
What Are The Issues It Raises

Mei 04, 2022

What Are The Issues It Raises

What are the issues of lower index education services in Indonesia?​

Daftar Isi

1. What are the issues of lower index education services in Indonesia?​


Apa masalah layanan pendidikan indeks rendah di Indonesia?

Education is a means of improving the quality of a nation, in general the progress of a nation cannot be separated from the progress of education in a country. The better the quality of education in a country, the more it will determine the country's progress.

The quality of education in Indonesia is currently so concerning. This is evidenced by UNESCO (2000) data regarding the Human Development Index (Human Development Index), which is a composition of achievement rankings in the fields of education, health, and per capita income which shows that the Human Development Index in Indonesia is decreasing, especially in the field of education.

The low quality of education can also be seen based on the list of quality education in the member countries of the Organization for Economic Development Cooperation (OECD) released on Wednesday, May 13 2015 by the BCC and the Financial Times. The results published in this release published the highest rankings of global schools.

Of the 76 countries, Indonesia is in the 69th position or the 8th lowest, while Singapore is one of the Asian countries that is able to occupy the top five positions. While many Asian countries are high on the OECD-made list, Indonesia's ranking has fallen to 69, only 7 ahead of Ghana at the bottom. Compared to Thailand, which is in 47th position, and Malaysia is in 52nd place, both of which are in the Asian region. The Indonesian nation should be able to learn from other Asian countries, if we see that our sons and daughters have the same potential as other Asian countries if we balance it with other potentials.

2. What are the main problems of the Kyrgyz who live in the mountain? What should the government do about these issues?


what is that


im so sorry

3. 1.what is the result of survey by the net for education watch indonesia (JPPI)?2.what are the issues of lower index education services in imdonesia?3.what is the most caused in techer issues?4.what is the meaning of"bullying"in indonesia?5.what are groups including marginalized?(bantu jawab ya)​


1.what is the result of survey by the network for education watch Indonesia (JPPI)?

Answer : The index of education services in Indonesia in 2016 ranks lower than the Philippines and Ethiopia.

2.what are the issues of lower index education services in Indonesia?

Answer : Teacher's quality, child-unfriendly schools and discrimination against marginalized groups.

3.what is the most caused in teacher issues?

Answer : The most caused in teacher issues is the unbalanced ratio  on the availability of teachers especially in outermost and secluded areas across the country

4.what is the meaning of "bullying" in Indonesian?

Answer :  Perundungan

5.what are groups including marginalized?

Answer : Children from poor families, disabled child, person with mental illness.


Kita dapat mencari jawaban untuk soal ini pada text yang saya lampirkan. Jawaban dapat didapatkan secara tersurat.

Perhatikan kata kunci pada soal saat mencari jawabannya di teks.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai soal based on the text pada


4. what institution issues such an announcement​


Lembaga apa yang mengeluarkan pengumuman seperti itu


maaf kalau salah

5. What kind of activity is not suggested by the professional regarding mental health issues?.


There are a few types of activities that mental health professionals generally do not recommend for individuals experiencing mental health issues:

1. Self-medication: It is never a good idea to self-medicate for mental health issues. It is important to consult with a mental health professional and follow their recommendations for treatment.

2. Substance abuse: Substance abuse can often exacerbate mental health issues and can make it more difficult to manage and treat them effectively.

3. Isolation: While it is important to take time for oneself and to rest and recharge, it is not healthy to completely isolate oneself from others. It is important to maintain social connections and to have a support system in place.


6. in english class today,the teacher is asking the students about what they want to be in the future.Hendri raises his hand.The correct expression that Hendri may use is​


bahasa english:

in english class today,the teacher is asking the students about what they want to be in the future.Hendri raises his hand.The correct expression that Hendri may use is​.

bahasa indonesia:

Di kelas bahasa inggris saat ini, guru menanyakan kepada siswa tentang, apa yang mereka inginkan di masa depan,Hendri mengangkat tangan, ungkapan yang benar yang mungkin digunakan Hendri adalah


Bahasa english

what Hendri wants in the future is to answer his dreams.

Bahasa indonesia:

apa yang Hendri inginkan di masa depan adalah dengan memjawab cita-cita.

semoga membantu ya

7. what are the relevant issues a cross functional team should consider in developing a strategic vision about the future for the organization’s product markets ?

1. Marketing Issues

Two important variables in marketing are market segmentation and product positioning.

Market segmentation for group interests. Market segmentation is important because:needed for market & product development, penetration and diversificationcompanies cancompanies with limited resourcesNet income per unit and sales to segment

8. The subjects ? and The Issues ? ​

The subjects is Tardjono family, The Issues is Hari Rudy Tardjono passed away on June 12, 2020

Semoga membantu!

9. What are the three issues that interested me a lot, and that I would like to ask my lecturer for more detailed explanation?

