
A Box Is Lying On An Inclined Plane

April 05, 2022

A Box Is Lying On An Inclined Plane

the speed of a shot put ball at the bottom of an inclined plane with a mass M and radius of R rolling without a slip down the inclined plane at a height of H is?

Daftar Isi

1. the speed of a shot put ball at the bottom of an inclined plane with a mass M and radius of R rolling without a slip down the inclined plane at a height of H is?


• solid ball
• H
• g

speed at bottom
v = √((10/7) g h)
v = √((10/7) g H)

2. The speed of a shot put ball at the bottom of an inclined plane with a mass of m and radius of R rolling without a slip down the inclined plane at a height of h is......


• solid ball
• H
• g

speed at bottom
v = √((10/7) g h)
v = √((10/7) g H)

3. The sick man . . . on his bad now .A. doesn’t lying B. don’t lying C. is not lyingD. not is lyingE. is lying​


The sick man is lying on his bed now.

4. mention device which used inclined plane

Artinya : sebutkan perangkat yang menggunakan bidang miring

5. A person who files an aero plane is a

a person who flies an aeroplane is a pilot A pilot. if you don't know the answer because it says "aero plane", it means airplane. Same thing

6. Artinya this is a beach riko is lying on the sand

Riko sedang memainkan pasir di pantai

itu rangkaian kata bree

7. the-plane-an-airport-is-in

plane is in the an airportThe Plane is in an airport

8. A box on Earth has weights 750 N. The mass of the box on Earth (g= 10 N/Kg) is​

weight formula :

w = m x g

w = weight (n)

m = mass (kg)

g = gravity acceleration (10m/s or 10n/kg)

answer :

w = m x g

750 = m x 10

m = 750/10

m = 75 kg

thus, the mass of the box on earth is 75 kg

9. 1. The plane isn't here now. 2. The plane is late. 3. The plane is not going to leave. 4. You can get on the plane now. 5. The plane is leaving very soon. 6. You need to go to a different place to get on the plane. Final Call Departed Delayed Boarding Cancelled Gate Change bantu mencocokan dong

1. The plane isn't here now.             ===> Final Call

2. The plane is late.                          ===> Delayed

3. The plane is not going to leave. ===>  Cancelled

4. You can get on the plane now.   ===> Boarding

5. The plane is leaving very soon.  ===> Departed

6. You need to go to a different place to get on the plane.  ===> Gate Change

 Sering2 dibuka ya... kamusnya

10. i like trekking in the mountains, but i prefer.....on a sandy beacha. lyingb. to lyingc. on lyingd. lie​


a. lying


Semoga benar ya

11. susun kata,,,the plane on air port is in

the plane is in the airport (kata on tidak terpakai)

12. In a inclined plane such as a mountain road ,the ......used to move a load is reduced but the effort has to move a longer distance

Dalam bidang miring seperti jalan gunung, ...... digunakan untuk memindahkan beban berkurang tetapi upaya harus bergerak jarak yang lebih jauh

13. Box A is 50kg Box B is 45kg Box C is 30kg Box A than all.

Box A is heavier box than all.

Atau bisa juga "Box A is the heaviest box."

PEMBAHASANDegree of Comparison

Yaitu bentuk kata sifat yang digunakan untuk membandingkan atau menunjukkan tingkat atau derajat yang berbeda terhadap suatu hal berjumlah dua atau lebih.

Comparative Degree ditandai dengan adanya kata more sebelum kata sifat dan adjective yang berakhiran -er.

Sedangkan Superlative Degree ditandai dengan adanya kata most atau adjective yang berakhiran -est.


(Positive - Comparative - Superlative)

Clean - Cleaner - Cleanest

Bersih - Lebih bersih - Paling bersih

Dirty - Dirtier - Dirtiest

Kotor - Lebih kotor - Paling kotor

Fast - Faster - Fastest

Cepat - Lebih cepat - Paling cepat

Slow - Slower - Slowest

Lambat - Lebih lambat - Paling lambat

~ Based on Question ~

Box A = 50kg

Box B = 45kg

Box C = 30kg

Box A is ... box than all.

Dari pernyataan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kotak A adalah yang terberat karena berbobot 50 kg. Maka jawabannya ada dua:

➡ Box A is heavier than other boxes.

Kotak A lebih berat daripada kotak yang lain.

➡ Box A is the heaviest box.

Kotak A adalah kotak yang paling berat.


:: semoga membantu ::

14. Frank is in/on/at the plane right now

Frank is on the phone right nowfrank is on the plane right now.

15. Is plane on air transportation? A. Yes it is B. No,it is not C. Yes, it is not

Jawaban: A


16. 3. My sister works on a plane. She serves thepassengers in the plane. She is a...​


she is a flight attendant


flight attendant atau stewardess

17. At 7 o'clock tomorrow, you ...... on the beach.A. will be lyingB. will lyingC. lyingD. will​

B. will lying

Semoga membantu


A. will be lying


Future continuous tense :

(+) S + will/shall + be + V-ing

(-) S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing

(?) will/shall + S + be + V-ing?

18. The sick man. On his bed now A. Does not lying. D. Not is lying B. Is not lying. E. Is lying.


A.Does not lying


maaf klo salah

19. miss tina is a stewardess ..... selver the passengers on the plane​




Miss Tina is a stewardess. She selver the passengers on the plane (Bu Tina adalah seorang pramugari. Dia membantu penumpang di pesawat).

Menggunakan 'she' karena Miss Tina adalah seorang perempuan.

Semoga bermanfaat ya...

20. Which sentence is true based on the picture? *A.There is an apple between two rectangle boxsB.There is an apple in front of two rectangle boxsC.There is an apple on rectangle boxD.There is an apple under rectangle box​


A. There is an apple between two rectabgle boxs.


A. There is an apple between two rectangle boxs

Penjelasan :

Between itu artinya diantara ya di gambar menunjukkan bahwa apelnya di antara 2 kotak persegi panjang jadi jawabannya itu

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