
When You Are Old Poem Questions And Answers

Maret 12, 2022

When You Are Old Poem Questions And Answers

Write the answers to the following questions. How old are you? ________________

Daftar Isi

1. Write the answers to the following questions. How old are you? ________________

Jawaban:tulis aja: i am (umur kamu) years old


Jawaban: berapa umur mu?


2. When you are 6 years old , your sister is half of you . And now , you are 18 years old , your sister is .... old ? Cepat , teka teki dari guru -_-

15 tahunnnn

semoga membantu ?

When I'm 6 years old 
My sister is half of me ⇒ 6 : 2 = 3 years old 

And I'm 18 years old 
my sister is 18 - 3 = 15 years old 

Thanks ... 
Be the best , Ok :) 

3. Write the answers to the following questions. How tall are you? ________________

Jawaban:tulis aja tinggi kamu


Answer(jawaban) :

How tall are you? (berapa tinggi badanmu?)
- I'm.... cm (saya... cm : isi tinggi badanmu)


4. Use the correct question word (who, what, where, when, why, how many) and the simple present tense to make information questions. The underlined words are the answers to the questions.​


Why does she want to go to a movie?What do they eat foe breakfast every day?What does he want for dinner?When do the birds return to the island?What time does the drama club meet every Thursday?

Spemoga membantu

5. Find a song and then make 5 questions and answers based on the song  you ​


a whole new world

is that a movie song?who sings it?What movie is this song in?is this the song from the Aladdin movie?what is the title of this song?


yes it isZayn Malik and zhavia wardAlladinyes it isA whole new world

semoga membantu maaf kalo salah

6. do you think ...... work here when you are fifty years old?


Maksudnya gmn kak??


Di translete atau gimana?


Do you think ...... work here when you are fifty years old?



Asking and Giving Opinion is an expression used to ask or answer/respond to an opinion.

Semoga membantu:-)

Jangan lupa jawabannya dikasih terbaik><

7. Questions and answers halaman 115

apa nama bukunya dek ?

8. Do you think you ___________ work here when you are fifty years old?.

Jawaban :

Do you think you can't/cannot work here when you are fifty years old?

9. make questions and answers based on the situation givenSituation:you ask the officer wheter you are prohibited to enter the room or notyou:​


I would like to ask, could I enter that room?

10. English Task ASSIGNMENT 1 (Total 10 questions) Make 5 questions with DO YOU …… ? Make another 5 questions with ARE YOU ……. ? Give answers with YES …../NO…….


1. Do you read books? Yes, I do.

2. Do you like to watch movies? No, I don't.

3. Do you want to go to Disneyland next week? Yes, I really do.

4. Do you play guitar? No, I don't.

5. Do you hear that? Yes, I do.

6. Are you moving out soon? Yes, I am.

7. Are you going to the park today? No, I am not.

8. Are you enjoying the view of the sea? Yes, I really am.

9. Are you doing your homework right now? No, I am not.

10. Are you liking the new shoes? Yes, I am.

Jadikan jawaban ini sebagai yang terbaik bila dirasa bermanfaat dan membantu!^^

11. Make questions and answers


who was the first president in Indonesia?Ir.soekarnowhy doni don't go to school today?because Doni is sickWhen is Pancasila's birthday?one june

12. complete the questions and answers add am is aren't the questions and am is are on'not isn't aren't the short answer

Ini mapel apaa? Kok gt, gimana mau jawab

13. tolong diisi dengan Questions and Answers


1. what does she do in the garden every morning?


She waters the planet every morning

2. Question:

What is Nina do at the library?


She’s borrowing some book


3. What are they doing in the park?


They’re talking about their hobby

4. Question;

Where is he go?


He’s going tO the drugstore tO buy some medicine for His consort

14. 1. Make 5 questions and their answers about activitiesthat people around you are doing right now by usingWH questions apa artinya dan jawabannya​

The answer are : u can get a perfect Score?
-i got it because last night i was study by my self
2.when u’re going to turkey ?
-im going to turkey oN Sunday

3.why u love that blouse?
-because I love that model

15. Write the answers to the following questions. Are you male or female? ________________

I'm are male

smg membantu

16. Write the answers to the following questions. Are you a friendly person? ________________


yes i am...................

Jawaban:yes, ofcourse i am


17. Monica : How old are you ? malvin : I'm fine I'm fine Where are old and you , How old are you ?Monica : I'm twelve years old. I'm . . . than you.A.Younger B.TallerC.Fater D.Older​

jawaban A

lebih muda

karena umumnya masih dibawah tingkat kedewasaan

18. "You are lost in the forest and you see a hut in there. The owner of the house is an old woman who needs a help to find firewood and you need a help to get out of the forest". Making the dialogue between you and the old woman about asking and offering for help (minimum 8 questions and 8 answers) Flo : .... Old woman :.... Flo : .... Old woman : ..... Flo : .... lanjut sampai ada 8 percakapan.


flo : excusme mam , can you help me please .

old women : help for what kids

flo : i'm lost , i want to get out from this forest

old women : hmmm, actually i can help you , but you must to help me too ...

flo : ok , i will help you too . what you need mam

old women : help me to find my firewood

flo : ok , i will help you to find your firewood but after that you will help me to get out from this forest .

old women : of course , i promise for that . we agree now ..

semoga membantu

19. Write the answers to the following questions. Where are you from? ________________

Jawaban:tulis aja kamu dari mana


Jawaban: di mana tempat asal kamu?


20. No : 1Questions : What is Rina doing?Answers : She's returning a book to the libraryNo : 2Questions : Who are Roni and Rudi waiting?Answers : They are waiting for usNo : 3Questions : What is Rini doing?Answers : She's finishing the math homework No : 4Questions : Where are they studying?Answers : They are studying in the libraryNo : 5Questions : What is he doing?Answers : He's having his lunch in the canteenNo : 6Questions : What are the teachers doing?Answers : They're having a meeting in the teacher roomNo : 7Questions : What is Sinta doing?Answers : She's meeting the principalNo : 8Questions : What are they talking about?Answers : They are talking about the football matchNo : 9Questions : What is Gani doing?Answers : He is buying something in the school Co-opNo : 10Questions : What are you doing there?Answers : We're practicing EnglishNote : Ubah kalimat menjadi kalimat SIMPLE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE​


No : 1

Questions : What was Rina doing?

Answers : She was returning a book to the library

No : 2

Questions : Who were Roni and Rudi waiting?

Answers : They were waiting for us

No : 3

Questions : What was Rini doing?

Answers : She was finishing the math homework

No : 4

Questions : Where were they studying?

Answers : They were studying in the library

No : 5

Questions : What was he doing?

Answers : He was having his lunch in the canteen

No : 6

Questions : What were the teachers doing?

Answers : They were having a meeting in the teacher room

No : 7

Questions : What was Sinta doing?

Answers : She was meeting the principal

No : 8

Questions : What were they talking about?

Answers : They were talking about the football match

No : 9

Questions : What was Gani doing?

Answers : He was buying something in the school Co-op

No : 10

Questions : What were you doing there?

Answers : We were practicing English


imbalannya, cukup love jawabanku biar aku makin semangat membantu kalian....

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