1. In am interested in finding the most effective solution to make COVID 19 disappear as soon as possible.

2. I am interested in asking about the predictions about COVID 19.

3. I am interested in asking about how to boost our immunity.


..._.HAVE A NICE DAY._...

10. the sea is always moving. they air above the sea always moving and the water in the sea is moving too.the wind blows the sea and makes waves.sometimes the waves are very big.they can cover the small boats and big boats,too. the moon also moves the sea.the moon pulls the sea toward it.the sea rises.then it raises falls.we call it this the tide. 28.why does the sea rise and fall?? 29.what is the tide???

28. the moon pulls the sea toward it 28. the sea rise and fall because of the moon. the moon pulls the sea toward it.

29. the tide is the alternate rising and falling of the sea.

11. What ethical issues have been raised by the scientific community's commitment to ensuring that experimental treatments are not used on patients?


ever e community and experimental

12. Explain how the human characters contribute to the novel's themes and issues. What is the theme of Animal Farm


Artinya : Menjelaskan bagaimana karakter Manusia berkontribusi pada tema dan isi novel . Apa tema dari Hewan


Semoga bermanfaat

13. 1. what is the text about?2. what is the purpose of the text3. who issues the text4. to whom is the text mainly addressed5. what sentences(s) attracts people to attend the event6. what information can you get from the text​


1.An advertisement for singapore education fair that will be held on sriwijaya hotel in surabaya


to persuade people to attend the education fairto promote the singapore education fair 2020to inform people about the singapore education fair

3. SG Education

4.Students, Teachers, the public,people of surabaya


Be in to win one of the smartphonestake your first step in singapore,success is just around the cornerInvent your future todayFREE OPEN FOR PUBLIC!


How to attend the eventWhere the event will be heldWhen the event will be heldWhat type of event will be heldHow much does it cost to attend the eventWhere to register for the event


text tersebut adalah advertisement text, yang berfungsi untuk mengajak atau membujuk orang-orang untuk menghadiri event tersebut

Mohon berikan bintang lima nya ya kak, Terima Kasih :D

14. Sorry! The website is having issues. Please wait till we fix it! Jelaskan kenapa kadang2 website mengalami error!


Karena Dikarenakan Ada Internet Yang Sedang Down Atau Dalam Keadaan Tidak Ada Koneksi Internet


15. What ethical issues are involved in this case apple vs fbi?​


The ethical issue in this case is user privacy and government overreach into that user's privacy. The government's attempt to force a tech company to create a back door into a secure product could set a dangerous precedent for future companies.

16. 1.What is the text about?2.What is the purpose of the text?3. Who issues the text?4. To whom is the text mainly addressed?5.What sentence(s) attracts people toattend the event?6.What information can you get from the text?​


.Tulisan itu mengenai apa?

2. Apa tujuan dari teks tersebut?

3. Siapa yang menerbitkan teks?

4. Kepada siapa teks tersebut terutama ditujukan?

5. Kalimat apa yang menarik orang

menghadiri acara tersebut?

6. Informasi apa yang dapat Anda peroleh dari teks?


maaf kalo saah

17. kata passive dari melati flower raises the fresh fragrance​

the fresh fragrance is raised by melati flower

18. 1.What can the singer do when someone raises him up?2. What can the singer be more than he can be?3. When does the singer feel strong?4. Which lyric suggests that the singer is in trouble?​


Answer the questions below! 1. What is the title of the song? 2. Who sings the song? 3. What happens with the writer/singer? 4. Who makes the writer/singer stronger? 5. What is the message of the song? #Answer : 1). You raise me up 2). Josh Gorban 3). 4). Secret Garden and Rolf Lovland 5). Message from the song, raise me up : ° (¹). Always think positive ° (²). We must rise from despair ° (³). We need help and enthusiasm from others so that we remain strong in this life. ° (⁴). We must be strong and strong in overcoming problems ° (5). Every problem there must be a solution


19. do you think educating masses on the issues of global warming will help reduce it

i think it's not enough yet, because by only educating we need to take real action, start from a small thing such as pu the rubbish on the dustbin until reboization and take a part in go green organization I think by educating masses on the issue of global warming will help reduce it, because if people know how important for us to prevent global warming, they will do an effort to prevent it. Masses with a knowledge about how dangerous is global warming will try to stop it immediately with a real action. So, the conclusion is by educating masses on the issue of global warming will help reduce it

20. Study the following impacts! 1) it encourages the emergence of an ethnocentristic and primordialistic attitude2) it raises social deviation due to multiple groups3) it develops an individualistic attitude 4) it discourages the cooperation spirit among society membersThe negative impacts of social relationship are indicated by numbers.....A. 1 and 2B. 1 and 3C. 2 and 3D. 3 and 4

c. 2 dan 3..

semoga membantu^_^

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