
Four Cows And Tiger Story

Mei 07, 2022

Four Cows And Tiger Story

conclusion story of the dog and the cows!

1. conclusion story of the dog and the cows!


Let us enjoy reading this story of The Dog and The Cows.

The cows used to eat hay from the manger. One day a herd of cows came to the manger to eat hay. They saw a dog lying on the hay in the manger.

One of the cows pleaded, "Please, will you get up! We are hungry. We have to eat our hay". The dog did not take heed of it.

Once again another cow pleaded, "Please, let us have our hay". The dog snarled and the cow stepped back.

A wise cow ran up to the bull and told him the matter.

The bull came and requested, "Get out, please! Let them have their food". There was no reply. The bull became angry. He bellowed loudly and stamped his legs. The dog got frightened and ran for his life.

MORAL : It is no good to be a dog in a manger.

semoga membantu ya jadikan jawaban tercerdas ok

2. Tiger has four legs and strippes on its b . Indonesia nya

Macan memiliki empat kaki dan garis - garis di atasnya

3. tolong ceritain ulang story of THE GOOD MAN AND THE TIGER :)

Once upon a time, there was a man that a good one. One day, the man was walking through the forest but suddenly he stopped because he found a caged tiger. And then the man approached to caged tiger
When he approached, the tiger said “oh man, I want to get out from this cage” and the man said “ about if you eat me after I release you?” and the tiger said again “no, I promise I won’t eat you” and the main said “okay, I will look for something to release you”. The man decided to help the tiger because the tiger looked sad. In a minute, the man got a stone then he broke the cage.
After the tiger got out, the tiger tried to eat the man. But the man avoid him and he said “hey tiger, what are you doing?” and the tiger said “I will eat you, I haven’t eaten anything today” The man said “but, you have promised about it!” and the tiger said “forget it!” The man said “okay, you may eat me but by condition of you are better than me” and the tiger said “of course, I do!” The man said “we don’t know, we must ask to forest occupant” and the tiger said “oh, it’s easy!” After that, they walked around forest to look for forest occupant.

The first step, they met an old tree. Then the man said “hey Mr. Tree who’s better me or the tiger?” and the Tree said “I think the tiger is better than you”
The second step, they met a camel. Then the tiger said “hey Camel who’s better me or the man?” and the Camel said “I think you is better than the man”
The third step, they met a fish. Then the man said “hey Mr. Fish who’s better me or the tiger?” and the Fish said “I think the tiger a better one”
“hey man, what do you want to give up?” said the tiger. The man said “no, one occupant again !” and then, on the last step they met a fox. The tiger said “hey Fox who’s better me or the man?” but the fox just silents. The man said “Mr. Fox?” and then the fox said “I don’t know what do the happening real?” then the tiger tell the happening real and ask “are you understand Fox?” and the fox said “I haven’t understand, can you demonstrate it ?” the tiger said “well”
Then the man, the tiger, and the fox back to the place when the tiger was caged. The tiger got in the cage without pillar and demonstrate it with the man. And then the tiger ask to fox “have you been understand?” and the fox said “I haven’t while shake his head”
And then, the tiger asked the man to closed the cage with pillar and demonstrate it again. But before the man broke the pillar, the fox said “stop, I have understand while nodded his head”
Finally, the tiger realized that he was foolish by fox. The tiger scream angrily “aaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!” and the man said very thank you to the fox.

4. Apakah bahan dari cows and bulls Tolong di jawab yah

cows and bulls = sapi - sapi dan banteng -banteng
gaada bahannya ._.

5. A farmer owns a total of 23 chickens and cows. The chickens and cows have 78 legs altogether. How many cows are there?




- Sapi + Ayam = 23

- Jumlah kaki sapi + ayam = 78


Ayam = 2X

Sapi = 4Y


X + Y = 23

2X + 4Y = 78

X = 23 - Y

2(23 - Y) + 4(Y) = 78

46 -2Y + 4Y = 78

46 + 2Y = 78

2Y = 32

Y = 16

Jumlah sapi = 16

Jumlah ayam = 23 - 16 = 7

Semoga Membantu :)

Maaf kalo salah

6. what does a mousedeer and a hungry tiger story tell us about?​


arti dari "what does a mousedeerand a hungry tiger story tell us about?"




semoga membantu,

jadikan jawaban terbaik ya,,

7. Choose the correct sentence by using has or have ! A. The tiger have four legs. B. The tiger has four legs. C. The tiger had four legs. D. tiger haves four legs.ppiw! tolong yya mau saya kumpulkan jam 16.30 thx! ​


B. The Tiger has four legs.


Have digunakan untuk subject I, You, They, dan We. Sedangkan Has digunakan untuk subject He, She, dan It.

• Had merupakan bentuk lampau dari Have/Has, namun kalimat tersebut menunjukkan FAKTA, bukan kejadian di masa lampau, jadi penggunaan Had adalah salah.

• Karena Tiger (harimau) adalah objek tunggal, maka yang digunakan adalah Has.

8. Write the elements of Tiger and Mouse Story! a. Setting: ... . b. Actors/ characters: ... . c. Time: ... .


b. Actors/ character


✟semoga membantu✟


. Actors/characters

9. terjemahan tiger see water and see tiger other​


harimau melihat air dan melihat harimau lainnya....


Tiger see water:Harimau melihat air

See other Tiger:Melihat singa lain



10. Denada and adi .... two cows

Jawaban: have

Penjelasan: Maaf jika salah tp pertanyaannya yg tidak jelas

11. so im gonna say tiger and you say tiger ready tiger tiger tiger​


kinderjoy khas bandungnya kaka

Tiger tiger tiger tiger

12. a tiger...a wild herbivorous ...four legs and a​

a tiger isa wild isa herbivorous hasfour legs and a tail.

it can runfast

maaf ya kalau salah :)

13. tiger,lion,and eagle eat


semoga membantu ^^
tiger, lion, and eagle are carnivore, so they eat meats

14. Cows and Bulls tolong di bahasa Indonesia


cow= sapi

buls= banteng


coba lihat di google translate

semoga membantu


sapi dan lembu jantan artinya

15. Discribe tiger and elephant

tiger is carnivor animals,orange and dark colour,in indonesia is sumatran tiger,tiger eat meal from any animals

elephant is herbivor animals,Diskusikan harimau dan gajah

16. where are a tiger and elephant at the zoo...tiger


17. mention at last four kinds of story???

Snow White
Harry Potter
Three Musketers
Lord of the ringcerpen,cerbung, cerita rakyat and cerita misteri

18. do you know what is myth and legend? mention four myth or legend and where the story came from?

1. yes ,a myth is a story believed to be real but isnt, a legend is a story, mostly about heroism passed by person-to-person
2.thor=nordic mythology,giants causeway=england
arachne = roman mythology
atlantis= greek mythology

19. tuliskan cerita tiger and mailin

one day tiger meet mailin
and they became friend

20. tuliskan ARTI LION AND TIGER

artinya singa dan harimau singa dan macan maaf yah kalo jawaban nya salah

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