
Why Did The Fairyman Offer Jon The Wind Cap

Maret 03, 2022

Why Did The Fairyman Offer Jon The Wind Cap

Why did the wind give up in despair?

Daftar Isi

1. Why did the wind give up in despair?

Artinya : Mengapa angin menyerah putus asa?

Semoga Membantu

you should tell us about the story before you ask, because no one will know why the wind give up in despair
and i am really sure there is a narration before this question

kenapa angin menyerah? mbuh? ya ga ngerti alesane

2. 1. on what occasion did you offer help recently ?2. why did you say to offer help?3. Did the person accept or decline your offer of help?4. What did the person say?​


1. pada kesempatan apa Anda

menawarkan bantuan baru-baru ini

2. mengapa Anda mengatakan untuk

menawarkan bantuan?

3.Apakah orang tersebut menerima atau

menolak tawaran bantuan Anda?

4. Apa kata orang itu?

hopefully useful and can help thank you


1. pada kesempatan apa anda menawarkan bantuan baru-baru ini?

2. Mengapa anda mengatakan untuk menawarkan bantuan?

3. Apakah orang tersebut menerima atau menolak tawaran bantuan anda?

4. Apa kata orang itu?

3. why did strong wind decide to have the chief youngest daughther as his wife?

Mengapa angin kencang memutuskan untuk memiliki pemimpin anak perempuan bungsunya sebagai istrinya?

4. C. Simple Past interrogative with “did’. Example : Dad thought about the offer. Did Dad think about the offer ?11. She spoke to the neighbour. _____ she _________ to the neighbour ?12. The children ate hamburgers. _____ the children ________ hamburgers ?13. She did all the exercises. _____ she ________ all the exercises ?14. We went to the museum. _____ we ________ to the museum ?15. Dad thought about the offer. _____ Dad _______ about the offer ?​


11. Did, speak

12. Did, eat

13. Did, do

14. Did, go

15. Did, think

11. Did she speak to the neighbour?

12. Did the children eat hamburgers?

13. Did she do all the exercises?

14. Did we go to the museum?

15. Did Dad think about the offer?

5. which one is stranger the wind or sun? 2. why were they disputing? 3. what did they do when they saw a traveler coming down the road? 4. why did the wind give up in despair? 5. what lesson can you learn from the story?


ceritanya mana? klo soalnya doang org juga gk bisa jawab :')

6. Answer the questio 1. What is the text about? The wind and the sun... 2. What is the purpose of the text? 3. What is the main idea of paragraph one? 4. Why did the wind think he was the strongest? 5. Why did the sun think that he was the strongest? 6. What did the boy do when the wind blew him harder? 7. What did the boy do when the sun heat him? 8. He was wearing a coat. What does the bold word refer to? 9. Who won the challenge? 10.what lesson can we learn from the story'?​


Jawab pertanyaan 1. Tentang apakah teks itu? Angin dan matahari... 2. Apa tujuan dari teks tersebut? 3. Apa gagasan utama paragraf satu? 4. Mengapa angin mengira dia yang terkuat? 5. Mengapa matahari mengira dia yang terkuat? 6. Apa yang dilakukan anak laki-laki itu ketika angin meniupnya lebih kencang? 7. Apa yang dilakukan anak laki-laki itu saat matahari memanaskannya? 8. Dia memakai jas. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kata yang dicetak tebal? 9. Siapa yang memenangkan tantangan? 10. pelajaran apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari cerita itu?

7. 1what is the dialogue about? 2.can the mecanic repair the man's car right away? why? 3.what does the mecanic offer the man? 4.does the man accept or refuse the offer? why? ​


a. what is the dialog?

The dialog is about the mechanic can't repair the man's car right away because their men are working on some cars and offer his friend who also a mechanic too, and at the last, the man accept the offer because he need his car tomorrow.

b. can the mechanic repain the man's car right away? why?

