
A Metallic Sphere Of Radius 10 5

Juni 06, 2022

A Metallic Sphere Of Radius 10 5

find the volume of a sphere with radius 14mm

Daftar Isi

1. find the volume of a sphere with radius 14mm

v= 4/3×π×r³ = 4/3×22/7×14×14×14 = 11498,6 mm³

2. find the volume of a sphere with radius 4m

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

volume of sphere = 4/3 × phi × r³

4/3 × 3,14 × 4³ = 267,9048 m³

3. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

4. Find the surface area of a sphere of radius 7 cm bantu plissss​


616 cm²

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

The surface area of spehere is 4 × phi × radius²

= 4 × phi × 7²

= 196 × phi

= 616 cm² (phi equals to 22/7)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Lp = 4πr²

Lp = 4 × 22/7 × 7²

Lp = 4 × 22 × 7

Lp = 88 × 7

Lp = 616cm²

5. The volume of a sphere with a radius 12 cm is … cm3 .​

volume = 4/3 x 3,14 x 12 x 12 x 12

= 21703,68 : 3

= 7234,56

~ Les•Online ~

6. Look at the metal pendulum. The metal pendulum consists of a cone and a half sphere. If the radius of the half sphere is 10 cm and the slant height(apothem) of the cone is 20 cm, the surface area of the pendulum is....cm²

Lp pendulum = Lp 1/2 bola + Lp kerucut tanpa alas
L = 1/2 . 4 . phi . r² + phi. r . s
L = 2 . 3,14 . 10² + 3,14 . 10 . 20
L = 1256cm²

7. Three identical cones each have a radius of 50 and a height of 120. The cones are placed so that their circular bases are touching each other. A sphere is placed so that it rests in the space created by the three cones, as shown. If the top of the sphere is level with the tops of the cones, then the radius of the sphere is closest to…a. 38,9b. 38,5c. 38,7d. 38,3e. 38,1​



ga bisa basa engres

8. The area of a sphere with a radius of 3.5 cm is ... cm2

luas = π x r x r
= 22/7 x 3,5 x 3,5
= 22 x 0,5 x 3,5
= 38,5 cm2

9. Find the volume of a sphere with a radius 5.8 cm

Rumus volume bola
V = 4/3 x π x r³

Keterangan :
V = volume bola.
r  = jari-jari bola.=5,8 cm
π = 22/7 atau 3,14

10. What is the volume of a sphere with radius 3 cm


113.04 cm³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]volume = \frac{4}{3} \pi {r}^{3} [/tex]

V = (4/3) × 3.14 × 3³

= 113.04 cm³

11. fifty-four solid hemispheres each of diameter 2cm, are melted to form a single sphere. find the radius of the sphere.

arti indonesianya..Empat puluh empat belahan solid masing-masing berdiameter 2cm, dilebur untuk membentuk bola tunggal. temukan radius bola.
smga membantu

12. the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is ..... cm

Area = 4.pi.r^2 = 4.22/7.3,5^2 = 154 cm^2

13. The metal pendulum consist of a cone and a half sphere if the radius of the half sphere is10 cm and the slant height (apothem) of the cone is 20 cm the surface area of the pendulum is

lp1/2bola=2phi×r kuadrat
=624 cm kubik
surface area of pendulum =942+624
=1566cm kubik

14. The radius of a sphere is measured to be about 10 inches. Determine a tolerance δ in this measurement that will ensure an error of less than 0.01 square inch in the calculated value of the surface area of the sphere?


diameter = 6CM

radius = diameter: 2

= 6: 2 = 3cm (D)


Sorry if it's wrong


The radius of a sphere is measured to be about 10 inches. Determine a tolerance δ in this measurement that will ensure an error of less than 0.01 square inch in the calculated value of the surface area of the sphere?

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The radius of a sphere is measured to be about 10 inches. Determine a tolerance δ in this measurement that will ensure an error of less than 0.01 square inch in the calculated value of the surface area of the sphere?

The area is 4πr2 . Work forwards. If the radius is 10±η , then the area is at most 4π(10+δ)2 and at least 4π(10−δ)2 . The difference is 4π(10+10)(2δ)=160πδ . You can expect about half this error either way from 4π×102 , i.e. 80πδ=0.01 .

Notice that this isn’t symmetrical, the difference between the upper estimate and the area of a 10 inch sphere is not the same as the difference between the lower estimate and the area of a 10 inch sphere. But they are almost the same if δ is small.

This is usually done with calculus, but I chose a more elementary method. The calculus approach is to differentiate the area formula: ddr4πr2=8πr and if r=10 , this is 80π . So if r is changed by an amount δ , the area is changed by an amount 80πδ as we found before. This is an approximation for small changes.

Either way, you need δ=0.0180π .

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

sorry if wrong (maaf kalo salah)

so the best answer is yes (jadiin jawaban terbaik ya)

15. A sphere of conductor with radius R has a spherical hole of radius D measuredfrom the center of the sphere, with D> R/2. At the center of the conductor sphereis placed a point charge + Q. If k = 1 and co is the electric permittivity of air, thenthe magnitude of the electric field at a point of R/2 from the center of theconductor sphere is....a. 4kQ/R^2b. kQ/(R+a)^2c. kQ/R^2d. 0e. 8kQ/R^2​

Sebuah bola konduktor berjari-jari R memiliki lubang berbentuk bola berjari-jari D yang diukur

dari pusat bola, dengan D> R / 2. Di tengah bidang konduktor pusat bidang konduktor

ditempatkan muatan titik + Q. Jika k = 1 dan co adalah permitivitas listrik udara, maka

besarnya medan listrik pada titik R / 2dari tengah

lingkungan konduktor adalah ....


a. 4kQ / R ^ 2

b. kQ / (R + a) ^ 2

c. kQ / R ^ 2

d. 0

e. 8kQ / R ^ 2

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu terjemahan Nya semoga bermanfaat

16. A sphere of radius R carries a polarization () = , where k is a constant and is the vector from the center. (a) Calculate the bound charges and (b) Find the field inside and outside the sphere.


Bola dengan jari-jari R membawa polarisasi () =, di mana k adalah konstanta dan vektor dari pusat. (a) Hitung muatan terikat dan (b) Tentukan medan di dalam dan di luar bola .


artinya kakak semoga membantu

17. The density of steel is 7850 kgm Calculate themass of a steel sphere of radius 0.15 m. (Firstcalculate the volume of the sphere using theformula V = $rt and then use the density equation.)​


[tex]V sphere = \frac{4}{3} \pi {r}^{3} \\ = \frac{4}{3} \times 3.14 \times {(0.15)}^{3} = 0.01413 \: {m}^{3} [/tex]

[tex]ρ = \frac{m}{V} \\ 7850= \frac{m}{0.01413} \\ m = 7850 \times 0.01413 \\ = 110.9205 \: kg[/tex]

18. Sphere a has the radius 6 inches and sphere b has diameter 14 inches. find the ratio of the surface area !


Artinya adalah:


Sphere a memiliki jari-jari 6 inci dan sphere b memiliki diameter 14 inci. temukan rasio luas permukaan!

#Kucing Oren

19. apa arti the area of a sphere with a radius of 3,5 cm is

area bola dengan radius 3,5 cm adalaharea bola dengan radius 3,5 cm adalah

20. What is the volume of sphere with radius 3 cm in cm3


113.04 cm³

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]volume = \frac{4}{3} \pi {r}^{3} [/tex]

V = (4/3) × 3.14 × 3³

= 113.04 cm³

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