
Maintenance Consist Of The Following Action

Mei 05, 2022

Maintenance Consist Of The Following Action

The goal of the recipe is The ingredients consist of The method consist of The structure of an ingredient consist of The stucture of a step consist of

Daftar Isi

1. The goal of the recipe is The ingredients consist of The method consist of The structure of an ingredient consist of The stucture of a step consist of


The purpose of the recipe is from the ingredients

The ingredients consist of purpose

This method consists of ingredients

Material structure consists of steps

The step structure consists of the objectives and the language

2. For on action progres consist of fwo word beserta artinya

untuk tindak kemajuan terdiri dari dua kata

maaf klo salah

3. The following day,the 1945 constitution consist of 37 short and vague articles

keesokan harinya,UUD 1945.....terdiri dari 37 artikel pendek dan samar

4. The regency consist of some......plis jawab!!!!!!!




Semoga Membantu :)

5. the structure of a recount text consist of

Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.

Events : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
Re-orientation :A personal comment from the writer about the event or what happened in the end.

6. 1. the tourists, .... are japanese , were among the crowd participating in the 'dangdut' dance.a. there are manyb. many of themc. whose manyd. many of whome.they who2. the sanitation in this area...... is neglected by inhabitants, has caused the spread of many infectious diseases.a. the maintenance of whichb. that maintenancec. of which the maintenanced. which maintenancee. the maintenance of it

Menurut aku : 
1. b 
2. c

menurut saya 

1. B (karna jika di ucapkan lebih masuk akal )
2. C

7. Make a script of conversation that consist of the following structure : adjective clause, passive voice, gerund and infinitive.​ tolong bantu ya.. please..

Ana: did you practising your repertoire last night on the camp?

Gigih: yes i did. It was a great experience that were camping on music purposes. My violin looks beautiful under the moonlight.

Ana: just if you wanna know that my violin has damaged by accident.

Gigih: you must be joking. That expensive one? What was happened?

Ana: i just sliped my foot step and fell over my violin. My violin just hit by a rock

Gigih: poor violin. It's okay,just look for a new one.

Ana: sure,i'll do it soon

Maaf klo ada kata yg salah TvT semoga membantu

8. "Raise your hand before asking a question." which of the following pictures show the action?

Mapel : Bahasa Ingris
Kelas : 7

- Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
- Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

" Raise your hand before asking a question. " Which of the fllowing pictures show the action?

Answer :

( aksi dari mengangkat tangan sebum mengajukan pertanyaan ) ( GAMBAR )

9. the ingredient consist of...​

In order to fill in the blank, we have to read the table first. Make sure that you understand the information which is mentioned in the table. This is a recipe that contains how to make vegetable salad with coconut dressing.

You have to work in a group to finish this task. Form a group and do it together with your group members.


- A recipe consist of three parts:

The goal (title) of the recipe.

The ingredients, stating the materials needed to make the food/drink.

The method, stating the steps to make the food/drink.

- The GOAL of the recipe is to make vegetables salad with coconut dressing.

- The INGREDIENTS consist of things we need to make the salad and the coconut dressing.

- The METHOD consists of the steps we need to follow to make the salad with coconut dressing.

- The structure of the ingredients consists of:

Vegetables: 200g (2 cups) of bean sprouts, 150g (2 cups) of kangkung or spinach, 150g (1 cup) of young cassava leaf but it’s optional, 150g (1 cup) of long beans that cut in 3-cm length, 4 large red chilli (sliced).

3 cloves of garlic.

2 teaspoon of kencur.

1 teaspoon of salt.

1/2 teaspoon of ground coriander.

1 tablespoon of finely chopped palm sugar.

3 kaffir lime leaves (sliced).

200g (2 cups) of coarsely grated fresh coconut.

- The structure of a step consists of:

(1) Cooking the vegetable

Cook vegetables separately in boiling water. Do not overcook them.

Drain the vegetables and place in a large bowl.

(2) Making the coconut dressing

Process all the in

10. what does the aquarium consist of?​


Fishes, fishes toys, rocks, sand

11. the structure of a step consist of


to be ,vetbs and grammar


maaf kalau slh

12. The Method consist ofbahasa Indonesianya.​



Metode yang terdiri dari...


semoga membantu


13. generally the format of writing formal report consist of....

a) Title page

b) Endorsement page

c) Preface

d) Table of contents

e) List of tables (if any)

f) Chart of charts (if any)

g) Introduction which contains: data

14. The water _____________ hydrogen and oxygen. A. consists of B. consist of C. consisting D. to consist from

consits of

jawabannya A

15. 1. In doing action research, the researcher should understand the stages as suggested in which of the following?

Jawaban: maaf kk sblmnya ini yg ditanyakan apa ya ?

16. Who is responsible for the maintenance of the house

the owner of the house it self

moga membantu ya :)

17. The box consist of ... chocolate bars​





18. the Hawaiian alphabet, introduced by misionaries in the 1820's,..... and only seven consonants​a. the five vowels consist ofb. consisting of five vowelsc. that consist of five vowelsd. consist of five vowels


d.consist of five vowels


maaf kalau salah

19. what is the difference og writing items of which consist of one, compared to the items of which consist of more than one


The difference of writing items that  consist of one compared to the items that consist of more than one is:

Singular Noun

One item is a singular noun,We don't need to put "s" after the noun.We need to put articles (a/an) before the nounFor example, as we can see in the conversation in the textbook, the singular items are : one backpack, a ruler, a pencil case, a drawing book, a lunch box, a calculator,

Plural Noun

Item which is more than one is called a plural noun.We need to put "s" after the nounWe need to put number before the nounFor example, in the textbook the plural items are: two backpacks, four notebooks, three textbooks, two dictionaries.


Singular Noun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya kata benda tunggal.Untuk penulisan singular noun kita perlu artikel "a/an" sebelum kata benda. "a" digunakan untuk kata benda yang berawalan huruf konsonan. Sedangkan "an" digunakan untuk kata benda yang berawalan huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o).Untuk penulisan singular noun kita tidak perlu menambahkan "s/es" pada akhir noun.Contoh: anumbrella, abook

Plural Noun

Dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya kata benda jamak - kata benda yang lebih dari satu.Untuk penulisan plural noun kita perlu menambahkan angka sebelum kata benda. Untuk penulisan plural noun kita perlu menambahkan akhiran "s/es".Contoh: two umbrellas, three books.

Pelajari lebih lanjut:

Materi tentang noun dalam bahasa Inggris


20. describe the following animal with your own Words or sentences. Your taxt consist of five sentences, at least​

Just like a human, it has two ears, two eyes, a mouth and a nose. It’s two ears often inspire people to make it into accessories. Some people has teeth like them, which is really cute. It has a tail and it lives in an adorable house. It’s called a rabbit, a cute little creature that go to places by hopping.

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