
Metals And Nonmetals Class 8 Worksheets

Maret 26, 2022

Metals And Nonmetals Class 8 Worksheets

comparative and superlative degree worksheets

1. comparative and superlative degree worksheets

Lembar kerja perbandingan dan superlatif

2. Simple past and present perfect tense worksheets

lembar kerja tegang sempurna yang sederhana dan lampau

Berapa lama ______ (dia / hidup) di New Jersey?

Peter ______ (tidak bermain) bisbol sejak tahun 1987.

Saya ______ (berbicara) Rusia selama 20 tahun.

Kami _____ (tidak melihat) Tom sejak Natal.

Memiliki ________ (Alan / fly) dalam sebuah pesawat sebelumnya?

Shannon _____ (tidak / go) untuk makan siang belum.

kelas kami _____ (mengambil) perjalanan lapangan tiga kali tahun ini.

Di mana _____ (mereka / pindah) ke?

Jennifer _____ (meminta) yang mempertanyakan empat kali hari ini.

Anda _____ (tidak makan) siang belum, kan?

Jason _____ (ingin) pindah ke New York sejak ia berusia 5 tahun.

Berapa lama _____ (mereka / tahu) Peter?

Alexandra _____ (kerja) untuk IBM sejak tahun 2002.

Jeff _____ (buy) beberapa buku minggu ini.

Sally ______ (tidak membaca) buku itu belum.

_____ (mereka / meninggalkan) untuk bekerja belum?

Bill _____ (tidak / drive) sangat jauh hari.

Kami _____ (menikmati) makan seafood semua kehidupan kita.

_____ (dia / menonton ) film dokumenter belum?

Aku _____ (tidak / finish) pekerjaan belum.


apa mungkin ini yg di maksud

3. Possessive adjectives and pronouns interactive worksheets form ?


Possessive adjectives and pronouns interactive worksheets form ?

Possessive pronouns show that something belongs to someone.

Possessive pronouns: mine, ours, yours, his, hers, its, and theirs.

Possessive adjectives: my, our, your, his, their, her, and its.


Possessive pronouns biasanya ditempatkan di akhir kalimat. Contoh:

This house is mine. (rumah ini adalah milikku).

That cat is yours. (kucing itu adalah milikmu).

Possessive adjectives adalah kata sifat kepemilikan dan diletakkan sebelum kata benda. Contoh:

This is my book. Kata book adalah kata benda (Noun) maka possessive adjective adalah kata yang diletakkan sebelum kata benda, yaitu kata my.

That is your apple. Kata apple adalah kata benda (Noun) maka possessive adjective adalah kata yang diletakkan sebelum kata benda, yaitu your.

Semoga membantu ya.




4. Write down 3 properties of non-metals and give 3 examples of non-metals from the periodic table!


Atomic number - Name of the chemical element - Symbol

6 Carbon C

7 Nitrogen N

 8 Oxygen O


nonmetal properties:

Poor conductor of electricity

Poor heat conductor

Soft and non-malleable

Become an electron acceptor (oxidizer) in chemical reactions

Not shiny

metal is an element that has dull, matte, poor heat conductor, poor electrical conductor, high ionization energy, high electronegativity, is not malleable or ductile, usually brittle, low density, and lower melting and boiling points when compared to metal. In chemical reactions, nonmetals are generally electron acceptors.

Examples of nonmetals are carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.

i hope this helps

5. In the middle ages, many weapons of war were made of metals. Explain why metals are used and not other materials?​


High carbon steel, and spring steel blades make the best sharp edged weaponry whereas tool steel makes better utility blades like hatchets and machetes that see a lot of work use. Damascus and stainless steel blades are more decorative blades and mainly for show.