No,the mechanic can't repair the man's car right away because their men are working on some cars.

c. what does the mechanic offer the man?

The mechanic offer the man to call his friend, who also a car mechanic too and he guarantee his friend will repair the car as well as they do.

d. does the man accept or refuse the offer? why?

The man accept the offer because the man need his car tomorrow.

e. underline all expression which offer help, along with their responses.

Mechanic : I have a friend who might help you. He's also a car mechanic like me and I can guarantee that he'll repair your car as well as we do. Let me call him for you now.

Man: Oh, that's very kind of you to offer. Thanks.

kvargli6h dan 141 orang menganggap jawaban ini membantu




(61 pilih)


ameliaaa0286 avatar

yang f yang mana ya?

keputry0 avatar

yg bagian F nya kk,tolong

yg bagian f mana ya kk

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Pertanyaan baru di B. inggris

1what is the dialogue about? 2.can the mecanic repair the man's car right away? why? 3.what does the mecanic offer the man? 4.does the man accept or r...

8. A. Answer the following question Baset on your experience.1. on what occasion did you offer help recently ?2. why did you say to offer help?3. Did the person accept or decline your offer of help?4. What did the person say?pliss yang tau tolong jawab ya kak tugas di kumpul besok​


A. Jawab pertanyaan berikut Berdasarkan pengalaman Anda.

1. pada kesempatan apa Anda menawarkan bantuan baru-baru ini

2. mengapa Anda mengatakan untuk menawarkan bantuan?

3. Apakah orang tersebut menerima atau menolak tawaran bantuan Anda?

4. Apa kata orang itu?

hopefully useful and help you thank you

9. does AFI offer its the winner fast popularity,why?

"its the winner fast popularity" itu kurang jelas ya gan

10. Does the man accept or refuse the offer ?why?




maaf k, kk tolong kirim soal yang full ye

nanti biar saya jawab:D




11. 1.who wants to look for the cap? 2.will rahma accompany hana to take the cap? 3.where is the cap? 4.why hanna want to take the cap? 5.where will rahma go?


1. Hana, she is looking for the cap

2. No, she wont

3. The cap is in Mr.Jonet's table

4. because the weather is hot

5. She will go to canteen




12. 1. Where is the setting of place of the text? Answer: ..... 2. Why couldn't the writer take the book? Answer: ..... 3. Who came to offer help? Answer: ..... 4. Did the writer accept the help? Answer: ..... 5. What did Hida say to offer help? Answer: ..... ​


1 The setting of the place is ar the public library

2 Its because the book was at the highest shelf and he couldn't reach the book.

3 Her freind helped her, Hida

4 yes she accepted her offer

5 When she was about to go upstairs , she saw Mita , she looks like shes in trouble so she helped her


Please use my answer

i would be so happy and like this answer

13. Why are the benefits mentioned in the job offer letter?

Artinya ="mengapa manfaatnya tercantum dalam surat penawaran pekerjaan/kerja ?"

14. Answer the following questions !1. How many figures are there ? Mention them!2. Why were they disputing?3. What did they do when they saw a traveller4. Why did the Wind give up in despair ?5. Which one is stronger, the Wind or the Sun6. What can we learn from the story above?7. Identify which sentences are :OrientationCoinplication : ...Resolution:​

Jawaban:Jawab pertanyaan berikut! 1. Ada berapa angka? Sebutkan mereka! 2. Mengapa mereka berselisih? 3. Apa yang mereka lakukan ketika mereka melihat seorang traveller4. Mengapa Angin menyerah dalam keputusasaan? 5. Mana yang lebih kuat, Angin atau Matahari6. Apa yang bisa kita pelajari dari cerita di atas? 7. Identifikasi kalimat yang mana

15. 1. What is the setting of time of the text?Answer: ...2. Where is the setting of place of the text?Answer:3. Whom did Asti speak with when she arrived at the library?Answer:4. Why couldn't the writer take the book?Answer:5. Who came to offer help?Answer: ........6. Did the writer accept the help?Answer:..........7. What did Lidia say to offer help?Answer: ............................................​


and where is the text


16. 1.Write thw experssion of suggestion and offer 2.did the second speaker accept the firts speaker offer


1. Expression of suggestion:

My suggestion is ...I suggest ...I think ...Why don't you ...What about ...

