
Assuming That Petrol Is Octane

Maret 25, 2022

Assuming That Petrol Is Octane

It is possible that there will be another rise in the price of petrol soon. We can also say: There … another rise in the price of petrol soon.

Daftar Isi

1. It is possible that there will be another rise in the price of petrol soon. We can also say: There … another rise in the price of petrol soon.

There might be another rise in the price of petrol soon.

klo ga salah spt ini

2. pertamax plus berapa octane

Premium memiliki nilai oktan 88, sedangkan Pertalite memiliki RON 90, Pertamax sebesar 92. dan Pertamax Plus sebesar 95. 

3. harga research octane number (RON)

Harga Research Octane Number/RON)
RON 88. Rp 7.400
RON 92. Rp 9.300
RON 95. Rp 10.200

Semoga membantu...;)
Maaf klo salah

4. When The Price Of Petrol Is Reduced By P%, A Man Has P% More Petrol Per-month. His Monthly Bill For Petrol Reduced From $100 To $96. Find The Value Of p

When The Price Of Petrol Is Reduced By P%, A Man Has P% More Petrol Per-month. His Monthly Bill For Petrol Reduced From $100 To $96. Find The Value Of p:Ketika Harga Bensin Dikurangi P%, Seorang Pria Memiliki Bensin Lebih Banyak P% Per Bulan. Tagihan Bulanannya Untuk Bensin Dikurangi Dari $ 100 Menjadi $ 96. Temukan Nilai dari p

5. When The Price Of Petrol Is Reduced By P%, A Man Has P% More Petrol Per-month. His Monthly Bill For Petrol Reduced From $100 To $96. Find The Value Of P mohon dengan cara


20 (edited)

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

6. petrol station artinya

pom bensin/ pengisian bahan bakar

7. price of furniture costs $640 before GST. Assuming that GST is at 7%, the total amount of money Mark has to pay for the piece of furniture is …. $681.18 $648.80$684.08 $684.80​


$ 684,80

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

GST = $640 x 7% = $ 44, 8

Mark has to pay

$ 640 + $ 44,8 = $ 684,8



Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

$640 di tanya berapa total jika di tambah 7% dari harga tersebut






8. At 25 c the vapor pressure of pure water is 23.76 mmhg and that of seawater is 22,98 mmhg. Assuming that seawater contains only NaCl, what is the estimate mass of NaCl in 100 grams seawater?​

estimate mass of NaCl in 100 grams seawater

mol NaCl x Mr /100

0,94 × 58,5/100


9. The velocity of a car in a straight line changes from 12 m/s to 2 m/s in 10 s. What is its deceleration, assuming that it is decelerating uniformly? ​


the deceleration = - (Vt - Vo) /t

= - (2 - 12)/10

= -(-10) /10

= 10/10

= 1m/s²

10. Price of furniture costs $640 before GST. Assuming that GST is at 7%, the total amount of money Mark has to pay for the piece of furniture is ….


total amount paid for the furniture = $ 684.8

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

total amount = (100 + 7)% x $640 = 107% x $640 = $684.8

11. 1.Economical-a diesel engine-than-is-a petrol engine-more. 2.internal combustion engine-similar-the diesel engine-a from of-is-to that used-in bus

1. A petrol engine is more economical than a diesel engine.

2. A form of internal combustion engine is similar to the diesel engine that used in bus.

Maaf kalau salah

12. A car used 4 liters of petrol after it travelled 36 km. a) How many km can the car travel on 1 liter of petrol? b) How much petrol is needed for the car to travel 126 km?


a) 36 : 4 = 9

jadi jarak yang dapat ditempuh mobil tersebut dengan 1liter bensin adalah 9 km

b) 126 : 36 × 4 = 14

jadi banyak bensin yang dibutuhkan mobil untuk menempuh jarak sejauh 126 km adalah 14 liter

semoga bermanfaat

13. A car requires 22 litres of petrol to travel a distance of 198 km. find the distance that the car can travel on 63 litres of petrol


OK so first ,

Distance per litre = 198km / 22 litres ---> 9km/litre

Distance of car= 9km/litre x 63

Distance of Car is 567km

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14. (3)A car used 4 l of petrol after it travelled 56 km.(a) How many kilometres can the car travel on l l of petrol?(b) how much petrol is needed for the car to travel 322km?​


(a) 14 km

(b) 23 l of petrol

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

A car used 4 l of petrol after it travelled 56 km.

(a) How many kilometres can the car travel on l l of petrol?

1 l of petrol can be used to travel 56 / 4 km = 14 km

(b) how much petrol is needed for the car to travel 322km?​

To travel 322 km, the car need 322 / 14 = 23 l of petrol

15. A Newtonian fluid is confined between two vertical parallel plate. The surface on the left is stationary and the other is moving vertically at a constant velocity ????0 . Assuming that the flow is laminar solve for velocity profile.



Sebuah cairan Newtonian terbatas antara dua paralel vertikal piring. Permukaan sebelah kiri tidak bergerak dan yang lain bergerak secara vertikal pada kecepatan konstan? 0. Anggap saja aliran laminar terselesaikan untuk profil kecepatan.

16. harga research octane number (RON)

Harga Research Octane Number/RON)

RON 88. Rp 7.400

RON 92. Rp 9.300

RON 95. Rp 10.200

Semoga membantu...;)

17. is there ... petrol in this drumlittle/some?​


Is there some petrol in this drum?


Apakah ada bensin di drum ini?


Kata some digunakan untuk menyebutkan sesuatu yang jumlahnya tidak bisa langsung dihitung/dihitung jari. (uncountable noun)

Semoga membantu, jangan lupa jadiin jawaban tercerdas ya, makasih ^^

- Sasuke

18. Do you know where the nearest petrol ... is?​


on the left side of the gas station

19. When The Price Of Petrol Is Reduced By P%, A Man Has P% More Petrol Per-month. His Monthly Bill For Petrol Reduced From $100 To $96. Find The Value Of P mohon dengan cara


P = 4


Mapel: Matematika  


Ketika Harga Bensin turun (sebesar) P% (dari harga awal), Seseorang Mempunyai Bensin Lebih (sebesar) P% Per Bulan. Tagihan bulanannya untuk bensin berkurang dari $100 ke $96. Tentukan Nilai P.


Harga Awal: $100

Harga Akhir: $96

Harga Turun -> Diskon = P%




Karena P% di harga dipakai juga di Jumlah Bensin, kita tinggal mencari rabatnya.

Harga Awal - (Diskon * Harga Awal) = Harga Akhir

Harga Awal (1 – Diskon) = Harga Akhir

1 – Diskon = (Harga Akhir)/(Harga Awal)

Diskon = 1 - (Harga Akhir)/(Harga Awal)

P% = 1 – 96/100

P% = 100/100-96/100

P%= 4/100  

P = 4

20. Lucy and Chris are driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away. They… out of petrol. (A) will (B) is going (C) are going to (D) will be




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