6. why did people begin to us metals like golds and silver for money

because metal and gold are the right money base (eg coins)Metals is contains has lasting characteristic, resistant with water and can't be destroyed easily 

7. uses of transition metals

Uses of transition metals :

- building materials, tools, vehicles, catalyst in manufacture of ammonia
- fighter aircraft, artificial hip joints, pipes in nuclear power stations
- electric cables, water pipes
- coins, catalyst in manufacture of margarine


8. apa fungsi scroll between worksheets pada microsoft excel?

Berguna Untuk Melihat Bagian bawah...maaf Kalau salah.

9. Apa pengertian dari alkali metals?

kelompok unsur kimia pada golongan 1tabrl periodik

10. Kak tolong jawaban telling the time worksheets:(​

What's the time?

1. A. 7.15

2. C. 9.35

3. A. 6.30

4. B. 4.05

5. C. 8.50

Draw times:


It's half past ten - 10.30

It's five to nine - 8.55

It's twenty to eight - 7.40

It's quarter past eleven - 11.15

It's twenty-five past seven - 7.25

It's ten to six - 5.50

It's ten past three - 3.10

It's quarter to two - 1.45

Write sentences:

12.00 => It's twelve o'clock

6.30 => It's half past six

4.15 => It's quarter past four

1.45 => It's quarter to two

8.10 => It's ten past eight

11.50 => It's ten to twelve

6.40 => It's twenty to seven

3.20 => It's twenty past three

5.25 => Its twenty-five past five

11. tuliskan cara membuat multiple worksheets

Cara klik CRTL (tahan), lalu klik sheet 1, sheet 2 dan sheet 3 (lepas CTRL)

12. . Carilah kata yang salah.• Ceramics can be harder, light, and more resistant to heat than metals.

Light seharusnya Lighter
Ceramics can be harder, LIGHTER, and more resistant to heat than metals.Ceramics can be harder, light, and more resistant to heat than metals.

Answer: The wrong word is (Light). It should be LIGHTER

Comparison Degree -----> Comparative

13. the secobd class is ... the fist class and trind class

the answer is between
#Maaf klw salahThe second class is between the first class and third class

*semoga membantu*

14. list ten metals help meh


1. Gold2. Silver3. Iron4. Copper5. Nickel6. Aluminum7. Mercury8. Titanium9. Radium10. Californium

15. Nominal present tense am is are worksheets


arti dalam bahasa Indonesia: Present tense am nominal adalah lembar kerja


mohon maaf kalau salah namanya juga manusia

16. ___the process of removing valuable minerals and metals from the earth.




Mining is the process of removing useful materials from the earth. Some examples of substances that are mined include coal, gold, or iron ore. Iron ore is the material from which the metal iron is produced

17. E-waste...... many valuable, recoverable metearials such as aluminum, capper, gold, silver, plastics, and ferreus metals

1. Contains
2. In orser to
3. Should
4. Saves
5. Protects
6. Helps
7. Creates

Semoga membantu ^^

18. how to distinguish fact from opinion worksheets

fact is something that can be proven true.
An opinion is someone's feelings about a particular topic.
Tell whether each sentence is a fact or opinion.
1. opinion Sunday is the best day of the week.
2. fact George Washington was born in February.
3. opinion Memorial Day is the most important holiday of the year.
4. fact Thanksgiving is celebrated in autumn.
5. fact Some families eat turkey on Thanksgiving.
6. opinion Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is lots of fun.
7. fact April is a month with 30 days.
8. fact There are 12 months in the year.
9. opinion This has been a terrible week.
10. opinion Spring is the most beautiful season of all.
11. fact Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are weekdays.
12. opinion The first day of the school year is scary.
13. opinion Everyone should make Valentine's Day cards.
14. fact Your birthday comes only

19. mention any 10 uses of nonmetals​


kalo bahasa indonesianya : sebutkan sepuluh pengunaan nonlogam


maaf kalo salah ya

20. Please solve and send me the solution chapter = mrs packeltides tiger (class 8)


Sorry, I mean what to do


#semoga membantu 222

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