
Appreciation Of There Is Another Sky

Mei 05, 2022

Appreciation Of There Is Another Sky

Kind of appreciation is?

1. Kind of appreciation is?


for your appreciation to hit the mark, keep in mind that there are there different kinds of appreciation - auditor, visual and kinesthetic.


semoga membantu dan jangan lupa follow aku yah Terima kasih

2. there is ..... cloud on the skyA. ManyB. A lot ofC.A FewD.A number of

a.many maaf kalo salahB. A lot of (karena yang lain gak cocok)

3. It is possible that there will be another rise in the price of petrol soon. We can also say: There … another rise in the price of petrol soon.

There might be another rise in the price of petrol soon.

klo ga salah spt ini

4. Which part of the announcement text is simple present tense or there is another tenses? (show the sentence that part of the tenses)


Which part of the announcement text is simple present tense or are there another tenses? (show the sentence that part of the tenses)

(Pengumuman bagian yang mana yang merupakan simple present tense atau apakah ada tenses lainnya? Tunjukkan kalimat bagian dari tensenya.)


Simple Future Tense

Riza Regional Games 2013 willbe on May 5.All checks will be paid to the order of Riza's Club with account #02051527.


Simple future tense menunjukkan suatu aksi yang akan terjadi di masa depan.Polanya adalah (S + Will/Shall + V1) ➔ (Will + be)Kata be di atas adalah V1-nya.

Simple Present Tense

Please pay your 2nd semester contributions on or before April 30, 2013.


Kalimat di atas merupakan imperative sentence (kalimat perintah)Kalimat perintah umumnya menggunakan simple present tense (V1)V1 (kata kerja bentuk pertama) yang menandakan itu adalah simple present tense adalah kata pay.

5. the colour of the sky is.....​

light blue / sky blue

pilih salah satu

6. Rainbow is a large curve of different......that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain

Rainbow is a large curve of different colors that can appear in tge sky when there is both sun and rainRainbow is a large curve of different colors that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain.

7. Rainbow is a large curve of different......that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain


semoga bermanfaat :)rainbow is a large curve of different COLOURS that can appear in the sky when there is both sun and rain.
pelangi adalah kurva besar dengan beraneka ragam warna yang dapat muncul di langit ketika ada matahari dan hujan

8. what is another name of potentialwhat is another name of potential what is another name for potential in English ​


prospective, latent, inherent, dormant, possible

9. Manual is another kind of ….


Like a Procedure


Seperti Prosedur

10. What is the meaning of expressing appreciation​


An award is something that is given to individuals or groups if they do something special in a certain field. Awards are usually given in the form of medals, trophies, titles, certificates, plaques or ribbons. An award is sometimes accompanied by the award of monetary prizes such as the Nobel Prize for contributions to society and the Pulitzer Prize for awards in literature. Awards can also be given by society for one's achievements without any reward.

In the entertainment sector, there are several awards, including:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award


Penghargaan ialah sesuatu yang diberikan pada perorangan atau kelompok jika mereka melakukan suatu keulungan di bidang tertentu. Penghargaan biasanya diberikan dalam bentuk medali, piala, gelar, sertifikat, plaket atau pita. Suatu penghargaan kadang-kadang disertai dengan pemberian hadiah berupa uang seperti Hadiah Nobel untuk kontribusi terhadap masyarakat, dan Hadiah Pulitzer untuk penghargaan bidang literatur. Penghargaan bisa juga diberikan oleh masyarakat karena pencapaian seseorang tanpa hadiah apa-apa.

Di bidang hiburan, terdapat beberapa penghargaan, antara lain:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award

Jawaban:An award is something that is given to individuals or groups if they do something special in a certain field. Awards are usually given in the form of medals, trophies, titles, certificates, plaques or ribbons. An award is sometimes accompanied by the award of monetary prizes such as the Nobel Prize for contributions to society and the Pulitzer Prize for awards in literature. Awards can also be given by society for one's achievements without any reward.

In the entertainment sector, there are several awards, including:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award


Penghargaan ialah sesuatu yang diberikan pada perorangan atau kelompok jika mereka melakukan suatu keulungan di bidang tertentu. Penghargaan biasanya diberikan dalam bentuk medali, piala, gelar, sertifikat, plaket atau pita. Suatu penghargaan kadang-kadang disertai dengan pemberian hadiah berupa uang seperti Hadiah Nobel untuk kontribusi terhadap masyarakat, dan Hadiah Pulitzer untuk penghargaan bidang literatur. Penghargaan bisa juga diberikan oleh masyarakat karena pencapaian seseorang tanpa hadiah apa-apa.

Di bidang hiburan, terdapat beberapa penghargaan, antara lain:

Academy Award

Emmy Award

Grammy Award

Juno Award

11. what is the definition of showing appreciation​

“Appreciation or Complimenting”

Appreciation or Complimenting merupakan suatu kata untuk mengekspresikan penghargaan atau kekaguman dan diberikan kepada seseorang. Biasanya, pujian disampaikan kepada orang yang sudah cukup akrab dengan kita seperti sahabat, keluarga maupun saudara.

12. The colour of sky is


the color of the sky is blue

13. The color of sky is​




Soal:The color of sky is





blue sky


14. dalam bahasa Indonesia What is the purpose of appreciation​


What is the purpose of appreciation​  = Apa tujuan apresiasi?



what is the purpose of appreciation : APA TUJUAN APRESIASI

15. another name of football is...​


There is another term popular football too namely soccer




16. there (be)....a lot of stars in the sky

There are a lot of stars in the sky








To be yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas adalah....


THERE IS atau THERE ARE memiliki arti yang sama yaitu ADA. Akan tetapi kedua nya memiliki perbedaan dalam penggunaan.

* THERE IS digunakan untuk menyatakan singular nouns

* THERE ARE digunakan untuk menyatakan plural nouns.

Nah, jawaban yang tepat untuk kalimat di atas adalah..

=> There (ARE) a lot of stars in the sky.

Alasan : Menggunakan to be ARE karena bendanya bentuk plural yaitu STARS

17. when is the word of appreciation expressed?


when someone gets or wins something to be proud of.

18. what is the color of sky​


Its Blue


Yg Artinya langit Itu Berwarna : Biru

Sorry Klau Bukan Ini Yg Anda Maksud :(


Bahasa asli:what is the color of sky

Terjamahan:apa warna langit


maaf kalo salah✌️

jadikan jawaban terbaik

19. ..... a sedan parking... another oneThe correct words to complete thesentence are...a. There is; in front ofb. There is; overc. There is no; betweend. There is no; below ​



there is a sedan parking, in front of another one

20. what is the meaning of expressing appreciation?​

what is the meaning of expressing appreciation?

Appreciation Expressions dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyampaikan apresiasi pada orang lain. Apresiasi yang dimaksud di sini berfokus pada penyampaian seberapa besar, seberapa berarti, atau seberapa berharga bantuan yang diberikan orang lain pada kita.

contoh expressing appreciation di bawah ini!

Thank you, I really/truly appreciate your help/support.

(Terima kasih, saya sangat mengapresiasi bantuanmu/dukunganmu.)

I cannot thank you enough.

(Rasa terima kasih saya tidak akan pernah cukup.)

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

(Terima kasih dari lubuk hati saya yang mendalam.)

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