
A Bag Contains 2 Yellow 3 Green And 2 Blue

Juni 16, 2022

A Bag Contains 2 Yellow 3 Green And 2 Blue

A bag contains 8 red marbles, 4 blue marbles and 2 yellow marbles. What is the probability of randomly taking a yellow marble out of the bag?

Daftar Isi

1. A bag contains 8 red marbles, 4 blue marbles and 2 yellow marbles. What is the probability of randomly taking a yellow marble out of the bag?

1 Bag contains . .

8 Red + 4 Blue + 2 Yellow = Total marbles = 14 Marbles

Probability taking yellow marbles?

[tex]\frac{Yellow}{Total Marbles} = \frac{2}{14} = \frac{1}{7}[/tex]

Semoga membantu, Shalom!

2. Quiz yellow blue and pink ;';1) 3^3 - 12 = ?2) 7^2 - 19 = ?__________________kurang warna green :-:​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex]1.) {3}^{3} - 12 \\ (3 \times 3 \times 3) - 12 \\ 27 - 12 \\ = 15[/tex]

[tex]2) {7}^{2} - 19 \\ (7 \times 7) - 19 \\ 49 - 19 \\ = 30[/tex]


1 ) 15

2 ) 30

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

1 ) 3³ - 12

= (3×3×3) - 12

= 27 - 12

= 15

2 ) 7² - 19

= (7×7) - 19

= 49 - 19

= 30

3. red + blue + green + yellow =


dark brown


I hope it's useful, dej

4. QUIZblue+red=yellow+green=black+white=​


Blue + Red = Purple.

Yellow + Green = -

Black + White = Gray.

Biru + Merah = Ungu.

Kuning + Hijau = -

Hitam + Putih = Abu-abu


Warna primer adalah warna-warna yang apabila dicampur dengan warna primer lainnya akan menghasilkan warna sekunder. Warna primer antara lain Warna Merah, Warna Kuning, dan Warna Biru. Berikut penjelasannya.


1. Warna Merah + Warna Kuning = Warna Oranye.

2. Warna Merah + Warna Biru = Warna Ungu.

3. Warna Kuning + Warna Biru = Warna Hijau.

Blue + Red = Purple.

Yellow + Green = green ( tergantung hijau tua atau muda )

Black + White = Gray.

Penjelasan :

=> warna primer adalah warna dasar. Contoh warna primer adalah warna merah, biru, dan kuning.

=> warna sekunder adalah campuran dua warna primer ( warna dasar ). Contoh warna sekunder adalah orange, ungu dan hijau.

=> warna tertier adalah campuran tiga warna antara warna primer dan warna sekunder atau warna sekunder dengan warna sekunder.


Detail jawaban

Mapel : sbk & bahasa inggris

Kelas : smp

Materi : jenis warna


5. [tex]\green{ \blue { \fcolorbox{yellow}{black}{ \boxed{ \bold { \orange{1.}}} \boxed{ \tt{} \green{Apa itu Kubus, dan jelaskan!}}}}}[/tex] [tex] \green{ \blue { \fcolorbox{yellow}{black}{ \boxed{ \bold { \orange{2.}}} \boxed{ \tt{} \green{Apa yang dimaksud balok dan jelaskan!}}}}}[/tex]


Kubus itu bangun ruang sisi datar yang semua sisinya berbentuk persegi dan semua rusuknya sama panjang.

sedangkan balok merupakan bangun ruang sisi datar yang memiliki tiga pasang sisi yang saling berhadapan.

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

semoga membantu

6. In a bag of red and green sweets, the ratio of red sweets to green sweets is 3:5. If the bag contains 110 green sweets, how many red sweets are there?



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Red : Green = 3:5

Red : Green = a:110

Red =(110 : 5) x 3

=22 x 3


7. 34. The order of colors in light arranged from the longest to the shortest wavelength is... (A) green-yellow-red-purple-blue (B) yellow-red-purple-blue-green (C) red-yellow-green-blue-purple (D) purple-blue-green-yellow-red​

Jawaban: C. red-yellow-green-blue-purple

Penjelasan:The order of the visible light spectrum from largest to smallest wavelength is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, purple.

8. TOA box Contains 4 white, 6 green, a red and 5 yellow pens. Ifr pens are picked of random, what is the probability thatof them is green, 2 arewhite and 1 is yellow?​


Terjemahan :


Kotak Berisi 4 pulpen putih, 6 hijau, 1 merah dan 5 kuning. Jika

pena dipilih secara acak, berapa probabilitasnya

dari mereka berwarna hijau, 2 are

putih dan 1 kuning

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

#semangat belajar dari rumah

9. There is pink, yellow, orange and blue which color can make Green?


blue and yellow


semoga bermanfaat

Jawaban :

Yellow and Blue

Penjelasan :

Question : 'There is Pink, Yellow, Orange and Blue. Which color can make Green?'. Jika kita terjemahkan : 'Ada warna Merah muda, Kuning, Oranye dan Biru. Warna mana yang bisa membuat Hijau?'.