Expression of offer:

I can help ...Shall I ...Can I ...Would you like ...May I ...

2. No, Figo didn't. Mawar kept offering help but Figo always declined it and told Mawar not to push him


Expression of Suggestion adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk memberikan solusi atau jalan keluar terhadap suatu situasi atau masalah.

Sedangkan Expression of Offer adalah ekspresi atau ungkapan dalam bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menawarkan sesuatu, umnya sebuah bantuan.

Semoga membantu ^^

17. 1.what is the dialog about2.can the mechanic repair the man's car right away? why? 3what does the mechanic offer the man? 4.does the man accept or refuse the offer? why? ​


1.The Dialog Is About The Man Whos Having Trouble With His And Call The Mechanic To Repair His Car ( To Long For Me :v )

2.No,Cause His Worker Is Working Some Cars

3.The Mechanic Is Offer The Man His Friend Who Also a Mechanic And His Friend Will Repair The Man Cars As Well As They Do

4.Yes The Man Accept The Offer,Cause He Need His Car Tommorow


Sorry If I Had Mistakes

18. 1. What is the setting of time of the text? Answer: ... 2. Where is the setting of place of the text? Answer: 3. Whom did Asti speak with when she arrived at the library? Answer: 4. Why couldn't the writer take the book? Answer: 5. Who came to offer help? Answer: ........ 6. Did the writer accept the help? Answer: .......... 7. What did Lidia say to offer help? Answer: ............................................​


1. Bagaimana setting waktu teks tersebut? Jawaban: ... 2. Dimanakah setting tempat teks tersebut? Jawaban: 3. Dengan siapa Asti berbicara ketika dia tiba di perpustakaan? Jawaban: 4. Mengapa penulis tidak bisa mengambil buku itu? Jawaban: 5. Siapa yang datang untuk menawarkan bantuan? Jawaban: ........ 6. Apakah penulis menerima bantuan tersebut? Jawaban: .......... 7. Apa yang dikatakan Lidia untuk menawarkan bantuan? Menjawab: ......................................

19. 1. Who is Strong Wind? 2. What was Strong Wind’s special capability? 3. How would Strong Wind’s sister know that the girls were lying? 4. Who burned the chief’s youngest daughter? 5. Who could see Strong Wind and how could she do that? 6. How did the chief’s youngest daughter regain her old face? 7. What did Strong Wind change into an aspen tree? 8. Did Strong Wind know that the chief elder daughters were rude to their youngest sister? Justify your answer. 9. Why did Strong Wind decide to have the chief youngest daughter as his wife? 10. If you were in the story, which role would you play? Why?

1. He was a great warrior who lived in a tent by the sea.
2. Strong Wind was able to make himself invisible.
3. By identifying their guesses. If their guesses were wrong, she could
conclude that the girls were lying.
4. Her elder sisters burned her face.
5. The chief ’s youngest daughter. She could do this because Strong Wind had
let her see him.
6. Strong Wind’s sister washed her face and the face clean again.
7. The chief ’s elder daughters was turned into aspen trees.
8. Yes, he knew that.
9. Because she was an honest girl.
10. The answer is up to the students’ preferences.

20. why doesnt alex book the room that the receptionist offer him​

(mengapa tidak memesan kamar yang resepsionis tawarkan kepadanya)


Mengapa alex tidak memesan kamar yang ditawarkan oleh resepsionis.

Jika jawaban dari pertanyaan ini terdapat di sebuah teks/cerita. Anda seharusnya memberikan teksnya juga.

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