
Draw A Neat Labelled Diagram Of Ferry s Black Body

Mei 03, 2022

Draw A Neat Labelled Diagram Of Ferry s Black Body

With the help of a labelled diagram describe how it rains

Daftar Isi

1. With the help of a labelled diagram describe how it rains

dengan bantuan sebuah berlabel diagram menggambarkan bagaimana hujan

2. Draw labelled diagrams of the following cellsthat are placed under a light microscope:(a) a typical plant cell; and(b) a typical animal cell.​



3. Draw Diagram of sentence Romeo is the son of a prominent family


Jawaban terlampir


Tree diagram syntax mengilustrasikan bagaimana komponen-komponen kalimat yang saling bergantung dan berhubungan satu sama lain. Pada umumnya, simbol (s) paling atas sendiri merupakan awal pembentukan struktur pohon diagram. Kemudian dari situ dipecah ke dalam 2 konstituen, yaitu noun phrase dan verb phrase. Konstituen-konstituen tersebut diikuti dengan kata benda atau kata kerja sebagai modifier. Subyek kalimat selalu dikategorikan sebagai noun phrase, sisi paling kiri dan predikat selalu dikategorikan sebagai verb phrase, sisi paling kanan.  

Simbol minimalis sintaksis

S : SentenceNP : Noun PhraseVP : Verb PhraseV : VerbN : NounDet : DeterminerPP : Prepositional PhrasePro : Pronoun  PN : Proper NounAdvP : Adverb PhraseAP : Adjective Phrase  

Contoh frasa

1. An old book


/ | \

Det      adj     N

| | |

An      old      book

2. Give the food


/ \

  V         NP

| / \

               Det    N

| | |

Give       the   food

3. Get on the bus quickly


/ | \

V      PP          Adv

/ \ |

   |     P        NP   |

| | / \ |

             Det     N   |

| | | | |

Get  on  the    bus  quickly


Learn more aboutTree Diagram Syntax

1) I have two brothers

2) I am the first child

3) He looked at the dog with one eye

4) My father goes to his office yesterday



Grade : Intermediate

Subject : English

Material : English Syntax

Keywords : Romeo is the son, diagram, tree

4. (c)Draw a ring around the net(s) of a tetrahedron.​


menggambar sebuah cincin jaring



5. The diagram below shows the parts of a bicyclewhere a cyclist applies contact forces. Which ofthe labelled parts should not make use of theturning effect of a force when the bicycle is inuse by a cyclist?​


artidarisoal:Diagram di bawah ini memperlihatkan bagian-bagian sepeda yang pengendara sepeda gunakan untuk melakukan kontak. Bagian mana di antara bagian-bagian yang berlabel yang tidak boleh memanfaatkan efek balik suatu daya sewaktu sepeda digunakan oleh pengendara sepeda?

sumpah gak paham dgn soal nya mungkin yang di maksud bagian" sepeda ??

6. 4. A panther has ..a. Black-skinned bodyb. Trunkc. Black and white stripespattern on its bodyd. Sharp beak​


jawabannya A

karena kalau yg b trunk itu bagasi...((aku liat google translate heheh))

kalau yg c black and white strips mah zebra

kalau yg d mah paruh


A. Black - skinned body


artinya kulit badan berwarna hitam (A)

kalo yg (B) itu artinya belalai (klo g salah)

yg (C) belang -belang putih item ( zebra)

yg ( D) paruh

7. social work education ....... body of knowledge, body of skills, and body of values. a. involve b. involves c. involving d. involved

yg benar Social work education involves body of knowledge, body of skills, and body of values. jadi jawaban nya ainvolves..krn social work education bila mjd kata ganti mjd it..

8. 2. ? A bus can ferry a maximum of 32 pupils. How much buses are needed to ferry 440 pupils


Quick step:

[tex]\frac{440 \: pupils}{32} = 13.75 \: bus[/tex]

so, many buses are needed to ferry 440 pupils maximum 14 buses

9. Draw a free-body diagram of the following situation: An elevator is secured to a motor by a cable and is accelerating upward. Ignore air resistance


Hey There!

Your Diagram is in the Attachment!

[tex]{ \underline{ \boxed{ \large{ \rm{ʜᴏᴘᴇ \: ɪᴛ \: ʜᴇʟᴘs! :)}}}}}[/tex]

Also Mark my Answer as Brainliest! :)

10. A pair of pliers is shown in figure p1.5,draw a kinematic diagram of the mechnis


Where's the picture sis??

11. what parts of panda's body which has black colordijawab ya​


The white fur covering the majority of the animal's body -- its face, nape, back, flank, belly and rump -- is adapted for camouflage against a snowy background, whilst its dark shoulders and legs provide crypsis in shade

12. jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan effect black body pada adobe photoshop?

memberikan efek pada bagian tubuh

13. perbedaan black hole dan black body

black hole adalah pemusatan masa yang cukup besar sehingga menghasilkan banyak grafitasi.
balck body adalah objek yang menyerap yang menyerap seluruh radiasi elektromagnetik yang jatuh kepadanya
semoga membantu

14. apakah black hole termasuk black body???

tidak black holle bukan termasuk black body

15. 1. A panther has _____ a. Trunk. b. Sharp beak. c. Black-skinned body. d. Black and white stripes pattern on its body. Mohon dibantu Kak.. Secepatnya....​


c. Black-skinned body.

16. paragraph one tells us about? a. our body b. three parts of our body c. the organs of our bodyd. the functions of our body ​


B. three parts of our body


B. three parts of our body.

maaf kalau salah

17. the classroom is very neat...the synonym of neat is... A.clean B.dirty C.tidy D.nice​


neat = rapi

tidy = rapi

semoga membantu


D. nice


karna kelas nya sangat bersih

semoga membantu

18. What kind of poduct which is usually labelled by The text below? *​




19. a van can ferry a maximum of 12 people.By setting up an inequality, find the minimum number of vans that are needed to ferry 80 people.

1 van  maximum = 12 people
80 people = 80 / 12
                 = 20/3
                 = 6,6 
                 = 7
minimum van needed is 7 


20. A body with mass of 2 kg is moving with velocity 2 m/s. A short time later the body is moving with velocity of 5 m/s. The total work applied to the body is ....​Tolongin kaka" mau di kumpulin sebentar lagi

Jawaban :


W = (½ . m . Vt²) - (½ . m . Vo²)

W = (½ . 2 . 5²) - (½ . 2 . 2²)

W = 25 - 4

W = 21 J

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