Warna Hijau bisa dibuat jika kita campurkan warna : Kuning dan Biru.

Kuning = Yellow, Biru = Blue.

Maka, jawabannya Yellow and Blue.

Semoga membantu. maaf kalo salah,

Have a lovely day ~

10. Red, yellow, green and blue are the names of Bagaimana cara ngisinya



Red, yellow, green and blue are the names of

merah,kuning,hijau,dan biru adalah nama-nama.....

warna Bahasa inggrisnya color/colour

tambahkan s untuk bendanya lebih dari satu

warnanya lebih dari satu maka ditambahkan s

COLORS: America

COLOURS: British

keduanya bisa digunakan.

11. A bag contains 3 blue balls, 7 red balls and 1 green ball. Joe takes out one ball at random and then puts it back. If he does this 66 times, how many times would he be expected take out: (a) a blue ball (b) a ball that is not blue (c) a yellow ball

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

S = {5 red balls + 4 green balls + 3 blue balls}

N(S) = (12)

Event A = Choosing a Red Ball

A = {5 red balls}

N(A) = (5)

P(A) = n(A)/n(S) = 5/12

Event B = To choose a Blue Ball

B = {3 blue balls}

N(B) = 3

P(B) = n(B)/n(S) = 3/12 = 1/4

Therefore probability of choosing a red ball is 5/12 (42%) , and that of blue balls 1/4 (25%).


S = {5 bola merah + 4 bola hijau + 3 bola biru}

N (S) = (12)

Event A = Memilih Bola Merah

A = {5 bola merah}

N (A) = (5)

P (A) = n (A) / n (S) = 5/12

Peristiwa B = Memilih Bola Biru

B = {3 bola biru}

N (B) = 3

P (B) = n (B) / n (S) = 3/12 = 1/4

Oleh karena itu, kemungkinan memilih bola merah adalah 5/12 (42%), dan bola biru 1/4 (25%).


Maafkalau salah

kalaubetul Jadikan jawabanterbaik

12. het 1 unit 1 unit Green 1 unit 550 Yellow 2550 Biue 1 unit There were 2550 green, yellow and blue marbles alte There were twice as many green marbles as yellow There were 550 more blue marbles than yellow ma How many yellow marbles were there? How many blue inarbles were there? How many green marbles were there?​

Ada picture question nya g?

13. Keith had 694 green, yellow and blue marbles altogether. He had 3 times as many blue marbles as yellow marbles. There were 90 fewer green than blue marbles. How many blue marbles did keith have?

[tex] b = blue \\ y= \frac{1}{3} b \\ g = green = b- 90 \\ \\ b + y + g = 694 \\ b + \frac{1}{3} b + b - 90 = 694 \\ 2 \frac{1}{3} b = 694 + 90 \\ \frac{7}{3} b = 784 \\ b = 784 \times \frac{3}{7} \\ b = 336 \: marbles[/tex]

14. Assalamualaikum...terjemahkan kata-kata berikut1. brown shoes2. blue jacket3. green bag4. pink hat5. grey box6. yellow glasses7. red t-shirt8. white boots9. blue shirt10. white bag​


1.sepatu coklat

2.jaket biru

3.tas hijau

4.topi merah muda

5.kotak abu-abu

6.kacamata kuning

7.kaos merah

8. sepatu bot putih

9. kemeja biru

10. tas putih


1.sepatu coklat

2.jaket biru

3.tas hijau

4.topi pink abu2

6.kaca mata kuning

7.kaos merah

8. sepatu bot putih

9. kemeja biru

10. tas putih


15. 1 unit 1 unit 2550 Green 1 unit Yellow +550 Biue There were 2550 green, yellow and blue marbles altog There were twice as many green marbles as yellow m There were 550 more blue marbles than yellow mar How many yellow marbles were there? . How many blue marbles were there? How many green marbles were there? ​


1 unit 1 unit 2550 Hijau 1 unit Kuning +550 Biue Ada 2550 kelereng hijau, kuning dan biru alto Jumlah kelereng hijau dua kali lebih banyak dari kuning m Ada 550 kelereng biru lebih banyak dari mar kuning Berapa banyak kelereng kuning? . Berapa banyak kelereng biru yang ada? Berapa banyak kelereng hijau yang ada? kami

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

itu artinya minta di jwb atau apa?

