
Eco Tracking Tools Need To Be Available Which

Maret 11, 2022

Eco Tracking Tools Need To Be Available Which

which pets need to be taken out for walks​

Daftar Isi

1. which pets need to be taken out for walks​


which pets need to be taken out for walks

artinya =

hewan peliharaan mana yang perlu dibawa jalan-jalan


which pets need to be taken for a walk

= cat and dog

artinya =

hewan peliharaan mana yang harus dibawa jalan-jalan

= kucing dan anjin*

2. which pets need to be taken out for walks

Yang hewan peliharaan harus dibawa keluar untuk jalan-jalan

3. What tools we need to make bir pletok ?



1½ liter air.

150 ml gula pasir.

1 batang kayu manis.

3 batang serai.

50 gram jahe, kupas, memarkan.

1 jumput kayu secang.

½ sdt garam.

1 sendok kopi bubuk.


1 liter liquid.

One hundred and fifty ml [sugar].

1 cinnamon stick.

3 lemon sticks.

50 grams of ginger, peel, release.

One pinch of peanut butter.

Additional salt.

1 teaspoon coffee powder.


semoga membantu



1 liter liquid.

One hundred and fifty ml [sugar].

1 cinnamon stick.

3 lemon sticks.

50 grams of ginger, peel, release.

One pinch of peanut butter.

Additional salt.

1 teaspoon coffee powder.


maaf kalau salah

4. Identify one bold word or phrase which is wrong, and need to be corrected! It need an analysis about the relation between them.

Kenali satu dunia berani atau ungkapan yang salah, dan perlu dikoreksi!
Diperlukan analisis tentang hubungan diantara mereka.

5. first prepare some of material and tools which you need ....... before you learntolong dijawab...​




Sorry if wrong answer

Hope you enjoy!

pen, pensil, eraser, ruler, book


6. The development team for the supply chain project is ready to start building their new cloud app using a small kubernetes cluster for the pilot. the cluster should only be available to team members and does not need to be highly available. the developers also need the ability to change the cluster architecture as they deploy new capabilities. how would you implement this




fshxhcjkvl gdhfh fdhhk fdhfh gahgi fdfh fdhk fagdhg

7. what tools does galang need to go fishing artinya​


alat apa yang dibutuhkan galang untuk pergi memancing


alat apa yang dibutuhkan galang untuk pergi memancing


sorry kalau slh

8. I'm hungry . . . . a. I need something to bring b. i need something to eatc. i need someone to be my girlfriendd. i need someone to be my daughter​


i need something to eat

Saya lapar jadi saya membutuhkan sesuatu untuk dimakan


semoga membantu ya dan JADIKAN JAWABAN TERBAIK DONG makasih

9. Your school wants to become more eco-friendly. The school headmaster wants to encourage students to be more eco-friendly and save fuel and energy. Here are some ways he could encourage people to be more actively eco-friendly. Talk together about the different ways and say which would be best. Think about these things: Will it be cheap/expensive? Will it be easy to understand? Will it be popular? Will people remember it? Will people see it? Will people take action? Buat dialog dalam bahasa inggris untuk 2 orang



10. What do people need to be healthy?


People need a good rest and a balance nutritious meal ofcourse, don't forgetabout exercise and a good hygiene too.


artinya :

Orang butuh istirahat yang cukup dan makanan yang bergizi seimbang tentunya, jangan lupa olahraga dan juga kebersihan yang baik.



11. Identify one bold word or phrase which is wrong, and need to be corrected!Identify one underlined word or phrase which is wrong, and need to be corrected! The level of share holder return are affected by many factors.

arenya ganti jadi "is", semoga membantu

12. Which one of these following products will not need a digetive process to be absorbed?A.milkB.breadC.juicesD.porrigde​


D. porrigde


Because milk, bread, and juice are foods and drinks that can aid digestion

13. what tools do you need to change the car ? ​


Berikut ini beberapa perkakas atau alat pembuka ban mobil yang sudah seharusnya ada di mobil Anda.

Kunci Ring. Kunci ring atau offset ring spanner merupakan kunci yang pada kedua sisinya terdapat lingkaran dengan berbagai ukuran. ...

Kunci Roda. ...

3. Dongkrak. ...

4. Jack stand. ...

Ban Cadangan.

14. urutkan=like-for camping-which tools-to bring-you-do-

which tools do you like to bring for campingsWhich Tools Do you like to bring for camping?

15. attitudes that need to be practiced to develop their potential


confident and thorough about it

sorry if wrong

16. why does galungan need to be celebraten?​


Galungan is a Balinese holiday celebrating the victory of dharma over adharma. It marks the time when the ancestral spirits visit the Earth. The last day of the celebration is Kuningan, when they return. The date is calculated according to the 210-day Balinese calendar.

17. Identify one bold word or phrase which is wrong, and need to be corrected! Selection is very important to find good employee in all departments.

Kenali satu dunia berani atau ungkapan yang salah, dan perlu dikoreksi!
Seleksi sangat penting untuk menemukan karyawan yang baik di semua jurusan.

18. apa arti dalam bahasa indonesia: proofing tools missing this document contains text in Indonesia the which is not being proofed. you may be Able to get proofing tools for this language

kalo gak salah : "pemeriksaan alat hilang dokumen ini berisi teks di Indonesia yang tidak sedang terbukti. Anda mungkin mampu untuk mendapatkan pemeriksaan alat untuk bahasa ini."

kalo salah maaf ya!
pemeriksaan alat hilang dokumen ini berisi teks di Indonesia yang tidak sedang terbukti. Anda mungkin Mampu mendapatkan alat pemeriksaan untuk bahasa ini..

19. What item do we need to put our clothing that need to be washed?.


To put clothing that needs to be washed, we need a laundry basket or hamper. A laundry basket or hamper is a container used to store dirty laundry until it is ready to be washed. It is usually made of durable materials such as plastic or wicker, and is often equipped with handles or a lid for easy carrying. Laundry baskets and hampers come in a variety of sizes and styles to suit different needs and preferences.

20. Identify one bold word or phrase which is wrong, and need to be corrected! Civil servants which are involved in service training will improve their work performance.

which gnti jadi who ,semoga membantu

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