakan bahwa saat mengisi tangki bensin di stasiun kereta


7. What is the number one radio station in Indonesia

Prambors FM lah

heheheheswaragama 101.7 FM 

semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

8. far / from / train / station / the / is / the bakery *

Jawaban: the bakery is far from the train station



the bakery is far from thr train station

sekian makasiii

9. Problem Statement There is a train going from Station A to Station B that costs X yen (the currency of Japan). Also, there is a bus going from Station B to Station C that costs Y yen. Joisino got a special ticket. With this ticket, she can take the bus for half the fare if she travels from Station A to Station B by train and then travels from Station B to Station C by bus. How much does it cost to travel from Station A to Station C if she uses this ticket? Constraints 1 ≤ X , Y ≤ 100 Y is an even number. All values in input are integers. Input Input is given from Standard Input in the following format: X Y Output If it costs x yen to travel from Station A to Station C , print x . Sample Input 1 81 58 Sample Output 1 110 The train fare is 81 yen. The train fare is 58 ⁄ 2 = 29 yen with the 50 % discount. Thus, it costs 110 yen to travel from Station A to Station C . Sample Input 2 4 54 Sample Output 2 31 bantu c++ tolong tulis code nya


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int X, Y, x;

int main(){

cin >> X >> Y;

x = X + Y/2;

cout << x << endl;


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

maaf kalo salah

10. Eos is a radio station.....for young people ​

Jawaban: Eos is radio station.....for young peopel.

Terjemahan: Eos adalah stasiun radio..... untuk anak muda ​


Semoga bermamfaat

EOS is a radio station … for young people.

-> EOS is a radio station it is for young people.

11. Where can we find the sign above? A. At a bus station B. At a station wagonC. At the railway station D. At a petrol station​


D. At a petrol station


Matikan mesin ketika mengisi tangki gas

Jadi ada di pom bensin

Moga menbantu:)

12. The railway station is... The gas station


The railway station is... The gas station= The railway station is near at The gas station.


hoped it help :)

Jawaban :



maaf klo slah

13. transjakaeta ........ take passenger from the bus station jawabanha​


transjakarta want to take passenger from the bus station

14. -bankpolicestationThe bank is .... the police station.a. across fromb. behindc. betweend. besideof west is​

d. beside? disebelah?

boleh liat ilustrasi gambar bangunannya? thanks

15. The radio station was full of fans. Kenapa harus pakai was?

karena di situ subjek radio station kan bila dinyatakan singkat menjadi "it"

I, he, she, it - was
you, we, they - were

Karena dalam she he it itu memakai was akan tetapi they we i you memakai were

16. Turn of the engine before fill up the gas thank. Where do you usually fine the sign above? a gas station a bus station the station wagon a radio station

Jawaban: a gas station


you should know it

17. Tolong disusun I-station-cab-hotel-to-the-took-from-a-train-the

i took a cab from the train station to the hotel.

18. there is a bank across from the police station artinya​


ada bank di seberang kantor polisi


ada bank di seberang kantor polisi.

semoga membantu:)

19. The bank is.....the police station.A. across fromB. behindC. betweenD. besidepolicestationbank​


A. across from


itu yang benar ok thanks ayo semangat belajarnya maaf ya kalo ada yang salah


A. Across from


The bank is...across from...the police station

Bank itu berada di sebelah kantor polisi


20. What can we inter from the dialog above?a. The railway station is about a half kilometer farb. The railway station is on the second turnc. The railway station is on the third crossingd. After turning left you can go straight until the railway station​


d.After turning left you can go straight until the railway station

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