16. Keith had 694 Green,yellow,and blue marbles altogether.He had 3 times as many blue marbles as yellow marbles.There were 90 fewer Green than blue marbles.How many blue marbles did Keith have?​

For example green marble is x, yellow marble is y, and blue marble is z, therefore

z = 3y. ........….....(i)
x = z - 90............(ii)
x + y + z = 694 ......(iii)

substitute ,equation (ii) to equation (iii)
x + y + z = 694
(z - 90) + y + z = 694
z + z + y - 90 = 694
2z + y = 694 + 90
2z + y = 784 ............. (iv)

substitute equation (i) to (iv)
2z + y = 784
2(3y) + y = 784
6y + y = 784
7y = 784
y = 784 : 7
y = 112

substitute y = 112 to z = 3y, so
z = 3y
z = 3 (112)
z = 336

Finally, to find x value , please substitute y and z value to equation (iii),
x + y + z = 694
x + 112 + 336 = 694
x + 448 = 694
x = 694 - 448
x = 246

Keith have 246 green marbles (x), 112 yellow marbles (y), and 336 blue marbles (z).

Thus, Keith have 336 blue marbles.

17. a bag contained green, pink and blue marbles. 1/2 of the marbles were green and 1/6 of the marbles were pink. the rest of the marbles were blue. there were 20 fewer blue marbles than green marbles. what was the total number of marbles in the bag?​


Saya akan jawab Translate nya aja ya.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------tas berisi kelereng hijau, merah muda dan biru. 1/2 dari kelereng berwarna hijau dan 1/6 dari kelereng berwarna merah muda. kelereng lainnya berwarna biru. ada 20 kelereng biru lebih sedikit daripada kelereng hijau. berapa jumlah kelereng di dalam tas?

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

Terjemahkan English ke Indonesia

18. Four colours (blue, red, yellow and green) . . . (use) in logos for both Google and Windows.​

Four colours consisting of blue, red, yellow and green, are used in logos for both Google and Windows.


Colour = is (singular), colours = are (plural)
Usahain pake kata sambung (conjunction) kayak contohnya
--> termasuk/terdiri atas = comprising, consisting of, including
daripada tanda kurung open close bracket ( )



These four colors (RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW) are the four primary colors that exist in nature, which can be combined to make various colors. In the same way, the Companies you mention like Google and Microsoft offer a wide variety of products and services. So, the implication of this primary color in their logo carries their message of diversity and inclusivity


The human mind is highly responsive to visual stimuli, and color is one of the main determining factors in that response. On a conscious and subconscious level, colors convey meaning – not only in nature but also in our cultural intelligence. The use of color can carry many layers of meaning, from primitive responses based on millions of years of evolving instincts to the complex associations we make based on learned assumptions. Companies can use these responses to underline and highlight their brand message.

Psychologists have studied how people are affected by color for years and found a strong correlation between color and emotional response, further demonstrating that choosing the right colors is critical in determining how your brand is perceived. There are two different theories about primary colors:

1. RGB

2. RYB

So, yellow can also be considered as one of the primary colors.

19. Jawabb di translatein Blue green red yellow green 보라색 주황색



blue = biru

green = hijau

red = merah

yellow = kuning








20. A bag contains 12 red chips and 15 blue chips and 18 green chips a chip is chosen at random and then replaced. what is the probability that is not blue chips

Peluang mendapatkan kepingan yang bukan berwarna biru dari pengambilan satu keping secara acak dari kantong yang berisi 12 keping merah, 15 keping biru, dan 18 keping hijau adalah senilai .

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah


dalam kantong ada:

12 keping merah15 keping biru18 keping hijau

dilakukan pengambilan satu keping secara acak

Ditanya: peluang terambil bukan keping biru



M merupakan kejadian terambilnya keping merahB merupakan kejadian terambilnya keping biruH merupakan kejadian terambilnya keping hijau

Pertama, hitung banyaknya keseluruhan keping dalam kantong.

n(S) = n(M)+n(B)+n(H) = 12+15+18 = 45

Banyaknya keseluruhan keping di dalam kantong adalah 45 keping. Mari hitung peluang terambilnya keping biru.

P(B) = n(B)/n(S) = 15/45 =

Peluang terambilnya keping biru adalah . Dengan konsep peluang komplemen, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru adalah:

P([tex]B^c[/tex]) = 1-P(B) = 1-⅓ =

Jadi, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru adalah .

Selain itu, peluang tersebut dapat dihitung dengan cara lain. Dalam kantong, terdapat keping berwarna merah dan hijau selain keping biru. Dengan demikian, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru sama dengan peluang terambilnya keping berwarna merah atau hijau. Sebelumnya, hitung banyaknya keping merah dan hijau di dalam kantong.

n([tex]B^c[/tex]) = n(M)+n(H) = 12+18 = 30

Dari sini, hitung peluang terambilnya keping yang bukan berwarna biru.

P([tex]B^c[/tex]) = n([tex]B^c[/tex])/n(S) = 30/45 =

Jadi, peluang terambilnya keping bukan berwarna biru adalah .

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Materi tentang Menghitung Banyaknya Komplemen Kejadian



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